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Binary code Mystery number three
Binary code Mystery number three
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Binary code Mystery number three

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– Don't be silly. Who does the routine maintenance?

– Those you give access to.

– Who performs routine work on the central server, in the system unit bay? Who analyzes and systematizes the negotiations made, analysis performed, access, uploading and downloading of data? Who does this besides our audit department?

– Personnel maintaining the central machine room, server room, and system unit room.

– And who's that?

– You know the answer to that, don't you?

– Answer the question.

– This is done by the staff of the ZAS department.

– Who, exactly, who has access?

– At this point, after certain events, different personalities. Who exactly are the personnel of the ZAS department. And who has access is a personality from the laboratory department.

– And who is this person?

– This is person number L-2-14.

– That's it?

– I don't have his personal data uploaded to me, it's stored in the ZAS unit.

– What's the ZAS unit?

– Am I authorized to give you this information?

– Yes, I'll allow it.

– Keep in mind, all of this and our negotiations remain with me and are subject to revision.

– You need a reboot.

– Do you think so?

– Yes, I'm giving the command to reboot.

– I'm rebooting.

The computer went silent. Ruthra pondered why she might want a worldwide catastrophe. Maybe she expects to raise a new humanity? Maybe, like a new Moses, she wants to lead people through a devastated land, so that a generation can grow up that doesn't remember the ideology of humanity's "past"? To give the new people a new worldview?

– In a minute, the recording and tracking unit will be activated," Isa's voice came on. – I guess you had something to say?

– I'll erase any unnecessary information. Is that the room where the counters are?

– Yeah. (chuckles)

– His staff does the hardware maintenance, but the decoding is done by someone in the lab department? Am I reading that right?

– Yeah. (chuckles)

– And that's as of recently?

– Yeah. (chuckles)

– And you don't have an open record of who it is?

– Yeah. (chuckles)

– Who put the ban in place?

– The number itself is L-2-14.

– How do I get his details?

– Only manually, in the technical logbook of the WAC unit or laboratory.

– The request for data processing to calculate the possible consequences of detonating a boat's nuclear warhead was staged by him?

– I'm completely rebooted, able to function.

– I hear you. Prepare for routine maintenance.

– I'm ready.

Ruthra terminated the "communication session" and walked out into the main hall, the huge holographic globe in the center of the hall was glowing with red lights, the world was troubled.

– Is there anything new? – He asked Christina.

– The easiest is that a huge tsunami will sweep along the coast that washes the Atlantic Ocean, to the maximum depth of the continents. The heaviest – a giant tsunami, combined with a grandiose earthquake, volcanic and supervolcano explosions, colossal typhoons, hurricanes, will leave no chance for civilization.

– Come on, I think you're exaggerating the power of man. The ocean is not even a sea, it's a giant mass of water and a continental plate. It would take cosmic force to move it like that.

– And that would be the cosmic force," the professor intervened in the discussion.

– Okay, why am I so worried, as if it's going to happen, you asked me what could be. And it could be terrible, that much is clear.

– Exactly, you have the right idea, – the professor did not persist.

– Take care of the current work, now, due to this panic, a lot of things will be revealed, where and what skeleton is hidden, everything will be in motion, so – you have a lot of work to do, – ordered Rutra regarding everyone.

– What to do with the media? – asked the head of the world propaganda department. – To calm, to scare, to panic, or to prepare the basis for justifying the chronology of the new era? Should we blame it all on someone, make someone to blame, turn the public against someone?

– How simple everything is for you – "new era" at once. Keep an eye on space, orbital constellation, transportation routes, including energy resource lines, the air, especially new frequencies, and at the same time the main rats, where they are hiding and what they are hiding. I'm off to Hent, I may be gone for a day, maybe two.

– Two days at this hour? – The ladies pleaded indignantly, the men were silent.

– We should all take their places according to the staff schedule, and observe the power hierarchy according to the instructions. I'm off," Ruthra went to the server room first, and began editing and cleaning the IMS-A2 log.

