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Maidan in Asia. Kazakhs and Arabs
The most sensitive to cynicism and lies are rural residents, many often from large traditional families, where parents, fathers, or mothers are hardworking, or from incomplete urban, suburban families since provincials are the most radical deniers of lies and hypocrisy. But they are also carriers of an inferiority complex against the background of the same lies and hypocrisy that made hypocrites and other arrogant and wealthy people rich. Now, they began to remove their complexes not by denying lies and hypocrisy but by becoming the best students of hypocrites and corrupt officials. They are the best students in this case of the worst, and they are ready to walk on heads literally because being rich today is fashionable and prestigious. However, the main rule of traditional morality for all peoples is honor and the honest name of the father, but this has been the norm in the past. Who needs an honest father’s name today?
Actually, along with total market urbanization, when millions of rural residents were forced to flee to the cities, everyone seemed to forget about the honest name of any property. The past honesty was connected with the past communist ideology. Therefore, even the usual integrity has become unnecessary. All the former provincials just wanted to stay in the city and live. And for speculation in the goods market, honesty is even harmful since speculation in everything has become the population’s main occupation. No one was interested in what the local authorities were doing; people were engaged in speculation and resale of goods – initial accumulation, as economists would say about it. (With one amendment: it is impossible to demand integrity from rural people who have known need. Can you not require women to give birth in four months?)
Traditional peoples have also forgotten pity. Although, pity for former nomads is also not peculiar to nomads. The nomads always had the support of relatives in the first place. Relatives should support relatives. And no else. So it was in the past. How did it become now?
The reforms were the very disaster on which the real folklore nepotism flourished. This cultural quality was bound to lead to total corruption. Corruption has even become an informal ideology in the new state (everyone knows this situation was in all republics, not only in our country. Although we are still in Asia). This primal passion initially crept in at the very core of the new regime. What else could the ideology be supported on? After all, no one was ready for independence, including the top. Officially, the top declared their commitment to democracy and market values, but this is all for the public. The whole system was built on kinship (ruling family) principles. In each region, over time, a ruling family was to appear. These relatives appeared everywhere. Relatives pulled relatives with them. People of the same kind had to appear in all institutions headed by relatives. The same picture was all over the republic. The Republican tribal elite had to form alliances with regional and district elites. They can’t just walk away from culture, age-old practice, and age-old experience.
As for the unusual callousness of traditional people, so traditional people did not need to be taught how to survive. For relatives, other people, especially people of another ethnic group, are strangers. Therefore, such people, the Zerefs, are the best executors of orders. Moreover, the administrative apparatus’s second market quality and kinship have become Asian performance. In any army in the world, reasoning and obstinate soldiers are not needed. Therefore, the so-called market reforms painlessly took place for the population. Everyone quickly forgot everything. Propaganda focused on the famine caused by the Communists during Soviet modernization in the 30s of the last century. Everyone forgot the losses from market reforms as if on command. What is beautiful about Zeref’s low-reflexive memory is rapid forgetfulness. In general, the entire memory of the people was now in charge of the authorities. It recommended, taught, and even ordered us to remember only the miscalculations, stupidity, and cruelty of the bloody communists. Although it looked strange, the former communists who were in power in the USSR became adherents of the democratic and blamed their teachers for all their sins. But now is independence! It was necessary to carry out privatization faster. In other words, to rewrite the former Soviet property for themselves.
Here, we will present only one example of how rigidly economic reforms were carried out in the former republic of the USSR. This example is taken from a provincial newspaper. Here, at first, there was a strong regression. It was difficult to call the irresponsibility and selfishness of officials reforms because reforms are always understood as some progress. Probably, all peoples have had reforms, and probably, all peoples have had reformers of all ages. You can recall, for example, the English King Edward V, who drove the peasants from the family lands in the name of the nation. None of the local patriots would even think of accusing Edward V of communism or dictatorship. However, almost as many English peasants died under him as Kazakhs died under Stalin.
“Grandfather Anatoly from room 29 died in the summer. Once he had debts of his apartment it had to be given away for debts. Grandfather was brought to the dorm by young people and left lying in the corridor, where he lived out his last days. Sometimes, the neighborhood boys fed him what to eat. After a month and a half, he was gone. The old man was found dead there, in the corridor.
Then Rakhimzhan Ata ( grandfather Kazakh) died on New Year’s Eve. He couldn’t hear well and almost couldn’t see. He lived in the hostel for only three months. They said he also gave up his apartment for debts. Rahimzhan ata rarely left the room to take boiling water from the neighbors. He was last seen on December 31. Three days later, he was found frozen in his room under the bed.
On January 10, Ermek from the 9th room died. The 13-year-old daughter of a single father was taken to a special school.
The last to die was Zhenya from room 59. The former PMK painter has two small children left. Now they live with the neighbors.
