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Kazakhs and Turks

Kazakhs and Turks
Almaz Braev
© Almaz Braev, 2024
ISBN 978-5-0060-3591-1
Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero
At the Turkish Championship meeting, Galatasaray football club fans set a world record for noise – 131.76 decibels.
The siren of a fire truck gives 100 decibels, a moving train gives 110 decibels. The noise of a jet plane is 130 decibels. At 130 decibels, pain begins, and at 150, you can go crazy – this is already a combat weapon.
The frenzy of Galatasaray’s Turkish fans is very similar to the actions of football hooligans – ultras of Greek and Serbian clubs. Where did this come from?
These people are united by history. The most recent shared dormitory for Turks, Greeks, and Serbs is the Ottoman Empire.
On closer inspection, Turkish, Greek, and Serbian inhabitants are no different from us. But we can be divided in a situation of catharsis like football. Our fans are sitting quietly, and we can say disciplined; that is, we are not only different in appearance, but we are generally different. We are the inhabitants of the steppes and plains. We, the steppe people, shouted hurrah..Ah, when they rode at the enemies. The rest of the time, we were silent. We Kazakhs are a disciplined people. We go on the attack and shout only at the leader’s command, necessarily an authoritative person. If we don’t like the leader, we silently leave the camps – we scatter in different directions – the steppe is large and broad.
You can’t get far in the Caucasus, for example. You can climb to another peak together with your relatives. But how many people can rise?
Why do mountaineers talk loudly, even if they are standing next to each other (for Georgians, the most obvious thing)
Yes, because of the mountains. Perhaps the morning fog is in the way; the stones are falling, and the river is making a lot of noise in the rocks. You see? Why do Georgians talk loudly next to each other? That’s why the Turkish fans are making the loudest noise. The answer can be found in the Caucasian genes of these people – nothing else.
Kazakhs will never join a noisy crowd; Kazakhs generally shun noise. If Kazakhs shout or raise their voices, it is an emergency. If the Kazakhs see a moving caravan, they will dock and join it quietly. Unless, of course, strangers are noticed in the caravan. They will also remain silent at first. They won’t scream. Only Kazakhs guyss emit specific screams, especially during a horse race or a cockpar. Non-Kazakhs cannot make such «Kazakh» sounds of triumph and strength, but each Kazakh is strong one by one, not together, even if brothers surround him. The brothers do not make sounds of triumph – lasting a second or two. This sound of Kazakh celebration scares outsiders. When young horsemen see graceful beauties, they make the same sounds through the open window of their jeeps. No one screams like that – only Kazakhs
Chapter 1
Turks and Kazakhs
War must be inevitable and vital. As long as the life of the nation is not in danger, war is murder.
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
The Zerefs are the first, the most massive group of self-reflection. These are warriors, ordinary people, workers, and philistines. From a historical perspective, the self-reflection of Zeref means warriors, members of a tribal collective, where each Zeref, if necessary, is a warrior, alien to another Zeref from another tribe. I would not say that modern nationalists use the rudiments of the primitive culture of warriors. After modernization, people with Zeref reflection can be found anywhere in the civilized world. In a crisis, even the intelligentsia – the nation’s gold – the Remids turn into savages out of anger and resentment against other savages and barbarians. It is this fallen intelligentsia that forms the idea of fascism. The Zerefs self are not capable of forming thought forms, except for actions; for them, feral, embittered Remids form the Nazi ideology, but mostly the officers of the SS and blackshirts detachments are the Zeremids – children of the rural intelligentsia. In general, after modernization in the 20th and 21st centuries, the rudest people, philistines, and people with low tastes and needs are Zerefs. The Zerefs are biased and proud when they use the primary tones of the Zerefs. The Zerefs conventionally has two colors, shades, many sounds to express emotions, two sides, and two sensations – good and evil. Evil and good they feel and understand as satiety and prosperity today only of their family, and in the past – prosperity and satiety only of their kind, clan, tribe, and people. They say either yes or no, but at the same time, they always look at a person’s age when answering. Thus, all traditional people have very good qualities; they respect and care for old people.
