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Mr Right All Along
But it got her a laugh and she could relax. As long as she didn’t look in Zac’s direction she should be able to continue with her brief outline of how the evening would unfold.
‘I hope you’ve all got your bank managers’ phone numbers handy because we are going to have the auction of all auctions. It will be loads of fun, but just to get you loosened up there are limitless numbers of champagne flutes filled with the best drop of nectar doing the rounds of the room. Stop any of those handsome young men carrying trays and help yourself.’
She paused, and immediately her eyes sought Zac. He hadn’t moved, still stood watching her, but at least he’d stopped looking like a possum caught in headlights. His eyes were hooded now, hiding whatever had been eating him, and that delicious mouth had tightened a little. Then he winked, slowly with a nod at the room in general.
She got the message. Get on with it. Everyone’s waiting for you.
Again she looked around the room filled with people she knew, admired and in a lot of cases really liked. ‘Just to keep us all well behaved and lasting the distance, there will be platters of canapés arriving over the next hour. We will have the auction before dinner so take a look at all the wonderful gifts set out on the tables over by the entrance. Most importantly, enjoy yourselves, but not until I’ve kept hotel management happy by telling you what to do in case of fire, earthquake, or the need to use a bathroom.’
After giving those details, she wrapped up. ‘Let’s have a darned good time. If there’s anything that you feel you’re missing out on talk to …’ she looked around the room and of course her gaze fell on Zac ‘… Zachary Wright. He’s volunteered to help with any problems and we’d hate to see him sitting around with nothing to do, wouldn’t we?’ She grinned over at the man who’d got her stomach in a riot. Not only her stomach, she conceded, while trying to ignore the smug smile coming back at her. Not easy to do when her heart rate was erratic. The noise levels were rising fast as she stepped away from the podium to go in search of a distraction that didn’t begin with a Z.
Paul Entwhistle stepped in front of her. ‘Olivia, you’re a marvel, girl. There’s as many people here as you’d find at Eden Park watching an international rugby match.’ He wrapped her into a bear hug. ‘Well done.’
‘Still prone to exaggerating, I see.’ She laughed as she extricated herself. ‘Are you going to be bidding at the auction? There are some wonderful prizes—if I can call them that.’
‘I’ve got my eye on one or two.’ There was a cunning glint in Paul’s eyes.
Paul went with a complete change of subject. ‘I see you still like to give Zac a bit of stick. It saddened me when you two broke up. Thought you had what it took.’
Her stomach sucked in against her backbone. Not in this lifetime, we don’t. But even as she thought it her eyes were tracking the crowd for a dark head. Not hard to find when Zac towered above most people, even the tall ones. He was heading in her direction, an amused tilt to his mouth. ‘I beg to differ,’ she told Paul. ‘Neither of us are the settling-down type.’ If only that weren’t true. ‘Now, if you’ll excuse me …’
‘I think you’re wrong.’ Paul glanced in the direction she’d seen Zac. The cunning expression had changed to something more whimsical, which didn’t make her feel any more comfortable.
‘I need to circulate.’ Before Zac reaches us. ‘I’m sure Zac will be happy to chat with you.’
‘Thanks a bundle, Olivia,’ Zac breathed into her ear.
Too late. She plastered on a smile and faced him, wondering why just talking to him got her all in a twist. ‘Thought you’d be pleased. You’re flying solo, remember?’
He actually laughed. ‘Touché.’
Paul was watching them with interest. She really needed to stop this; whatever the man was thinking didn’t have a part in the evening’s plans.
‘I have to see the auctioneer about a few details,’ Olivia put out there, and began walking away.
‘Are we going to be holding up the various items as they’re auctioned?’ Zac was right beside her.
She was regretting giving in to his offer of help—if she had actually given in. He hadn’t exactly left it open to negotiation. ‘I’m doing it.’
‘Then we’re doing it.’ His hand on her arm brought her to a stop. When he turned her to face him his eyes were full of genuine concern. For her? Or did he think she was going to make a mess of the evening? ‘I know you’ve done everything so far and by rights this is your show, but I’d like to help. And I’m not the only one. Andy’s been a good mate to a lot of people.’
‘That’s a valid point.’ Didn’t mean she’d hand over the reins, though. When she set out to do something she did the whole thing, from first phone call to seeing the last couple leave at the end of the night. That would give her a deep sense of accomplishment, something she never achieved with trying to keep her mother on the straight and narrow.
