Книги автора Alex Archer
Alex Archer
любовные романы, современные любовные романы, женская дружба, настоящая любовь, в поисках счастья, опасные приключенияA stunning artifact holds the key to an untapped power of global destruction…While working on a dig in the California wilderness, archaeolog…
A stunning artifact holds the key to an untapped power of global destruction…While working on a dig in the California wilderness, archaeolog…
Alex Archer
любовные романы, эротика и секс, современные любовные романы, эротические романы, страстная любовь, любовная проза, БДСМ (BDSM), романтическая эротикаOn the outskirts of the recently developed and prosperous city of Hyderabad, India, a new and luxurious housing complex has arisen. But seve…
On the outskirts of the recently developed and prosperous city of Hyderabad, India, a new and luxurious housing complex has arisen. But seve…
Alex Archer
классическая проза, русская классика, литература 19 века, авторский сборник, русская литература, великие русские писателиIn a remote part of Ireland, two archaeological teams dig for the find of a lifetime–the legendary Spear of Lugh. Folklore claims the magica…
In a remote part of Ireland, two archaeological teams dig for the find of a lifetime–the legendary Spear of Lugh. Folklore claims the magica…
Alex Archer
юмористическая литература, юмористическая проза, юмористический сборник, постсоветская Россия, в поисках истиныAfter shooting an episode of Chasing History's Monsters at a dig in Australia, Annja Creed is left feeling mildly unimpressed. The artifacts…
After shooting an episode of Chasing History's Monsters at a dig in Australia, Annja Creed is left feeling mildly unimpressed. The artifacts…
Alex Archer
современная русская литератураA priceless artifact could restore a family's honor–or destroy everything in its wake.While vacationing in Tokyo, archaeologist Annja Creed …
A priceless artifact could restore a family's honor–or destroy everything in its wake.While vacationing in Tokyo, archaeologist Annja Creed …
Alex Archer
социальная психология, газеты, книги по экономикеArchaeologist Annja Creed reluctantly accepts an assignment on behalf of a covert arm of the U.S. Government.She is to lead an expedition to…
Archaeologist Annja Creed reluctantly accepts an assignment on behalf of a covert arm of the U.S. Government.She is to lead an expedition to…
Alex Archer
научно-популярная литература, хобби / увлечения, быт XIX века, домашний круг, старые времена, культурные традиции, коллекционирование, знания и навыкиHe was one of Russia's most infamous rulers, and he alone held the key to a legendary Byzantine collection of books, given to him in the dow…
He was one of Russia's most infamous rulers, and he alone held the key to a legendary Byzantine collection of books, given to him in the dow…
Alex Archer
литературоведение, анализ художественных произведений, литературные герои, лекторий Прямая речь, лекцииWhen her longtime friend claims to have evidence of Big Foot's existence, archaeologist Annja Creed can't resist checking it out for herself…
When her longtime friend claims to have evidence of Big Foot's existence, archaeologist Annja Creed can't resist checking it out for herself…
Alex Archer
любовные романы, приключения, эротика и секс, остросюжетные любовные романы, книги о приключениях, интимные отношения, эротические рассказы и истории, эротика, серия «Все оттенки страсти», романтическая эротика, эротические фантазии, сексуальные игры, ЛитРес: чтецWhen archaeologist Annja Creed is hired to find the lost city of Promise in Brazil, she is more than intrigued. Legends abound of a magical …
When archaeologist Annja Creed is hired to find the lost city of Promise in Brazil, she is more than intrigued. Legends abound of a magical …
Alex Archer
православное христианство, православные молитвы, акафисты, христианская жизнь, молитвословы / акафисты / каноны / псалмы, богослужениеSome say they are a cursed people. But those who try to find them will be just as unlucky… Working on a dig on the southern coast of India, …
Some say they are a cursed people. But those who try to find them will be just as unlucky… Working on a dig on the southern coast of India, …
Alex Archer
