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The Operational Auditing Handbook. Auditing Business and IT Processes – Chambers Andrew

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Never out of print since 1997, and substantially updated for this second edition, The Operational Auditing Handbook has earned an international reputation as a hands-on, practical manual for internal auditors and managers to enable them to carry out audits and reviews of a wide range of business activities including: Finance and accounting Sarbanes-Oxley compliance Purchasing Operations and production Marketing and sales Distribution Personnel and management development Research and development Information technology Security Environmental responsibility Subsidiaries and remote operating units The Operational Auditing Handbook clarifies the underlying issues, risks and objectives for a wide range of operations and activities and is a professional companion, with many checklists, for those who design self-assessment and audit programmes of business processes in all sectors. Reflecting the strategic importance of information technology today, this second edition is considerably expanded in this area with leading edge material. Other completely new material includes clear, authoritative guidance on how to achieve effective of governance, risk management and internal control processes.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470665503

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