The Zerefs understand the idea well as a pleasant emotion because they draw satiety and prosperity again as a minimum for family and a maximum for people. The idealism of the masses ends when the people do not receive the promised, for example, in the form of communism, as happened with the Zerefs of the USSR or at the time of democracy – this is already a typical example of the birth of Nazism and fascism. The leader of the Zerefs must necessarily be a strong leader because the Zerefs are ideological; they must know that they will receive democracy or communism. Communism and democracy are interpreted by the Zerefs not as equality, although the equality of the Zerefs is always welcomed, the lands or trophies that the Zerefs are plucking. In a democracy, the Zerefs are like the first place. Or any honorable new place because it is democracy that creates the illusion of a new, necessarily decent place. In any idea, the Zerefs want to leave the social bottom they occupied in the previous formation, the old world, and the last state. Yes, Zerefs, after modernization, are a crowd of Philistines. They will welcome democracy precisely because of mass opportunity. The conditional bottom is excited that all bottom creatures will float to the surface and live there. Unfortunately for the Zerefs, they are creating a hierarchy again – with a new bottom and new top gold, with the new elite and the despicable rabble. A strong leader reduces the activity, or rather the greed of the Zerefs, and teaches the Zerefs to work and be responsible. If the Zerefs do not have a dictator, they will resort to the old habit of fighting for a new place of honor.
Chapter 2
The love of power is in the nomads' blood
Yes, there are many incomprehensible things in the behavior, not only in the temperament of the Turks. To simplify the situation, we can say that many things would be incredible to those Turkomans and officially to the Oghuz Turks if they from the 11th century could communicate with their civilized descendants. But this is impossible. We know that. Centuries have passed since the ordinary residence of the Anatolian population and the Oghuz newcomers, before all the Ottomans were formed, then the citizens of the Turkish Republic. They say that there are no pure Turks today (except for the nomadic Turkomans on the border with Syria). Turkey is not just a mixed population; it is a population that has been woven over the centuries. This is a mixture of many peoples in the cauldron of the Ottoman Empire. Those Turkish features that are incomprehensible to Kazakhs are, instead, the quality of the indigenous population of the Near East. That’s why we don’t even understand Turkish somewhere. (For example, the Turks have never engaged in trade. Today, small businesses are well-developed in Turkey. Kazakhs have never been involved in trade, either. After 30 years of independence, they suddenly learned. But we have only 30 years left, and the Turks have 130 in their luggage. The difference is a century). This is not to mention the fact that the peoples who inhabited these territories were engaged in trade for 1000 years before the arrival of the Oghuz. Before the Turks came, life was generally different. There was a settled population of farmers in the Near East. Even before the creation of the Turkish Republic, that is, exclusively in Modern times, the Greek and Armenian clans were mainly engaged in trade. The Turks were involved in military affairs and made up the entire administration. In other words, the Turks were the managers of the empire.
Isn’t that what Turks and Kazakhs have in common, huh? Kazakhs, by the way, also like to command. (Even under the USSR, Kazakhs sought to occupy administrative positions. The people highly respected Kazakh administrators. «Kolynda folder, basynda hat» – they talked about Kazakh bosses in the 50s and 60s of the last century (if you see a hat on his head and a folder in his hands, then this is the Kazakh boss). The situation has not changed today. Kazakhs also want to get into administration and develop their family business. The richest are officials – everyone knows about this among the people. There is no difference between current officials and oligarchs who have gone into opposition. Only power made them rich. Now those who have fallen into disgrace are unhappy that they were kicked off the top. This is the face of the Kazakh opposition, by the way)
It is on the love of power that the Kazakhs converge with the Turks, thereby exposing the former steppe kinship.
But if you look at it from the outside, we are still different. We don’t understand everything in our dialogues, but our love of power is precisely the same. In addition, the Turks are very diplomatic (in any case, I talked with Turkish guys who appeared in Kazakhstan in the 90s. They talked very softly – as the people aptly say, do not yawn or open your mouth wide if you are with them. Behind the gentleness and diplomacy lies a sophisticated entrepreneurial spirit. A Turk can come to you in the spring and give you $ 2000 with the words biz dospyz goi (we are friends). Then, just a few months later, he suddenly showed up in the fall and asked for help – to give 20,000 $ «for a profitable business.» How could refuse? Isn’t that entrepreneurial? I’m sure the Kazakh is not capable of such a thing. Kazakh guys know Kazakh guys. The Kazakh does everything in silence. He asks without smiling. He sets it up if he needs to. If you refuse, he leaves in silence. But he’ll remember everything.