Zac’s bowed upper lip curved into a heart-squeezing smile. ‘Let’s grab a drink and go talk to your auctioneer.’
For some reason Zac made her feel desirable on a different level from the hot need she usually found in his gaze. That was there, burning low and deep, but right now she could have curled up on a couch with him and just chatted about things. Not something they’d ever done before. Had never wanted to do. Shaking her head, she gave him a return smile. ‘I’ll stick to water until I’ve packed up this baby.’
Without looking away from her, he raised his hand and suddenly there was a waiter with a tray of full glasses standing beside them. Zac lifted two flutes of sparkling water and handed her one. Tapping his glass against hers, he gave her another of those to-die-for smiles. ‘To making a load of money for our friend.’
‘Lots and lots.’ She sipped the water, and tried not to sneeze when bubbles somehow went up her nose. The bubbles won, and she bent her head to brazen out the sneezes.
Her glass was gently removed from her hand as Zac’s firm, warm hand touched her between her shoulder blades, warm skin on warm skin, softly rubbing until she regained control. Straightening up, she reached for her glass and locked eyes with Zac. ‘Th-thanks,’ she stuttered.
How could she speak clearly with so much laughter and fun beaming out at her from a pair of eyes the shade of her first coffee of the day? Those eyes had always got her attention, had had her melting with one glance. For some strange reason tonight they had her fantasising about other, homier things. Like that couch and talking, or sharing a meal over the table in her kitchen, or going for a stroll along the beach. A bit cosy, Olivia. What happened to forgoing doing things like that with someone special? ‘You ever think of settling down?’ she asked, before she’d thought the question through.
His expression instantly became guarded. ‘Thought about it? Yes. Followed through? No.’
Oh. Disappointment flared, which didn’t make sense when she never intended putting her size five shoes under someone’s bed. Not permanently anyway. ‘That’s sad.’ For Zac. He’d make a wonderful husband and father.
‘Not at all. I’m happy.’ So why the sadness lurking in the back of those dark eyes?
‘You sound very sure.’ Her blood slowed as her heart slipped up on its pumping habit. Strange that here, surrounded by friends and colleagues, Zac was admitting to not wanting happy-ever-after.
‘I am,’ he muttered, as he took her elbow and led them in the direction of the auction table and the man standing behind it. ‘Just as I’m sure I’m enjoying playing catch-up with you.’
Okay. Hadn’t seen that coming. ‘We could’ve done that any time.’ What? Since when? She’d been ruthless in avoiding Zac, turning down invitations to any functions she’d thought he might be attending. The air in her lungs trickled out over her bottom lip. Now he stood beside her she couldn’t keep her eyes off him. He warmed her through and through, touching her deeply, like a close friend. Except friends didn’t do what they’d done, and sex-crazed lovers like they’d been didn’t sit around discussing fashion or trips to the supermarket. But she told him anyway. ‘I’ve sort of settled, bought a nineteen-twenties villa in Parnell that I’m slowly doing up.’ My own house, all mine.
Zac’s eyes widened. ‘Are you working the do-up yourself?’
‘I’ve got a very good builder for most of it, while I do the painting and wallpapering. Seems I’ve got a bit of a flair for home decorating.’ She felt a glow of pride when she thought of her new kitchen and dining alcove.
‘Go, you.’
‘Hi, Olivia.’ The auctioneer, Gary, held out his hand. ‘You’ve got an amazing array of donations. We should be able to pull off a major coup.’
‘That’s the plan.’ Shaking Gary’s hand, she introduced Zac. ‘Anything we can do for you?’
‘You can take a break and leave this to me and my partner over there. He’s come along to help.’ Gary nodded at a man sorting through the donations and placing numbers under each one. ‘Just keep our glasses full and we’ll be happy.’
Zac’s hand was back on her elbow. ‘Come on, let’s mingle.’
She could do that on her own. Yet she went with him as if that was the most important thing she had to do tonight.
Zac groaned inwardly. He should be running for the exit and not looking back. Standing beside Olivia as she charmed everyone within sight was sending him bonkers with need. Every time she moved even a single muscle he’d swear he inhaled her scent. She moved almost nonstop, even when standing in one spot, her face alive, with those lips constantly forming belly-tightening smiles while her eyes sparkled. Her free hand flipped up and down, then out between her and her audience, and back in against her gorgeous body, expressive at every turn.
