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Kazakhs and Jews
Kazakhs and Jews
Kazakhs and Jews


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Kazakhs and Jews

Jews hardly practiced proselytism. They reluctantly gave their beautiful daughters to the pagans. But this is a different case. All these Jews, both «Mazdakids» and «Byzantines» were refugees. And not ordinary Khazars wooed them, but outstanding warriors who guarded their caravans. There is no cure for love. To marry a Jewish woman, the Khazars were circumcised… Three generations later, the Khazars had Jewish commanders on their mother’s side (according to Halakha).

This very bek Bulan was a Jew by his mother and great-grandmother, most likely. The entire military elite of the Khazar Turks was ready, in a word, for monarchical power – for dictatorship.

This is where the paradox arises.

The Jews of Modern times do not like (and before) monarchical power in any form because it shows an established hierarchy within which it is difficult for talented foreigners to break through. This caused all the battles for the republican system and all the revolutions in the 19th and 20th centuries. The collapse of empires can be attributed to the struggle for freedom (including the struggle of the Jewish revolutionaries). However, the monarchical power differs from that of other monarchies, especially with Judaism being adopted as the state religion.

Chapter 11

To cancel holidays, to defame heroes

Under the monarchy, no one wanders or steals

Stealing means that some pagan savages are still roaming. Moreover, they are conscious of where they fall into savagery (as always) for the sake of things and objects. Still, they are well dressed, which means they consider themselves cultured people (even believers on certain days and events). But these are hypocrites. There have always been hypocrites. (But not to the same extent as now). The more the so-called civilization is layered on primitive zeref layers, the more ostentation and hypocrisy.

Well, have you built a democracy? – Can I ask all the New Democrats?

What does the democratic fiasco in almost all republics say after the collapse of the USSR?

About anything but democracy.

Outwardly, everything seems to be decent – you can’t find fault. There are a lot of illuminations, call signs, and beautiful facades, and everything is laid out with paving slabs.

People are not like that walking down the street, not like under socialism in general. They are richly and variously dressed now. Rich imported cars dissect the central avenues. Other transport – a little cheaper, they forced all the yards by it – not to pass. Hypermarkets have everything. People are rolling full trolleys to the cash register. There are few smiles. That’s what they have in their heads?

What other values are there besides commodity money?

Why are autocrats ruling everywhere instead of democracy? Who, of course, are presidents today?

There seem to be plenty of lawyers and lawyers, too. It is officially declared that the law comes first but few people turn to lawyers, mostly out of need. They know perfectly well that these are tiny thieves. They, like everyone else, only need customers. It is better to find a relative, an acquaintance in power and solve all the problems. Informal laws – once again – decide here everything.

What am I talking about? What are these parallels for?

First of all, these parallels are necessary to understand why the Khazars failed in the early Middle Ages. It seems that Judaism was adopted – the first religion of monotheism, not even Christianity or Islam, but the Khazar Khaganate collapsed (moreover, the Khazars disappeared as a people). Aren’t we in danger of the same thing? What can we do? The basic ideology is not to be trifled with. Religion (idea) must be appropriate to the circumstances. The people should understand what they believe in or should believe in any case. (Back in 1993, as a student in Alma-Ata (new name is Almaty, immediately after the collapse of the USSR in 1991), taking groceries from the balcony, I was surprised at how quiet it was on the street on November 7. But before, what demonstrations there were! It was worth the new authorities to cancel the proletarian holiday – so significant, so important two years ago, and everything went quiet …).

With democracy comes market relations – everyone knows that.

But market relations can come without democracy, as it turned out. It is enough only to designate democracy – to talk about it, broadcast from all official channels, from the pages of newspapers, to mention in speeches authorized speakers, primarily top officials of the state and those close to power (again relatives, acquaintances, obsequious servants). The rest is a trifle. The main thing is to buy everything, it turns out, and sell everything – fill your pockets with money, make an initial accumulation, and then close this shop; «hello, I’m your aunt.» Autocracy is also coming to our bazaar. Any bazaar should also have order and security. The state, after all, protects you, too, and gives you a guarantee. Will everyone believe it? I doubt. Isn’t that why everyone pushing their trolleys in supermarkets is so gloomy, not smiling? It’s like they live in a colony and depend on new robbers.

In the same way, ordinary Khazar nomads looked at their Jewish elite.

They couldn’t figure out what the Jewish mono G-d was, in the first place.

Why do they need one monobog when they have many gods and deities?

Everybody needs an understandable set of images to understand how a local faith arises, which becomes a religion through practice. Only the god Tengri and they knew ancestors’ spirits were clear to the Khazars.

For example, a pagan does not understand why God helps him if he is not his relative. Why would God help everyone? How, on what basis, does he distinguish between his own and others? It is your own, and it is others’ – they understood it well. The «first-second» is not far from this. Am I the first favorite or the second favorite of God? So that this god can distinguish. So that these pagans understand. First, they understood truth and justice outside of the «friend or foe» about blood. For people to get out of the symbolic row of friend and foe, their own and others must be mixed up.