Of course, one cannot judge by one Turk. But the Turks are diplomats and businessmen – you can’t deny the Turks that. Never before Mustafa Kemal and his reforms had the Turks been engaged in tailoring because Armenians have always been tailors. But how many Turks have sewn leather jackets and other things for the Kazakhs and the world today? It is impossible to count. Today, the Turks are doing everything. They are successfully engaged (especially in construction; Turkish firms take contracts in Russia). Kazakhs need to take an example from Turks. I won’t say anything else.
You must look into history to understand what unites us and brings us closer (except for language). We were on opposite sides once; some nomads even spoke different languages. (Modern Uzbeks, for example, also expressed the languages of the ancient Iranian group, so what?). But now we are part of a vast family of Turkic people. There are 250 million of us. And 100 million of them are modern Turks. How did it happen? It needs to be figured out. We’ll have to dig very deep. I think this deep digging will be interesting.
Chapter 3
When empires fall, the mob gets stupid
Nothing demoralizes the people like defeat. We must pay tribute to the Ottoman Empire, which lasted almost as long as the Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan. The Japanese shogun suffered because of the proximity of the events. The Americans in 1858 showed traditional tactlessness – a warning salvo from the most modern guns took place in the Japanese port. All people instantly turned from Japanese Bakufu giants into Japanese burakumins dwarfs, unable to defend the islands. As for the Turks, the most severe defeat was inflicted on them near Vienna in 1683. But, as it was said, the empire took another two centuries to become a republic. For the Ottoman Empire to collapse, it took the defeat of Turkey as part of the Triple Alliance. Even the capture of Bayazed by Timur in 1402 or the defeat at Lepanto in 1571 from the Holy Alliance did not affect the fate of the Turks in any way. Because the Turkish nobility decided everything in the old days. The Turk’s empire held out for two more centuries. When the people decide, the empire falls faster.
(Nobody knows about this phenomenon yet, but my readers will be the first to know. To begin with, knowledge is the privilege of priests. If information comes first today because dependence on momentary knowledge has turned into a global drug addiction. People, modern humanity, have changed their knowledge of the news. News is also knowledge, but information does not give full power. The power over the world is given by systemic knowledge, and they are just part of the system of control over humanity. Humanity is given superficial knowledge, so people feel like Egyptian priests for a few minutes. But a crowd cannot consist of only priests – intellectuals, a crowd is a crowd, rabble, arrogant bloggers of social networks. It is on the total pride of the crowd that the calculation is made. Democracy adds to the absolute stupidity even more stupidity that all people allegedly are priests. Namely, all people are allegedly artists, writers, and bloggers. But all people cannot be beautiful. So, not all people can be writers. Why are they given the opportunity? So, having received information, people feel like «personalities» and «kill» real natural sages inside their world. The billions of people, that’s the redneck are lost about the self of the very rulers whom the most cynical writers call the 300 Committee – the world government. «Whoever owns the information owns the world.» Has everyone read this expression? Well, of course. If the head of the US Congress, Nancy Pelosi finds out where the Americans’ funds will be directed, her husband will buy shares of enterprises in these industries. The Pelosi family will become wealthy. Information is not knowledge. If people are allowed to look only at the tip of the iceberg, they will rejoice at the pieces of ice on the deck of the Titanic in the first minutes of the tragedy. Therefore, people were drummed into all ears from all sides about the fantastic killer virus. Before the planetary scam came to light, a dozen of my opponents called me an imbecile with a Dunning-Kruger symptom. This is just an indicator of pride from some upstarts and bloggers planted by the diabolical media; this is the deck of well-fed, self-satisfied idiots, hysterics, and others from the web rabble squad. Today, this new technology called democracy allows control of any state and any government precisely by stimulating the ambitions of small people.
Chapter 4
What is the reason for the war?
Now, it is necessary to explain how the former disciplined, quiet people from traditional communities and calm, ordinary people turn into monsters as "personalities."
What it looked like before.
