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Naming Rights –

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In 2007 the sale of naming rights brought an estimated $4 billion in revenue to the nonprofit sector What slice of the pie did your organization enjoy? From transformational gifts to naming traditions to pricing strategies for capital campaigns, Naming Rights offers you a vivid collection of contemporary information that your organization can use today. Can your development team quickly pull together an accurate benchmark report? Learn how to benchmark and compete with peer organizations for buildings, spaces, and named endowments. Setting the ask amounts for your naming opportunities is critical to closing the deal. Are you ready? Selling naming rights helps to boost brand name recognition in fundraising campaigns. Learn what's going on with naming rights in higher education, health care, arts and culture organizations, and a wide range of other nonprofits. Twenty-year research expert Terry Burton fills this book with practical examples that peel away the layers of complexity and offers you a handbook that exemplifies thought leadership, creativity, and innovation. Stay on the cutting edge of emerging trends. Turn naming opportunities into named gifts. Add dollars to your bottom line. Naming Rights shows you how.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470293218

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