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Christmas Baby For The Billionaire
Christmas Baby For The Billionaire
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Christmas Baby For The Billionaire

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His eyes widened. Did she think he was going to ask her to move in with him? Or “do the right thing” and propose? Their affair had been amazing, but there wasn’t love between them.

“This isn’t the fifties. We don’t have to get married to parent this child. But I did wonder if you’d consider moving somewhere closer to, well, me. Of course, I’d look after everything financially.”

Her throat worked for several seconds while she studied her fingers, then looked up. Her eyes were clear and there was no censure on her face, either. “It’s a generous offer, Jeremy. But my life is here, as you just heard. I’m truly glad you want to be a part of his or her life, but I’m not prepared to completely uproot mine to make that happen, any more than you’re willing to uproot yours.”

She was right. If the shoe were on the other foot, he’d never agree to leaving his life behind and moving to small-town Nova Scotia. They were from totally different worlds.

“I respect that,” he said, putting down his knife and fork. “I really do. But I thought I should at least put the possibility on the table.”

“Of course.”

“We don’t have to decide right away, right? You’ve got a few more months to go.”

She nodded. Then her expression softened. “About today… I’m sorry if I picked at a sore spot. Was your childhood awful? Is that why you don’t talk about your family?”

He sliced into the steak and considered. She was going to find out at some point, wasn’t she? All she had to do was get on the internet and do a bit of digging and she’d find out who he was. “My older sister works on Wall Street. And my big brother moved to California straight out of MIT. He worked for a few start-ups right out of college and then started his own. Now he’s CEO of a Fortune 500 tech company.”


“Yeah. Being in property, I’m kind of the underachiever of the family.”

“But property is a huge investment,” she contradicted, and he was amused and a bit flattered that she jumped to his defense. “And you don’t sell average houses. Your clientele are all rich, right?”

“Yeah. Dropping a few mil on a house is no big deal for them.” He realized she had no idea exactly how wealthy he was, and it both amused and pleased him.

“It’s a whole other world.”

He looked at her and held her gaze. “They’re people, just like anyone else. They have their own pressures, insecurities, heartache. It’s true that money can’t buy happiness, you know.”

“But it sure can help take some of the stress off,” she remarked, leaning back in her chair. “So how much are you worth, Jeremy?”

She said it lightly, teasing even, but he figured now was the time to be honest.

“One point two billion,” he replied.

She burst out laughing, then stopped abruptly as he merely kept watching her. He knew it was a crazy sum of money. Some days he didn’t believe it himself.

“Wait. You’re not joking.”

“No, I’m not.”

“You’ve made that much money in realty?” Her lips dropped open in disbelief.

“Hardly.” He pushed his plate away, leaving a few little potatoes, and reached for the beer. “But I had a big trust fund—the one thing my dad left me. And I have a sister on Wall Street who manages my money for me. Add all my assets together…and you get that number.”

She breathed out a couple of curse words that made him grin. “I always knew you had money, but…holy—”

“Our child won’t have to worry about a thing, and neither will you.” On impulse, he leaned over and took her hand. “I don’t know what this is going to look like, but I do know this. I promise that I will never abandon you or our kid. If that means we’re just friendly and we co-parent, then that’s how it’ll be. But if you need anything at all, you just have to pick up the phone. I’ll be there for you.”

He meant every word. He also knew that what he’d just said had essentially tied him to her for the rest of his life.

What had he just done?

CHAPTER FOUR (#ue0c63d72-1cf0-564c-9dd9-e281c4ce9126)

TORI TRIED TO quell the thrill that slid through her as Jeremy took her hand and promised to be there for her and their child. He was a tough man to resist at any time, but right now, with her hand in his, and the knowledge that he was a freaking billionaire swimming through her brain, she was quite overwhelmed.

She didn’t care that he had bags of money. It wasn’t that. It was just that she’d never met anyone quite this rich before. She certainly hadn’t known last summer. It shouldn’t change him in her eyes, but it did. He was so out of her league.

Not as a person; she knew that money and character were two very different things. But in worldly ways, he was on a whole other plane of existence.

“I don’t know what to say,” she responded, biting down on her lip. “I had no idea that… Well, Jeremy.” She let out a big breath. “I’ll make you a promise in return. I promise that I will never exploit the fact that you have money. I don’t want us to use money against each other, you know? Either how much we have or the lack of it.”

“Me, either. I want us to figure this out in a way that’s best for our baby.”