литературоведение, анализ художественных произведений, литературная критика, лекторий Прямая речь, лекцииThe stranger could be insane. Or he just might be our salvation.Archaeologist Annja Creed is more than curious when a decrepit, ancient-look…
The stranger could be insane. Or he just might be our salvation.Archaeologist Annja Creed is more than curious when a decrepit, ancient-look…
Alex Archer
сказки, детские приключения, детские детективы, игровое обучение, семейное чтение, сказочные повести, прикольные детективыEnlisted by the Japan Buddhist Federation to catalog a number of ancient shrines dotted across Nepal, archaeologist Annja Creed is honored t…
Enlisted by the Japan Buddhist Federation to catalog a number of ancient shrines dotted across Nepal, archaeologist Annja Creed is honored t…
Alex Archer
историческая литература, серьезное чтение, об истории серьезноThe quest for youth only leads to death…The Blood Countess–Elizabeth Bathory, a true monster of history–is one of the most infamous serial k…
The quest for youth only leads to death…The Blood Countess–Elizabeth Bathory, a true monster of history–is one of the most infamous serial k…
Alex Archer
публицистическая литература, биографии и мемуары, документальная литература, русская классика, литература 20 века, публицистика, автобиографическая проза, записки путешественников, политические деятели, серьезное чтение, об истории серьезноIn need of a break from work and some recent near-death adventures, archaeologist Annja Creed visits France to indulge one of her greatest f…
In need of a break from work and some recent near-death adventures, archaeologist Annja Creed visits France to indulge one of her greatest f…
Alex Archer
словари, справочники, руководства, ОС и сети, программы, самоучители, гаджеты, руководство пользователя, пошаговые инструкции, компьютерная грамотность, мобильные устройства, компьютер для начинающих, планшеты, ОС Android, просто о сложном, знания и навыкиMen would do anything for it…but one woman will determine its fateSteeped in legend, the Pearl of Palawan has a history marked by destructio…
Men would do anything for it…but one woman will determine its fateSteeped in legend, the Pearl of Palawan has a history marked by destructio…
Alex Archer
современная русская литератураIn the time of the Crusades, the Knights Templars were holy warriors who seemed to be blessed by God himself. But over the years, the order …
In the time of the Crusades, the Knights Templars were holy warriors who seemed to be blessed by God himself. But over the years, the order …
Alex Archer
фэнтези, попаданцы, городское фэнтези, боевое фэнтезиIn a remote part of Ireland, two archaeological teams dig for the find of a lifetime–the legendary Spear of Lugh. Folklore claims the magica…
In a remote part of Ireland, two archaeological teams dig for the find of a lifetime–the legendary Spear of Lugh. Folklore claims the magica…
Alex Archer
фэнтези, юмористическое фэнтези, демоны, авантюрные приключения, магические миры, магическое фэнтезиTheir ultimate fear came true. And then things got worse.Annja Creed jumps at the chance to join a fellow archaeologist on a quest to find a…
Their ultimate fear came true. And then things got worse.Annja Creed jumps at the chance to join a fellow archaeologist on a quest to find a…
Alex Archer
журналы, гуманитарные и общественные науки, педагогика, научно-практические журналы, образовательные технологии, развитие образования, мировой опыт, методики преподавания, современное образование, интерактивное обучениеIn late 1700s Paris, a young but promising illusionist dabbles in the arcane art of phantasmagoria. But at his moment of greatest triumph–un…
In late 1700s Paris, a young but promising illusionist dabbles in the arcane art of phantasmagoria. But at his moment of greatest triumph–un…
Alex Archer
рабочие тетради / прописи, книги для дошкольников, тренировка памяти, логическое мышление, обучение счету, прописи, развитие мелкой моторики, дошкольное обучение, развитие вниманияOn assignment in the Philippines, archaeologist Annja Creed meets with a contact to verify some information. Easy enough. But when the man d…
On assignment in the Philippines, archaeologist Annja Creed meets with a contact to verify some information. Easy enough. But when the man d…