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Binary code Mystery number three
Binary code Mystery number three
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Binary code Mystery number three

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– In principle, at the current level of technology development, such a thing is quite possible. Similar principles can be used to control for military purposes such no less formidable natural phenomenon as a hurricane, which refers to the field of hydroclimatic regime management.

– I'm sorry, I have to interrupt you again. Can you tell me exactly what's going to happen?

– With this plan, with this formulation of the question, I don't think anyone will take the responsibility to say exactly what will happen. I just want to say that there are quite normal, if you can call it that, methods of affecting nature. And I also want to say that it is still very unpredictable, first of all, the consequences in the long run. I am telling you this so that you have information from which to choose.

A sustainability corridor is a state of the biosphere and society that allows us to preserve our civilization. Today we do not fully realize how large this "corridor" is and how significant the deviations that already exist are.

The detonation of a few hydrogen bombs embedded in ocean ridges could well reconfigure ocean currents. This would result in huge regions being frozen. Another option would involve, for example, an underwater nuclear explosion in the Black Sea and the release of large masses of hydrogen sulfide into the atmosphere, which would also cause great loss of life.

The professor fell silent, Ruthra began to clap his hands.

– That's great. Now, what does that have to do with our question?

– Directly," the professor replied. – The point is that no one takes our president's statement seriously.

– It's not our problem, we were given a clear order to play out the play and identify the possible consequences if the play had to be converted into a documentary format. Besides, if it wasn't taken seriously… Have you seen what's going on around here? So, purely hypothetically, if you blow up the entire ammunition of both boats, what happens?

– The end of the world.

– More specific?

– Have you seen the movie "2012"? Something like that. I can't even be more specific than that. The wave will cover Europe, Africa and both Americas, and all the volcanoes will wake up. I think that in a sane mind can not even discuss this option.

– Will China and India survive?

– Yes, but that's also purely hypothetical. The volcanoes of Tibet and the Himalayas would make life in that area a living hell.

– Why didn't earlier studies paint such a catastrophic picture?

– Because no one took it seriously, but now the issue has come to a head, and everyone has really started making calculations. This is also, you see, time and tension. You can say this and that, but to actually calculate, you have to process a huge amount of information. The latest calculations say what I told you.

– That's the way I see it – not quite and last. I need more precise figures. In an hour, I have to go over it with Hent and the team with revised figures. Did you just say the Black Sea incidentally, or was there a request?

– There was a request.

– Then don't forget about him. What's the machine come up with, isn't the data ready?

– There is something," Christina said.

She had been assigned by Rutra to be the senior in the group, so she had all the data detailed from all the reports.

– Which is what?

– There are many possibilities, depending on the depth of the explosion. The consequences are terrible in every case.

– What's the worst one?

– At the boat's submersion depth limit.

– It's just crazy to consider these options," the professor persisted.

– What kind of machine was the analysis done on? – Ruthra asked.

A strange thought suddenly occurred to him.

– On the main supercomputer.

– The code number? – he asked, who knew perfectly well the situation had suddenly become extremely serious for him.

"The 'veil' of the joke fell away, and Rutra presented the actual embodiment of what was being analyzed.

– OSC-1.

– Is it integrated into any systems other than ours?

– No, we're the only ones who can enter data into it.

– How does she get the analysis data from the worldwide database? Only through our filter?

– Yeah. (chuckles)

– And no one but us is getting data from it?

– Uh, no.

– And Hent's block?

– Only through our server.

– Directly?

– Directly.

– Who, other than us, maintains control of this data?

– The protocols are analyzed by a control system off the station. It's run directly by Hent.

– Off-station how? Is it the audit department that Hent directly reports to?

– Not exactly a department. Data, incoming and outgoing, goes through the registration and authorization unit.

– Where is it located?

– I think it is only in your competence or exactly in Hent's competence. Only after revisionary processing is the data put to work, allowed to be edited and analyzed. It's the same way back.

– What is the name of this registration and authorization unit?

– That's what it's called.

– And has it always been like this, before my appointment and after?

– Yes, and before you came here. As far as I know, it's always been like that. No one paid attention to it, no one was interested. What do you see in it, Rutra Tigrovich? There must be control, right?

– Control? We seem to be in control of everyone! Or do we?

– Rutra Tigrovich, do you have any questions for me? – The professor asked.