“You really do believe everything, don’t you? About it being yours and everything?”

He let out a sigh. “I didn’t react so well when I saw you were pregnant. But yes, I believe you.”

“When the baby is born we can do a DNA test. I wasn’t going to do an amnio if I could avoid it. The idea freaks me out.”

“A what?”

“An amniocentesis. It’s a test where they insert this needle and withdraw a bit of the amniotic fluid—”

He shuddered. “Ouch, and gross.”

She laughed. “Yeah. And there are some risks involved. I didn’t want to take any chances.”

“So you really do want the baby.”

She nodded. “I do. It wasn’t planned, but I… I don’t have much family. And I like children, a lot.”

Her clock hadn’t really begun ticking yet, not at twenty-eight, but she couldn’t lie. She’d been starting to think about a family the last few years. This pregnancy was inconvenient and a shock, yes. But also a blessing.

“I’m not close to mine, as you might have gathered.” He took a long pull of his beer and pursed his lips. “I’m closest to my sister, and we both live in New York so we see each other most of anyone. But my brother… He’s on his third marriage already and does his own thing.”

“And your mom?”

“She’s still at the family home in Connecticut. Married to my stepfather. Socializing with the right people, that sort of thing. My dad left and she got the house. Not much else, but we all had our trust funds and she married again within a few years. She made sure she was looked after.”

There was a bitterness in his voice he couldn’t disguise, and Tori wondered about the little boy he must have been. “I take it she wasn’t the nurturing type?”

He laughed—a short, mocking sound. “Not an ounce,” he replied, then drained his beer glass. He got up, went to the minibar, and took out a bottle of Cape Breton whiskey, adding a significant splash to a highball glass. He swirled it for a moment before turning and looking at her. “My mom was a social climber. I didn’t know it then, but I know it now. I see the type. And when Dad left, she lost her ticket. She would have had to sell the house and finish bringing us up on her own. Instead she married Bruce, and since she came with the house, he brought the rest of his money and status was restored. Some investments on her part paid for our college. Bruce, apparently, was more than happy to pay my four years of tuition to boarding school. I wasn’t really home after I finished eighth grade.”

He downed the whiskey in one gulp, and poured another.

She sat quietly. First of all, clearly the topic was painful to him, because he was fortifying himself with alcohol. And secondly, as much as his words were delivered in a factual, who-gives-a-care way, she could tell that the lack of affection had left its mark on him.

Tori couldn’t imagine not loving your own child, or considering them in the way. Or sending them away, at such a difficult age.

“Where did you go?”

“Merrick Hall, an all-boys school in Connecticut. Very Dead Poets Society with old buildings and rituals and dormitories. Top-notch learning, though.” He must have seen her alarmed look because he attempted a smile and went to her. “It was fine, really,” he assured her. “I belonged there. I met my best friends there. And despite my cold family, I do have some really great friends.”

Tori let out a breath. “Oh, of course you do. But now I understand your reluctance. Do you still see your mother? Your stepfather?”

He nodded. “Now and again. Despite everything, she is my mother.”

Tori was glad. Estrangement could be such a horrible thing.

“So now you know what I didn’t want to talk about over lunch.” He sipped at his drink this time, to her relief. “I don’t know what kind of father I’ll make. But I promise to try. Any kid of mine is going to feel wanted and loved. Not in the way.”

He said it with such finality that Tori’s heart broke just a little. She’d been brought up in a home with so much love. It was incomprehensible to think of a parent being so careless and dismissive, but she knew it happened.

She looked up at Jeremy, at his dark hair and stormy eyes and cheeks, slightly flushed from the day’s wind and the warm whiskey. She wanted to reach up and brush the errant curl off his forehead, to smooth the creases on his forehead, to see his lips curve in a smile again. But she kept her hands to herself, knowing that touching him, kissing him, would only make matters more complicated than they already were.

“Then we’re going to be fine,” she whispered, twisting her fingers together to keep from reaching out. “Because that’s what I want, too. And we’ll figure out the rest of the details somehow.”

Their gazes held for a few seconds, and then a few seconds more, long enough for something to stir between them. Her body remembered what his felt like and ached to feel it pressed against her again. She remembered how he tasted, the way he angled his head to kiss her, and how he nibbled at her lower lip before taking a kiss deeper.

She stepped back, unwilling to cross that line again. “I should go. It’s getting late and I’m on shift again tomorrow.”

“When do you get a day off?”

“On Thursday, when Tom is back from his holiday.”

