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Fisher Investments on Consumer Staples –

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The third installment of the Fisher Investments On series is a comprehensive guide to the Consumer Staples industry—which includes companies that manufacture and sell food and beverages, tobacco, prescription drugs, and household products, to name a few. This reliable resource provides you with the tools to help you understand and analyze opportunities within today's global Consumer Staples sector. With this book as your guide, you can quickly become familiar with how the Consumer Staples sector is segmented by industries, their respective macroeconomic drivers, and the challenges facing companies in this sector. Additionally, there are chapters dedicated to explaining many of the unique aspects of Consumer Staples products in emerging markets and security analysis techniques focused on Consumer Staples firms. You don't have to be a professional to learn to better invest in the Consumer Staples sector—but you do need to be prepared. Fisher Investments on Consumer Staples can help get you up to speed in this area and help you make better decisions through any market conditions. For more information visit www.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470498132

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