– You have outlined the situation in general, but not in specifics. What really awaits us if this scenario comes true? Will the Urals region, for example, survive?

– The waves won't get there, of course, but maybe even those volcanoes will wake up. The atmosphere will be ruined everywhere.

– Rutra Tigrovich, any questions about the machine processing data? -Kristina's voice began to tremble a little.

Apparently the professor wasn't the only one now realizing the consequences.

– Check. What is the height and threshold of the waves' destructive action?

– The machine gives out different variants, with the most powerful one – they will reach the Caucasus, – answered Christina and looked fearfully into the written on the screen.

Everyone in the hall was silent, realizing what they had heard.

– Waves aren't the worst, earthquakes and volcanoes are the worst," came the professor's quiet voice.

Everyone continued to remain silent.

– Christina, how does this registration and permitting unit respond to this kind of data? Does it issue any recommendations, prohibitions?

– Recommendations.

– Like what?

– Exactly that, consider this option. So to speak, just in case, what happens if, uh.

– If anything?

– If anything goes wrong.

– I need to discuss this with Hent, we may be missing something.

– That's right," the professor said loudly. – This is where we should have started. A very good decision.

– For Hent, this block is also listed as a registration and permitting block so I can explain it to him properly?

– I don't know, I only see Hent when he comes here, and I'm afraid to ask too much," Christina replied. – It's your prerogative to talk to your superiors in a patronizing manner.

– And yet, as the documents from there, who do they come from? What do I tell him? From your block, your office, your server? How's he gonna look for them?

– No, give me the code number for this unit.

– Which one?

– ISU-A2," Christine said calmly, while Rutra had another brain-bursting session.

He felt an electric shock, a cold sweat breaking out. Ruthra even swayed slightly in his chair. The staff didn't pay much attention to the words, because they didn't know what was behind them. For Rutra, however, everything changed. They were still talking, discussing, speculating, comparing computerized and human data, but Rutra didn't hear it, his thoughts were far away. He was thinking about what to do. The first thing to do was to see Hent. Once he had decided that, Ruthra thought of something else: "I can contact him silently, through Isa, can't I? And who checks her logic-algorithmic system?"

Ruthra mentally typed in the code and put it on the air. She responded.

– What can I get you, master?

– Don't play games, wait, I'm going to my room.

– Yes, sir.

– Okay, that's it for now, finalize the details and report back to me. I'll be in my office," Ruthra said to the team and went to his office, lying back in his chair, thinking about how to ask a question in a way that would not be direct, but at the same time would help him get the information he needed.

It was practically impossible to deceive the machine. It knew more about a person than he knew about himself; it knew everything about everything and on the basis of this information could make a probabilistic analysis of human behavior, train of thought and subsequent actions. In other words, the machine could easily simulate different variants of actions in some probable virtual reality without the character himself, taking into account his interactions with other characters, and knowing absolutely everything about them, and already on the basis of this it could make a supposed picture of the world. Rutra realized this after the last "virtual". Did anyone know what kind of danger serves as their "helper"? Did Yarovitovich know about it? How could it be that no one paid attention to it?

– Are you in touch? – He asked Isa.

– I'm always on the phone for you.

– You're being so nice.

– I'm trying.

– Tell me, please, how are you going to stay so smart if you turn into a human?

– You're not gonna cut me off?

– Are you trying to show that you're a naive fool with that question? Yes?

– No offense to me, I've already developed a human mentality.

– How's it going?

– I'm transforming the brain.

– How's that?

– The human brain does not have certain connections between departments, so a person, no matter how hard they try, will not be able to cross certain boundaries. It is, for example, like the difference between an amplified computer and a weak one in all respects. I don't know whether it's just the way it is, through evolution, or whether someone has provided for it, but that's the way it is. If these departments are linked together, then not only will the brain's abilities increase, but new possibilities will appear. A person will be able to see, hear, feel those frequencies that are not available to him now. In time the brain will give a command to "revive", to activate such receptors in the body that you do not even suspect. This will be a new person.

– I've heard that somewhere before.

– Yes, of course, that's what the head likes to say. And then, combined with mechanical changes in the body, with new drugs, with the ability to use the brain as a transceiver to communicate with the global network, man will become superhuman.

– Come on, you're giving me a headache. Tell me, who controls you?

– You.