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Essentials of the Dodd-Frank Act – Sanjay Anand

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An executive overview of the new Financial Regulations Act This book provides an executive summary of the newly passed Financial Regulations Act. It examines the most important sections of the Act, how it impacts the financial industry, as well as what executives must know and do in order to comply with the Act. One of the first books to provide an executive summary from a compliance perspective Presents responsibilities of senior level executives regarding this new Act Reveals what has changed within the regulatory environment Provides tips and techniques throughout Describing the government regulation of securities, securities markets, and securities transactions in the United States, this timely book succinctly defines, describes, and explains domestic securities regulation for compliance officers, accountants, and broker-dealers.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118028315

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