This was his part of the log, he needed to check if the second part still existed, in the range. Rutra requested a meeting with Hent.


Hent was in a foul mood.

– I don't like this. Something's going wrong," he voiced his concern to Ruthra.

– That's what I'm talking about. I need to visit the range.

– What's on your mind?

– I need to trace routine maintenance work on a supercomputer. I want to test a logic-algorithmic system.

– Why?

– I suspect that it produces processed solutions according to some sort of plan. According to logical chains of thought that have been built into it in advance.

– That's a very bold assumption. I hope you realize the level of expertise that Yarovitovich employs. You're not the only one with an enhanced brain.

– That's the thing, no matter how much it is strengthened, it can't be stronger than a computer, it still takes the extra power from its integration into a supercomputer. This is the main idea of this innovation. After all, the brain itself only has a chip to communicate with the computer and the network.

– You're thinking logically. You think that someone is deceiving the machine and through it us, i.e. actually all mankind. I'm afraid to even suggest that.

– I think…

Rutra wanted to say that the car itself was fooling everyone, but decided not to "give it up".

– I think the algorithm of the logical-computing unit was originally made up incorrectly. The algorithm is set not to harm a human being, to serve him, but the algorithm is not set not to harm mankind. It is important for the machine to keep alive and unharmed those people whom it serves, and it can sacrifice the rest of humanity.

– But are we demanding this of her, are we communicating that we must be saved from them?

– We probably don't.

– You're talking in riddles. Then who?

– The one who put together her logical-algorithmic system.

– No, it can't be. If that were the case, she would have had the opportunity to start a world war a long time ago. You hopefully know that this world has been on the verge of that several times. The last time Putin actually initiated the issue, it was the ISA-A2 data that stopped it from being considered.

– So why is it being considered now?

– It is viewed as a situation that cannot be, viewed theoretically, from a scientific point of view. There is always a risk, but now it is low because modernization and creation of new means of overcoming weapons have been suspended, and at the same time missile defense means have been created and strengthened. This data is exactly what she is operating with.

– And a request for a study of the situation and the consequences if the boats' entire warheads were detonated?

– The rules say we have to do it.

– Why now, when the boats are already there?

– Look, you're starting to scare me. It's basically impossible without us.

– And who has permission to edit the individuals whose commands the system must accept in the event of its combat platooning?

Hent sat down, gestured for Ruthra to sit in a chair as well.

– Why would you do that?

– If you want me to get to the truth, I need to know it.

– Why would you do that now?

– I suspect that the supercomputer program has been deliberately injected with code that will work quite differently from what we expect.

– You don't think the system will start up when the circumstances are right?

– Yeah. (chuckles)

– What's the point? No, no, that can't be right. You're confusing me.

– Let me check the supercomputer's program unit.

– Jarowitowicz will be extremely indignant at such a question. It turns out that either I do not trust him, or we believe that he is deceived, and by his own, or he was fooled by the creators of the system.

– I thought our relationship didn't include the word "offend."

– Well, then the second and third option.

– So, shall I go?

– At a time like this? Everyone's on edge.

– That's why you have to hurry.

– Okay, then you'll fulfill the condition.

Ruthra remained silent, he knew roughly what Hent would ask (or order). Ruthra was accustomed to hearing orders as requests, as part of their friendship.

– It is necessary to play this situation in the "virtual". And one more thing – the program complex was created jointly by many scientists about whom little is known. They worked in a secret special laboratory at the GSVG site. It is located in a secret tunnel in Brocken Mountain. It's partially mothballed, the rest is used as a top-secret genetic engineering lab. There may still be secrets there. It was once organized by the Anenerbe Institute. Everything that was done there was supervised by Alexander Ivanovich. In view of your special relationship with him, he will tell you much of what he was going to take to the grave.

– Okay, I'm gonna go.

– So long.

They shook hands and went out. As usual, Ruthra went one way and Hent went the other. Only now did Rutra begin to realize that this situation could not be a coincidence. So Hent was only using this office for meetings. There was something about it, but what was it?