The stories of the residents of the hostel on Skulkin Street, 5a, resemble entries from the diary of Tanya Savicheva from besieged Leningrad. Only here, the war and the blockade have nothing to do with it. The events take place in absolutely peaceful times. Just a few minutes walk from the sparkling lights of the central avenue.
– And how do you bury the dead? – I asked Muratbek, who invited me to the hostel, to tell me about his and his neighbors’ problems.
“Is nothing way,” he says. – We call the police. A car arrives and picks the corpse up. Last year, 13 people died here.
We are standing on the dormitory’s first floor, with no windows or doors. Instead, there are huge empty openings. Someone’sSomeone’s barbaric hand broke the partitions. The dirt and stench are unbearable all around…
In a five-minute walk from the central avenue of Aktobe, as in the besieged Leningrad, they die of cold and exhaustion. 26 families remain in the house, where there is still no heating. The light was cut off long ago, and there has never been gas here.”
Newspaper “Diapazon” Aktobe city, 1999.
The events described in the local newspaper took place during the reforms of the 90s). This shows how market reforms were carried out in the former USSR on its periphery. What was the crisis, and how did the residents survive it.
Chapter 6
The reason for Asian autocracy
Autocracy is only among traditional peoples. Moreover, they are prolific; more than five children have in every family.
Imagine a family without a father, where there are ten children. What will happen?
Autocracy is not like a loving father. No. Autocracy is the limit of what is permissible. Autocracy, its people seize everything by rank. This serves as a signal to others to live within their means. If the population increases to the limit, the local elite will have to lead the crowd “on a hike” or just open the borders so that the extra population attacks, for example, Russia with migrant workers. So, the elite captures everything. It means more and more that they are the elite. This is the restriction mechanism. It leads to a crisis of a narrow and rich top and numerous fertile bottom.
Today, everyone can shout about democracy.
But the whole meaning and actions will be the same. Some seize everything, and others multiply and, as it were, create poverty. The reason for fertility is very ancient. People must reproduce faster, faster than neighboring tribes; this is a guarantee of future victory and dominance over other tribes. The weak and the few are removed to unfavorable places. Fathers fulfill their duty to the leader and the people (although today, it seems too much and just biological selfishness).
So. Today, we see clearly the leader and his people. There can be no other way. With the new democracy, the crowd wants to be led to capture (what?). If the leader does not give or lead somewhere on a campaign to get trophies, the crowd either attacks itself (like guest workers) or is dissatisfied with something. This can be expressed by the words, “We have given birth to our sons to you, given horses, now you must lead us on a hike!”
The mechanism of democratic elections, especially with a known result in these conditions, is used as a real war campaign! But the campaign of oligarchs hired people oligarchs as a promise of all the best to the voters. We must not forget for a second what voters with the genetics of warriors want to get. They understand the promised benefits as real trophies, which are pledged to either by the leader or by candidates for deputy. There is always some gratuitousness in this, waiting for a miracle, blessings, and abundance. How was this abundance achieved in the past? In the past, this abundance was from military campaigns and victories. Therefore, the so-called democratic elections are becoming more frequent or out of turn due to another crisis. This is the crisis of expectations in the first place.
Chapter 7
So, flotagia is the replacement of principles with petty egoisms. In most provinces, those who did not know these principles and did not have time to understand what it had no principles, so there was no choice of means; there was a mad passion for being like Europeans. But this imitation is, of course, mechanical and material.
What is the danger of flotagia, involving the archaic population in market relations?
The market materializes the archaic energy of competition and destruction.
Blood and kinship play a cruel joke on the archaic population. The same joke is being taken under control by external forces. That is why radical Islamism and nationalism, which are super-controlled from the outside, are dangerous.
The term flotagia appeared in Revcon as a neologism from the two words flotation and Refag – a person with market reflection to understand this process.
The Zeref is a traditional person with rigidly set social actions and low reflection, almost zero, hence the word zeref-reflection zero (zeref).). He has no semitones, serves the idols of the genus, and communicates in the circle of native blood. Zeref has no semitones of perception, is categorical, irreconcilable, hostile to others, and has another opinion in the development of rejection of “not your own”
The zeref’s loop – the baby boom, overheating of the population.
The Zerot (zeroot = zeref+root) – the traditional feudal elite
The zerot’s loop creates a solid cast and impenetrable social barriers. None of the lower castes could enter the feudal elite – the lack of social mobility pre-revolutionary situation.
The Remid – a new traditional elite, rulers, officials, authorities, and teachers; Remid put actions for zerefs, determine morality, laws, politics, reflection average-middle (remiddle).
The remid’s loop – the elite’s struggle with the brightest personality, the cooperation of second and third parties against the hero and the prophet.
For several generations, the Refag has been a person of a trading civilization; reflection is high, selfish, utilitarian-refag (re + high).
