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Ernst & Young's Personal Financial Planning Guide –

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If you want to take control of your financial future and unlock the doors to financial success, you must have a plan that will allow you to find good investments, reduce taxes, beat inflation, and properly manage money. Whether you're new to financial planning or a seasoned veteran, this updated edition of Ernst & Young's Personal Financial Planning Guide provides valuable information and techniques you can use to create and implement a consistent personalized financial plan. It also takes into consideration the new tax rules that affect home ownership, saving for college, estate planning, and many other aspects of your financial life. Filled with in-depth insight and financial planning advice, this unique guide can help you: * Set goals * Build wealth * Manage your finances * Protect your assets * Plan your estate and investments It will also show you how to maintain a financial plan in conjunction with life events such as: * Getting married * Raising a family * Starting your own business * Aging parents * Planning for retirement Financial planning is a never-ending process, and with Ernst & Young's Personal Financial Planning Guide, you'll learn how to tailor a plan to help you improve all aspects of your financial life.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780471697459

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