“I’ll have narrowed down some properties by then. Why don’t you come along for some second walk-throughs? Some of these places are really stunning. You can tell me where we should eat lunch and we can make a day of it.”

She frowned. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“How are we going to manage to parent together if we can’t get through a day in each other’s company?”

He made sense, even though Tori knew it was simplifying the matter. “Well, all right. If the weather is good. And as long as nothing comes up here.”

“Of course.”

She began to clear his plate and dinner mess and put it back on the room service cart. “You don’t have to do that,” he said.

She laughed. “Sure I do. I work here, remember? I’ll drop it off at the kitchen and then go home.”

He opened the door for her and she wheeled the cart out into the hall. Then she looked back at him. “Thanks for telling me about your family, Jeremy,” she said. “I know you didn’t want to.”

“It’s out there now,” he replied, leaning on the door. “Just please…don’t judge me on the basis of my relatives. I’ve tried very hard to be…different.”

“I judge a person on what I see them do,” she answered, and gave him a smile. “So far you’re in the clear.”

He smiled back then, a sexy sideways little slice of amusement. “I’ll see you soon.” Then with a little laugh, he backed up and shut the door.

She wheeled the cart down the hallway to the elevator while trying to calm her thrumming pulse. Amity was better than enmity, for sure, but how was she going to deal with a smiling Jeremy? Because she still found him incredibly attractive. Still got that light feeling in her chest when he smiled at her. And with their baby on the way, she couldn’t afford to let her head get into the clouds.

Life wasn’t made of fairy tales. It just had reality, and this was hers. She’d better figure it out.

Thursday dawned bright and clear, and after a brief meeting with Tom to bring him up to speed, Tori bundled up in her warm parka and gloves. Her knee-high boots and leggings were comfortable and warmer than she would have been in a skirt. The jacket was a bit snug around the waist, and she tugged on the zipper to get it over her growing bump. She supposed a new coat would be on the shopping list, but she hated spending the money on something she’d wear for only one winter.

Jeremy was waiting in the lounge sipping on coffee when she emerged from her office. To be honest, she was looking forward to the morning. There were worse things than wandering through luxury homes. She loved flipping through magazines and seeing the fancy decor. Now she could see some in person. Maybe even get some ideas for the hotel.

“Hi there.”

Jeremy turned around and she tried not to stare. He was in suit pants and shoes, with a soft wool coat and plaid scarf around his neck. His hair was finger-combed back from his face, making it seem groomed but carelessly so.

“Hi, yourself. Do you want a tea for the road? Something hot?”

“No, I’m fine. I had a decaf in the office with Tom this morning. You’re ready?”

“Just let me get this in a travel cup and I will be.” He flashed her a smile—another jolt to her heart—and beckoned for the waitress to grab him a cup. Within seconds he had his hand at the base of Tori’s spine, solicitously leading her out to his rental.

It was a freaking Jaguar.

He held the door and she slid into the sleek interior, the soft leather cradling her like it was shaped to her bottom. It was cold, but in moments he had the heater turned up and her heated seat on. A map on the console flashed and he hit a preset for one of the properties, and then they were on the road, heading toward Bridgewater.

“Where are we going first?”

He tapped the wheel along with the satellite radio station that was playing. “A house in the Pleasantville area. On the LaHave River.”

“I know the area.”

“Branson’s looking for a place to…well, regroup, I guess. He’s had a rough year.”


“My client. And my friend.”

“How has his year been rough?”

Jeremy frowned. “It’s not really my place to say, you know? He’s a private guy, and I respect that. But if he wants to be invisible, I’m going to help him get what he needs and make sure it’s a good investment. I don’t think he’ll live here full-time, at least not after a while.” He looked over at Tori. “As his friend, my hope is he’ll put himself back together, and use this place as a summer home. Get back to throwing parties and having fun. He needs to smile again.”

Tori wondered what could be so awful that Jeremy couldn’t talk about it, but she respected his desire to protect his friend’s privacy. “He’s one of your Merrick friends?”

Jeremy nodded. “Yep.”

The drive to Pleasantville wasn’t long, and Jeremy had just finished his coffee when they pulled through iron gates into a long drive.

At the top was a gorgeous gray-shingled house with a three-car garage attached. Tori’s breath caught—it was so cozy looking despite its size. “How much did you say this was?” she asked, scanning the yard, which was covered with a thin layer of snow.

“One point four.”

“It doesn’t seem quite that grand.”