The Zeremid is a man of the first generation of traditional elites (or city, fresh citizens). He has a half-hard social reflex custom and an inferiority complex that he wants to cover up, so he invents a new ancestry, creates a fine root, and has the fancy “tail” behind. If this is a modern Zeremid, it is usually a former villager who has superficially mastered urban life culture, and he is half urban and half rural.
Zefa is a man from the city’s first generation with inclinations toward the market, speculation, and trade, at least what circumstances forced him.
The Zeremid’s loop – the Zeremids are approximate imitators. They imitate the elite, any idea, any direction just to be good for their families. Imitation, hypocrisy, and fanaticism harm any cause, state, or idea: hypocrisy, pharisaism, fanaticism, and the adjustment of marginal strata to the existing idea and order. When the elite religious organizations from any government accumulate the Zeremids, there is stagnation and crisis. The collapse of the idea and system of Zeremids conformity is inevitable. They adapt to the system for the sole purpose of supporting their family. That is, they do the same thing as the Zerefs, but for this, they want to get into the elite, the privileged stratum, or the state system; they quickly learn, master new skills, and imitate the formal standards of ideas and responsibility.
The Refag is a person of a trading civilization in several generations; reflection is high, selfish, utilitarian-refag (re + high).
The refag’s loop is the seduction of the traditional population with fashionable goods, quick benefits, and the prospect of rapid non – reflexive growth. This is the manipulation of Zerefs, Zeremids, and zere – the physical majority who want to become an elite and replace Zerots and Remids in power. This leads to nationalism and fascism.
The refag’s extended loop – the presence of a zerot’s loop (feudal castes). The first phase is the seduction of the traditional population with fashionable goods, quick benefits, and the prospect of rapid rise. Cultural crisis. Lumpenization of the scientific, cultural aristocracy. Disrespect for teachers. The second phase is the economic crisis. Protest of Zerefs, Zeremids, Zere, and young Refags against the traditional elite. The requirement of equality of opportunity and the abolition of any restrictions. Manipulation by a third person of Zerefs, Zeremids, Zere, young refags – the majority of the population to displace the traditional elite – Zerots, Remids. Maidan. The desire of Zerefs, Zeremids, zere to dominate without any degree of conformity of candidates for authority. They want high positions, honor, or glory. A moment of glory. “Everyone can -you can.”
The Zelot is a superman, a hero, a prophet, and the most gifted among the traditional elite. A Zelot is an ambitious but disinterested person; he is a fighter against the traditional elite (Zerots), Pharisee officials (Remids, Zeremids), and the people if the people are obsessed with dark passions.
Chapter 8
The Infernal Wheel
It’s time to decipher this phenomenon of Maidan suicide. The feeling that it is them, the Maidan agitators, will carry through, and there will be a bright future (or rather, personal business, things will get better, and all corrupt officials will be lustrated! After all, no one wants war; they don’t want victims, and they don’t want their blood, anyway.
In Revcon, the term flotagia first appeared, namely, how market rules change a person’s traditional upbringing and culture. This does not mean that traditional people themselves are immune to the market. Rather, they don’t. The most accurate example of this was shown by the vote in the Bundestag, where Muslim migrants voted for same-sex marriage. In theory, they should have influenced white people with the strictness of their morals and upbringing. The market is a market; it absorbs everyone, both migrants and non-migrants: migrants and people in general, brought up traditionally, even faster, even faster than the same scoops (Soviet people) when traditional people lose everything they had in the form of culture and upbringing, in the form of traditional culture and traditional upbringing, of course. Most adherents of market civilization are former traditional people and collective farmers, to put it simply.
And here’s why.
In connection with the market and pressure on Russian-speaking moral speakers. Yes, not language, but morality – morality has changed in the former USSR. Principles have disappeared everywhere. Will a principled, integral person engage in corruption? Of course not. It is closer to the traditional culture and turns out to be a new pseudo-city corporation and a group of crypto-minded people. These are the very ones who did not get into the relatives or like-minded people for the accumulation of Zefa’s capital. They will naturally hate Nazarbayev and his people because they did not join the elite clans. Here they are – former officials, former bankers, and their people working for them fed by them will most likely desire the Maidan and lustration of their predecessors.
Flotagia is the replacement of principles with petty egoisms in most of the provincials, who did not know these very principles and did not have time to understand what it is. There are no principles, and there is no choice of means; there is a mad passion, just a crazy passion for being like Europeans. But this imitation is certainly mechanical and material, nothing more.
Chapter 9
Kazakh Maidan
A former antimonopoly officer in the first government of independence, a “constructive” oppositionist in the past, today an obsessive pensioner once said: “The population of Kazakhstan is spread over a large territory.” Thus, Svoik complained about the problems of the local opposition. In the wilds of His subconscious, a thought was still wandering, painfully searching for the reason. Another colleague of Svoik in the opposition case, the well-known human rights activist Zhovtis in Kazakhstan, said: “Kazakhstan has a complex structure of society..” – Is that all you can? Nothing else?