When two Zerefs looked at each other, everyone knew who was the first and who was the second. Even the brothers’ relatives, with a difference of a few minutes, should always replenish the formation of conservative soldiers. Traditional society spends the least time peeping and looking, even in a crowd, when hundreds of eyes are looking at you; they already know a lot. This gazing is delayed for a more extended period. Suppose some mentors, teachers, and curators come to the people of the tradition and inform them that you are not any brothers. In that case, you are not a people, and they are market individuals; then, even the twins begin to argue about which personality is more important and who has ten life minutes more; after a while, the whole nation starts a fight, which market teachers, market mentors, and market curators call democratic reforms.
In fact, democracy cancels not only seniority and Zerefs are getting younger, but they also don’t want to give in and don’t want to die. The whole crowd is getting younger; even the elderly are ready to give way to the young in the next world – they wear fashionable clothes so that they are not recognized as old gues now and drink filtered water so that there are no kidney stones. Teenager brats approach the young men and address them like this: «Bro, let me smoke!» Disguised and trimmed «for democracy,» old bros are a little embarrassed, but they give (and who is greedy, says that there is no cigar). Suddenly, everyone’s age disappears. That’s what democracy is when the devils come to the twins. It is impossible to prevent the Zerefs from considering each other. When Zeref looks at you at any age, he knows where to stand: behind or in front of you. And old age is not the only conservative marker. However, democratic Zerefs from now on are always trying to deceive others, themselves, and time. People tell each other: «You’re still young, you’re still so young.» But it’s not because of democracy. These are still remnants of the conservative tact that remains with traditional people despite the devil’s propaganda.
«Good times give birth to weak people. Weak people breed difficult times.»
These words of the ancient Greek Plato explain well why devils -neighbors come to the Zerefs. Why a conservative society is suddenly engaged in reformation? It seems that everyone walked in a general formation and obeyed informal laws. Now, everyone’s gaze began to change to money. No one moves without a kick. They need a mate, obscenity, and then a kick. Are the traditional people lazy creatures? The first reaction to reforms is always a reaction. In any country, under any conservative regime, there is a part of the ruling elite, the so-called old men, clerics, who cannot be considered because of conscious blindness or laziness. The rabble and the common people cannot simultaneously replace the cream of society. The day comes, and the hour comes when respected people are escorted to the next world with appropriate honors, and none of the high ranks intends to cancel this tradition so far.
But the fact is that the long absence of war delays all procedures.
There is always a whole queue of honorary veterans at the central churchyard. People were used to burying their traditional elite. Funerals change funerals. There are monuments on the main square of the country. Thieves and crooks have already settled comfortably among the crowd to gawk now.
The season of the «long world» also greatly influences local evolution. A long peace softens the morals of Zerefs. Cunning people, cowards, crooks, and people from the Diaspora enjoy silence and funerals almost daily marches. The season of peace gives such an opportunity to penetrate all spheres because Zerefs lose their vigilance, stop watching, and do not look too closely. Requirements are reduced. The season of the long peace is undoubtedly perfect for cunning and weak people. When those most difficult times come after the good ones, people like to remember them: when they had the kindest ruler (for example, Soviet people remember General Secretary Brezhnev – the most empty and incompetent puppet), after him came frankly vague. A conservative world must end in war, but no one during this time asks themselves questions: how did these problematic times come? At this time, too many «twins» are born to go to war in the future (because boys are born warriors here, they must go to war. But till there is no such war).
Now I explain: all the cunning crooks, hypocrites, thieves – the elite of liberal reformers just got into all spheres because of the lazy gaze of dying old men and the grave mood inside the funeral procession. «Good times breed weak people.» Good times have many traits. But the most important feature of officials of good times is their beauty – kindness. The leaders may be bland, but the ruling nomenclature is selected by outwardly pleasant, sympathetic Komsomol members, singers, cosmonauts, and central television announcers. The ancient Greeks, Plato’s contemporaries, were just betting on physical perfection, the beauty of the body before ancient Greece lost. With decaying socialism, they relied only on the face, on the artists. In good times, all the artists are beautiful (in bad times, all the characters, on the contrary, are ugly and resemble freaks). No one looked closely at these artists because there were good times – these are the times of artists and hypocrites – weak people, future traitors, philistines, defectors but the population was fine. There was no one to envy. Conservative people begin to envy and interfere with each other when order is violated, including the traditional funeral procession. The reformers who come to the twins to wean them off, keeping the queue, don’t come just like that. In order for worms to appear, the soil must be dewatered.
