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Inside the Customer Universe – Henrik Anderson

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Inside the Customer Universe reveals how an organization can become ahead of the game by focusing a its strategy on predicting customer needs rather than following them. This book provides a unique contribution to the field of customer management with a departure from current practice towards understanding customers as 'multi-individuals' and hence solving current confusions surrounding customer behaviour. Inside the Customer Universe's easy to implement tools, models and strategies provide the reader with the ability to create stable and sustainable customer understanding and, therefore, sustainable business growth. «CUBEical Thinking is a great concept for developing business and the concept of customer types is intriguing as it provides great insights into the drivers behind true customer loyalty.» Niels Henrik Hansen, Director SAS Corporate Sales, Scandinavian Airlines, Denmark «CUBEical Thinking has given us the platform for developing an effective sales and key account management organization which has delivered significant top and bottom line results based on targeted up and cross sales.» Henrik Hubner, Vice President Sales, Sanist?l «CUBEical Thinking has provided us with great customer insights on which we are benefiting in our daily operations and it has helped our organization focus activities and resources.» Carsten Hetling, Nordic Marketing Manager, Zyxel Communications

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470699850

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