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Книги автора Автор не определен

Без серии
In many ways, Richard Branson and his company the Virgin Group are unique. In an era dominated by strategists, Branson is an opportunist wit…
In many ways, Richard Branson and his company the Virgin Group are unique. In an era dominated by strategists, Branson is an opportunist wit…
Later career, 'the second half of the game', is not, as it is often perceived to be, a period of decline or a black hole, but an inspiration…
Later career, 'the second half of the game', is not, as it is often perceived to be, a period of decline or a black hole, but an inspiration…
Mentoring is an intentional, developmental relationshiop in which a more experienced, more knowledgeable person nurtures the professional an…
Mentoring is an intentional, developmental relationshiop in which a more experienced, more knowledgeable person nurtures the professional an…
In this revised and updated third edition, Carver continues to debunk the entrenched beliefs and habits that hobble boards and to replace th…
In this revised and updated third edition, Carver continues to debunk the entrenched beliefs and habits that hobble boards and to replace th…
Get the tools you need to build a successful human resource management system! Learn about organizational policies and procedures, nondiscri…
Get the tools you need to build a successful human resource management system! Learn about organizational policies and procedures, nondiscri…
The Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) bar has been raised-is your nonprofit board up to the task? Nonprofit boards are in a fishbowl of scrutiny much lik…
The Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) bar has been raised-is your nonprofit board up to the task? Nonprofit boards are in a fishbowl of scrutiny much lik…
Praise for Reliable Fundraising in Unreliable Times «Kim Klein has been a guru to social justice fundraisers for many years. She shows us by…
Praise for Reliable Fundraising in Unreliable Times «Kim Klein has been a guru to social justice fundraisers for many years. She shows us by…
An indispensable reference tool, offering professionals hands-onlegal and tax planning tips An essential guide for professionals representin…
An indispensable reference tool, offering professionals hands-onlegal and tax planning tips An essential guide for professionals representin…
The Tax Law of Charitable Giving, Third Edition is completely revised, revamped, and updated. Written in plain English, it can help lawyers,…
The Tax Law of Charitable Giving, Third Edition is completely revised, revamped, and updated. Written in plain English, it can help lawyers,…
IS YOUR NONPROFIT VULNERABLE TO FRAUD? Fraud or embezzlement discovered within a major corporation ultimately leads to front-page scandals a…
IS YOUR NONPROFIT VULNERABLE TO FRAUD? Fraud or embezzlement discovered within a major corporation ultimately leads to front-page scandals a…
современная русская литература
The classic reference for charitable gift regulations, updated for 2018 The Tax Law of Charitable Giving is the leading guide to the law, ru…
The classic reference for charitable gift regulations, updated for 2018 The Tax Law of Charitable Giving is the leading guide to the law, ru…
Knowledge is built from personal experience and coloured by our needs and values. It follows that all knowledge is personal and incomplete. …
Knowledge is built from personal experience and coloured by our needs and values. It follows that all knowledge is personal and incomplete. …
The gold-standard guide to nonprofit law, updated for 2018 The Law of Tax-Exempt Organizations + Website is the definitive reference for lea…
The gold-standard guide to nonprofit law, updated for 2018 The Law of Tax-Exempt Organizations + Website is the definitive reference for lea…
Licensing Best Practices
A definitive resource for professionals in licensing and technology management In this comprehensive guide to licensing best practices, este…
A definitive resource for professionals in licensing and technology management In this comprehensive guide to licensing best practices, este…
развлечения, газеты
Українські чарівні казки. Випуск 2 Содержание Видимо і невидимо Казка про дивну сопилку Казка про красуню та злу бабу Казка про Орла, про…
Українські чарівні казки. Випуск 2 Содержание Видимо і невидимо Казка про дивну сопилку Казка про красуню та злу бабу Казка про Орла, про…
учебная и научная литература, учебники и пособия для вузов, монографии, радиотехника, электроника, автоматика и телемеханика, цифровые технологии, электронные схемы, схемотехника, знания и навыки
Казки про тварин. Випуск 1 Содержание Казка про Котика та Півника Коза Коза-дереза Козел и Баран Лисиця та Кіт Лисичка-суддя Лисичка сест…
Казки про тварин. Випуск 1 Содержание Казка про Котика та Півника Коза Коза-дереза Козел и Баран Лисиця та Кіт Лисичка-суддя Лисичка сест…
Біблія – особлива стародавня Книга Книг, зі знайомства з якою починається історія духовного життя будь-якої людини. Ця книжка вмістила в себ…
Біблія – особлива стародавня Книга Книг, зі знайомства з якою починається історія духовного життя будь-якої людини. Ця книжка вмістила в себ…
газеты, политология, книги по экономике
Казки про тварин. Випуск 1 Содержание Ворона і Рак Довгомудик Лисове серце Мишача рада Мурашок сильніший за Орла Рукавичка Совини діти Ца…
Казки про тварин. Випуск 1 Содержание Ворона і Рак Довгомудик Лисове серце Мишача рада Мурашок сильніший за Орла Рукавичка Совини діти Ца…
боевики, остросюжетная литература, научная фантастика, боевая фантастика, космическая фантастика, инопланетяне, космические пираты, космические приключения, будущее человечества, космические путешествия
Тематическая тетрадь в клетку для записи иностранных слов станет хорошим подспорьем в изучении немецкого языка. В тетради уже очерчены поля …
Тематическая тетрадь в клетку для записи иностранных слов станет хорошим подспорьем в изучении немецкого языка. В тетради уже очерчены поля …
Українські побутові казки 1 Содержание Дідова дочка и бабина дочка Казка про гоніння мачухи Кобиляча голова Названий батько Правда і Непр…