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Her Place at the Table. A Woman's Guide to Negotiating Five Key Challenges to Leadership Success –

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Thoroughly revised and updated and with a new Introduction by the authors, this paperback edition of Her Place at the Table draws on extensive interviews with women leaders to help all women negotiate their path to leadership success. A Woman's Guide to Taking Her Place at the Leadership Table «It's time for women to take their places at the leadership tables alongside men. Why? Because the skills we developed at the foot of the table—bringing people together, building bridges across differences, and thinking outside the box—are in great demand. But to use this time and these skills to the greatest advantage, read this book. The authors have set a great meal for you…just devour it.» —Marie C. Wilson, president and founder, The White House Project «Does she have the right stuff? That question follows women whenever they are promoted to visible leadership positions. Her Place at the Table lays out the pragmatic moves that can help any woman in business show she has the right stuff. I encourage all women with leadership aspirations to use this book as a guide.» —Patricia Fili-Krushel, executive vice president, Time Warner «Women roar—they are the leaders we need in corporations today, but there are still some barriers. This book will help individual women negotiate what they need to succeed as leaders and help their firms support them in their efforts. That way we all win!» —Tom Peters, management consultant and author, Reimagine! Business Excellence in a Disruptive Age For more information about Her Place at the Table or a group discussion guide, visit Completely Updated with a New Introduction by the Authors

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470944677

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