While one of his hands was shoved deep into his pocket to keep from touching her, the other gripped a glass tight. His feet were glued to the carpet, and his face hopefully impassive. Letting anyone, especially CC, know what he was thinking and feeling would be catastrophic. He’d never hear the end of it from Paul either. The guy stood with them, his gaze flitting between him and Olivia with a crafty glint that made Zac uncomfortable.
A waiter was approaching with a tray laden with glasses. Zac drained his sparkling water and replaced it with champagne. To hell with not drinking. He needed something stronger than H2O, bubbles or not. ‘Thanks.’ He nodded at the waiter, which was a waste of time.
The guy was too busy gaping at Olivia, the tray on his outstretched fingers getting quite a tilt. ‘Ma’am,’ the young man croaked.
Totally understanding the poor guy’s reaction, Zac tapped the tray. ‘Hey, buddy, watch those glasses.’
Olivia swapped her empty glass for a full one, nodded at the waiter, and looked around the room as she gulped a mouthful of water.
Zac saw some of the tension in her neck ease off a notch. Being a perfectionist, CC didn’t do relaxing very well, and tonight she was coiled tighter than a snake about to strike.
‘Time to start the auction,’ Olivia said in a sudden gap of the conversation. ‘I think everyone must be here by now.’
‘Good idea,’ Paul said. ‘Make the most of this amazing atmosphere.’ He nodded at the crowd talking and laughing.
‘Why don’t we hold up the articles being auctioned while Gary’s man deals with the financial side?’ Zac led the way through the throng to the podium.
Olivia nodded, picked up the mic. ‘Okay, everyone, can I have your attention?’
Nope. Not happening. If anything, the noise level seemed to increase. Zac reached for the mic, touching the back of her hand as he did so. Soft, warm, different Olivia. His mouth dried. It wasn’t too late. He could still run away. And then what? Spend the night thinking about Olivia and coming up with a hundred questions about her?
Clearing his throat, he spoke loudly and clearly into the mic. ‘Quiet, please.’ The conversations petered out as everyone turned to face him. He wanted to crack a joke but doubted he could pull it off with this tight band strangling his throat. If only Olivia would move away and let him breathe. Finally he started talking and slowly got his voice back to normal. ‘We are about to start the auction so take a seat. Gary is our auctioneer and we want him to be able see each and every one of you, so even if you scratch your knee he can take it as a bid.’
As the bidding got under way Olivia’s tension climbed back up. ‘Relax,’ he told her. ‘This is going to be amazing, you’ll see.’
She turned worried eyes on him. ‘How can you be so certain? What if we barely raise enough money to get Andy a one-way ticket to the States?’ Her teeth nibbled her bottom lip.
Olivia didn’t do nibbling. Taking her hand in his, he squeezed gently. ‘I believe in you, that’s how.’
Her eyes widened, her chin tipped forward. ‘Truly?’ she squeaked.
‘Truly.’ He did. He realised that through the years they’d been training to become surgeons he mightn’t have noticed how sexy she was but he had known of her determination never to fail. Perhaps he hadn’t learned much more about her during their affair but this was still Olivia, the same woman who’d qualified as an excellent plastic surgeon. Only now he saw how much she cared for their friends. Olivia was a big marshmallow, really, and he liked marshmallows.
‘Olivia? So do all the people in this room. That’s why they’re here.’
He felt a responding squeeze where her hand was wound around his. ‘You say the nicest things,’ she whispered, before pulling free and turning to face the now-quiet room.
She’d been flip in her tone and yet it didn’t bother him. That was Olivia covering her real feelings. He was beginning to see she was an expert at doing that. Come to think about it, she’d always shut him up with a kiss whenever he’d started to talk about anything personal. What was she hiding? Who was Olivia Coates-Clark? The real CC?
As Zac picked up the envelope to be auctioned, which contained a week in a timeshare bure in Fiji, he knew he was getting into trouble. Forget quietening the itch. Now he had to fight the need to get to know all about Olivia, right from when she’d lost her first tooth to what her idea was of a dream holiday.
The bidding was fast and furious, with plenty of people vying to buy the first offering. In the end Paul outbid everyone, paying enough to send a dozen folks to Fiji rather than the two that the deal covered.