This is where the “old” brains and past resources of the opposition stop developing and don’t give to others (with the help of solidarity of several editors, including a fellow Svoik’s countryman). They’ve been saying the same thing for thirty years. But they don’t want to leave the political stage. Even similar Democrats accuse Elbasy 1 that he had been in power for thirty years. Every such speaker (and for me, they just are populists) guards his feeding territory, and Kazakhs still look such people in the mouth because former nomads love and trust old things in their apartments. Therefore, the new persons, the new Kazakh intelligentsia, cannot break through such demagogues.)
And yet. A large territory really affects the much-anticipated riot, but everyone will see their own interest in the steppe fire. It is unlikely that the old Democrats with thirty years of experience will like who will benefit from the Kazakh Maidan. No one will listen to these pensioners anymore. But liberal intellectuals and such like them do not mean the resources of a large territory at all and the ability or possibility of a chain reaction after a riot at its center. And nothing else. Although I suspect I will repeat it again, they themselves do not understand what they are talking about. These are elderly oppositionists of advanced age. But they don’t want to give up the stage. (But nationalists replacing these talkers will simply not notice them then come)
In fact, counting on the emotions of the crowd, flaring up like dry brushwood – these are just stamps of the past. All pensioners live and think that the sky is not blue and the grass is not green now, but before all be better.
The fire that has broken out, so desirable for demagogues and populists, does not suit us because even pensioners live one day, and the petty ambitions of the townsfolk (how is it, these are not nomads, not Kazakhs? The market is crushing people, crushing them. Former Soviet intellectuals are no longer the people who swam in ready-made soup. Now, it’s a selfish little thing) They are not interested in what will happen next. We are only interested in it. We are interested in what will happen, how the fire will burn, and how the people will warm up after.
This is just an introduction to explain that a large territory is not a panacea for the Maidan. Moreover, the days of pensioners from the democracy of the 90s in Kazakhstan have passed.
Chapters 10—11
Oligarch Ablyazov
The oligarch Ablyazov, the former minister of the autocrat Yelbasy I) does not stop calling: “People come out against the regime!” He broadcasts from the outside and now lives in the West.
There is nothing fundamental in his speech. First, the Kazakh politic should know their people well. This oligarch repeats a simple set of orange stamps. All Kazakh liberals are very similar: some have light faces, and others, as expected, are Asian. From such speakers comes dilettantism, which just stinks of ignorance. Are they Kazakhs or not Kazakhs? What difference does it make to us?
Do the Liberal Democrats need the people? Yes, they need people as a means. They want to use the people to replenish their wealth or just change their fate. Protestant ethics entered the heads of these people rudely. That’s why these speakers say very cynical things. The people, the former nomads are actually not as stupid as they seem, although the regime has done everything to simplify the people. That’s why Ablyazov and his people are so confident. The main thing for them is to excite the crowd to revolt. Although the regime officials simplified the people for another purpose, the Kazakhs were always quiet during the so-called reforms. After all, the Kazakhs have never had a market democracy (yes, there was a military democracy, but this is completely different), so no one and nothing can excite the Kazakhs. How many years have opposition oligarchs been fighting in hysterics? Are the Democrats such, do you think? No, they are not Democrats. They just dressed in fashion. In fact, they were pushed away from power by Yelbasy I. While they were in power and enriched, they praised Elbasy I in a crowd of court hypocrites. This is Asia, don’t forget!
All right, it’s the liberals. And what about the people? What are the motives for rebellion among ordinary people?
After all, the regime did everything to deal only with ordinary people. There is really no intelligentsia. The last so-called Soviet intelligentsia has grown old (like the poet Olzhas Suleimenov), and it has nothing to say to people “infected” with market excitement. There is no opposition, and there cannot be by definition. There is a certain steppe chiefdom. Every local leader thinks he is a party. Creating a party is a complex process. A party cannot be created at the will of ambitious nomads. Civil solidarity is needed to create a party. A party cannot be created because of momentary irritation or discontent of a merchant in the bazaar. Another urban culture is required to create the party of at least two generations of merchants whose children received a good education and became principled. To create a team, you need to cut personal ambitions. But in Asia, ambition comes first. Moreover, I repeat, the regime did everything, so there was no alternative to it. The impregnable government and the common people. That’s all. That’s all that happened. That’s why Ablyazov so stupidly and brazenly calls people to come to the square. He knows what kind of material he’s dealing with. But he doesn’t know these people won’t accept him if the Maidan happens. And he will also come to an end.
Chapter 12
There was no conspiracy. There have been, are, and will be horse races