In the Ottoman Empire in 1809, Mahmud 2 – the Turkish Peter 1 – ascended to the throne. In this pair, Russia was the first to carry out reforms. Turkish soldiers lost to Russia in 1806 – 1829. Precisely because elite old reactionaries and clerics surrounded Mahmoud 2. However, the vizier Alemdar Mustafa Pasha Bayraktar helped him ascend to the throne. Without Bayraktar, Mahmoud would not have succeeded at all.
But the liberal reforms of Mahmud 2 by the name of Tanzimat – were just a copy of Peter’s reforms. The Mahmud 2 dressed the whole yard in European clothes. The main reforms concerned the rearmament of the army. Mahmud abolished the janissaries, abolished the sipahia – the Turkish oprichnina – the old land system for military service – and replaced it with private property (ciftlik).
Yes, conservatives are going for reforms, primarily for military ones. Civil reforms are secondary to them. This applies to everyone without exception. It is before the turmoil that the «beautiful» civilian population begins to listen to the military because, by this time, all civilians are hypocrites, crooks, thieves, or potential crooks; thieves are the very products of a long peace.
The reforms that the most energetic people are trying to carry out are designed to replace the real war, while it has not yet taken place, with military mobilization. Therefore, all the Young Turks reformers, Egyptian «free officers», and Iraqi, Libyan, and South American black colonels are all products of liberal military reformism. All monarchs were reformers, including Turkish Selim 3, Mahmoud 2, Libyan Idris 1, and even the father of the last Iranian Shah Reza Pahlavi. They trained only the military for capture or the protection of their satrapies. But the war had to occur for the people to have Mustafa Kemal, Lenin, or Hitler.
Yes, war has an ugly face. But it is the war that the crowds are preparing, hundreds of pretty handsome men who are admired by millions of inhabitants of the «good season». In a peaceful period of time, Zelots, and strong figures like Mustafa Kemal cannot break through to the top in any way because mass ignorance, jealousy, therefore fear, and envy allow people to enjoy good rulers. In turn, not good rulers think not about honor but about memory, not about huge mazars and pyramids that will remind good times when it was they who ruled.
Chapter 5
Now everything is bought and sold
Since Modern times, the very method of developing new territories has changed. After the usual robber seizure of new territories, the conquistadors, pirates, (and even nomads) were always followed by unarmed people. They would have carried weapons, but they were forbidden to carry weapons. These unarmed people have done no less, and maybe more, for the development of new lands. Even when they became «citizens» after the revolutions, they would have used weapons, but they mastered a different weapon. I don’t mean religious missionaries. Go to any market where, without any violence, by mutual consent, that is, completely voluntarily, you will give your money for nothing. Any mini market «resident» will visually show how all the new invaders acted before him.
So, all modern states were created based on a strategic treaty. This is not an elite contract because, before, everything was kept in balance by the aristocracy. The bourgeoisie, and we are talking about them when we mention the unarmed diplomats who seized this world – modern states have taken shape at the expense of world trade. The alliance was made up of small people, completely small and insignificant from a position of strength; they are also small bourgeois – there have always been a lot of them, and now they are the main planetary contingent. Without the strategic partnership of the «petty nobodies», not a single seizure of Indians, Africans, Asians, and other savage territories in the opinion of these racists and chauvinists would have taken place. Asia is still trying to establish strategic alliances with the market nobodies. Still, nothing is working for the modern Asian elites (With the exception, perhaps, of Japan. But democracy for Japan is the path to destruction because it was through democracy that Japan lost the samurai spirit). All these elites, falling into bondage with the 7th-8th generation of bourgeois nobodies, begin to declare «commitment to democratic choice.» Of course, it is possible to convict these elites of their plebeianism because many former Soviet Asian elites took place thanks to socialist revolutions (which were not invented by Asians at all. Socialism has raised the social bottom to a height. The children of the «working people» who «amazingly» turned out to be ungrateful because they all abandoned socialism; that is, they betrayed socialism when they achieved power and money.