‘That’s auctions for you,’ Zac whispered to Olivia as at last she began smiling.
‘It’s not about what they’re bidding for, is it?’
‘Nope. It’s all about the man sitting at that table with his wife and kids, looking like hell and pretending otherwise.’ Andy looked shocked, actually. Probably because of the ridiculous amount Paul had bid.
Olivia nudged him. ‘We’re not a bad bunch, are we?’
‘Apart from opinionated, hardworking, and overly comfortable with our lot, you mean?’ He grinned at her.
‘I’d like to think more along the lines of caring, hardworking, and overly focused on helping others.’ She grinned back.
His stomach clenched. That grin, that mouth … oh, man. I’ve missed her so much. Not just the sex. He’d liked being with her too, even if only while they’d ridden the elevator to the apartment she’d rented then, and before they’d fallen into bed.
‘What are we auctioning next?’ he growled, needing to get back on an even keel.
‘The weekend on your luxury yacht. If you’re at the helm that should attract a lot of female bidders.’ Her grin only grew.
‘The ladies here are all taken.’ Except you. Zac sighed when one of the partners in the surgical practice where he worked bought the weekend excursion. The man wasn’t easy to get along with, and now he’d have to spend two days holed up in a yacht with him and his whole family.
‘You’re being uncharitable,’ Olivia whispered beside his ear.
‘I didn’t say a word.’
‘There was a brief wincing and tightening of your mouth when the hammer hit the podium.’ She laughed. ‘That man paid a small fortune for the pleasure of going sailing with you.’
‘He did, and I’ll make sure he has a fantastic time.’
Gary had the crowd in the palm of his hand now, and the bidding went through the roof for everything from a painting of a seagull hovering over a beach to a meal at a restaurant down at the Viaduct Harbour.
Zac watched Olivia every time the gavel hit the podium. Her eyes were getting brighter and brighter. ‘We’re killing it,’ she whispered at one point.
‘Says the woman who was worried this wouldn’t work,’ he retorted. The more she smiled the more she relaxed, and the more beautiful she was. Zac felt his heart soften even further towards her. So he sucked in his stomach and hardened himself against her. Mentally, that was.
‘That’s me. Control freak with no control over the outcome of the auction. Of course I was going to be concerned.’
Was that why she’d ended their affair? So she could keep control and not wait until he decided to call it quits? Since the morning he’d woken to hear Olivia say she was walking away from their affair he’d felt bruised and let down. He hadn’t known why, except it had reminded him of the day his family had cut him off. But with Olivia he’d had nothing to feel guilty about.
‘That’s it, folks. We’ve sold everything,’ Gary called out.
Olivia crossed to stand behind the podium, a piece of paper in her hand, tears in her eyes. ‘You’re an amazing group of people. This auction went way beyond even my dreams.’ She read out the amount they’d raised and had to wait a long time for the applause to die down. ‘You are all so generous it’s humbling.’
Zac glanced across to Andy’s table, and felt emotion tug at his heart. Kitty was crying and Andy slashed his arm across his face as he slowly stood up. Carefully negotiating his way around tables to reach Olivia, Andy gave her a long hug before gripping Zac’s shoulder.
‘Hey.’ Zac could think of nothing else to say. The success of the auction said everything that needed to be said about the love he felt for this man.
Taking the mic, Andy stumbled to the podium. ‘What can I say? Olivia’s right. You’re awesome.’ His voice cracked. ‘Tonight means so much to Kitty and me, and our boys. You have given us a chance.’ He stopped and looked down. Everyone waited quietly until he raised his head and said, ‘CC, I can’t thank you enough. I know so many people contributed to tonight and I thank each and every one of them, but without you, CC, none of this would’ve happened.’
Zac clapped and instantly everyone leapt to their feet to join him. He reached for Olivia’s hand and raised it high. ‘Our CC.’
Tears were streaming down her cheeks. ‘Stop it,’ she hissed. ‘You’re embarrassing me.’
Zac retrieved the mic from Andy and when the clapping died down said, ‘In case you missed that, CC says we’re embarrassing her. When did that ever happen?’
Laughter and more clapping broke out. Olivia shook her head at him. ‘You’ll keep.’
There was the problem. He shouldn’t want to be kept for Olivia. Or any woman. He wouldn’t be able to deliver what she wanted, needed.
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