Jews have been wandering in foreign lands for 2000 years. They have perfectly assimilated truth, goodness, equality, and justice in one requirement – common universal citizenship. Nobody can’t be an internationalist in the circle of relatives. To understand it, you need to live in a foreign land. It would be best to migrate anywhere for various reasons (mainly out of need), and there is a demand for equality based on universal values and not by blood. If local people do not understand it (and they cannot comprehend it by definition), migrants arrange or arrange riots and revolutions for them. That’s why Asians don’t understand revolutionaries from the word in any way. Asians are inertial and traditional. All the pastoral peoples were exactly the same in the past. They were driving herds. Not a single sheep could separate from the flock. Not a single person in the tribal collective could claim their new status. There is no choice in a large family. All children try to be loved most, but good parents do not single out favorites.

Chapter 12


The Khazars’ acceptance of Judaism is most politically motivated. By the 8th century, Khazaria was already an empire. It is simply impossible to keep a wide variety of peoples, especially tribes, in a solidary union. A particular «friendship» belonging to the same government had to be supported by ideology. Obviously, they did not know about ideology at that time, but they perfectly understood the meaning of religion. In this sense, the choice of Judaism as the oldest Abrahamic branch is quite logical.

But why Judaism? That’s where you can and should look not for politics, but also a nomadic character (preserved in its pure form as «first -second» until today?

Is it pride?

Yes, that’s right. It is «Am I the first or the second?»

The nomads will never be second. They still live by the principle no one can be first but me.

The adoption of Christianity or Islam by the Khazars would immediately place them in subordination, in a position of secondary importance. (It would seem that people with a tribal matrix should have a democratic mood of indifference. It only seems so. There is no democracy. All the Zerefs of the world have one democracy – the military one. That is, one-time, during the election of warriors. Then, the entire population lines up in squads and listens to every word of the leader. Doesn’t this remind you of our modern autocracy? Everyone is just talking about democracy. Everyone talks about democracy just for show. Because the US hegemony over the whole world is also military, by the way. However, the USA has a completely different democracy. If international bankers decide to scare the whole world with aircraft carriers and coups, they know who they are dealing with – they have long studied the psychology of colonial peoples. Refags have the most extensive experience, resulting in the highest practical reflection. They know perfectly well who and how to talk to. Hence the policy of double standards).


Although everyone sees a political motive in the adoption of Judaism – the Khazar kings chose the religion of monotheism in the name of the empire, we should immediately notice in this choice the proud pose of the nomads «first – second.»

Then, in the eternal nomad movement itself, there is no condition for Asian despotism. There is eternal, unlimited spatial freedom in nomadism. There is a dictatorship of the clan leader, but all tribesmen know that this is power in the name of the clan («in the name of the family»), and not so that everyone survives the campaign in the name of the sons of the nobility. A developed economy and some profit are required to allocate the leader’s sons as heirs. And what is the profit of the wild nomads of the past? All nomads just wanted to survive in the harsh environment.

For Asian despotism to arise, all shepherds must stop and settle on the ground. Then, hierarchical relations will remember everything and write it down in books. Just by the end of the 8th century, the main population of Khazaria was called sedentary. Since the Khazars were given the name of the Khaganate, this already speaks of settlement and hierarchy.

Were Jews shepherds?

You bet! Some were shepherds more than others. However, farmers were next to the Khazars for a very long time. (If you don’t remember the Greek cities of Crimea, click here.) In the Bible, exemplary community members are compared to sheep all the time, not exemplary ones with goats; it is the proof.

However, wherever the Kagals appeared, not immediately, but over time, friction with the local population began. Because the Jews behaved suspiciously in the eyes of these people, they gathered all the time on Saturdays in synagogues and observed their rituals. The Jews showed no desire to merge with the Aborigines. Before the case of the Khazars, Jews did not settle among the nomads in any way. That’s why they were chased everywhere. And when they came to the Khazars, they stayed there. Moreover, they passed on their faith to them. Why?

But because they talked to the nomads in the same invisible language. Although Jews did not roam like their ancestors used to, they only migrated for objective reasons, if the persecution of Jews can be called something else – forced migrants. And weren’t the Khazar nomads driven by nature in the same way? People persecuted Jews, and Khazars were forced to roam by nature: people are also nature. That’s the difference. So much for the similarity. What should we call this invisible language, or rather the aura of freedom, that told the Jews where they would be better off and where they would not be (where they would have to fight all the time for equality, for citizenship, for socialism, finally)?

It turns out that the Khazars are the first of the nomads to master commodity-money relations, and the Jews are freedom fighters. The Khazars, however, lagged far behind; so far, they have been opposed only by nature and the weather. To overcome all adversities and survive, they had to wander, wander, and «keep warm.»

The Jews were far ahead of others. They found a radical way against nature as if they were against wild pagan peoples. However, nations are unpredictable, unlike nature – they persecuted Jews out of jealousy, suspicion, and envy. The Jews also gave them money «on loan,» «but they did not give it to their Jews» – as bequeathed by G-d. This was very similar to the fact that all pagan nomads sacrificed Tengri. This often did not help them.


No one knew then that future nomads would love commodity-money relations, so it is unnecessary to accept Judaism for this. The main thing is to love freedom in the form of the principle «Am I first or second?» because money and wealth greatly raise everyone in the eyes of others. The main thing here is to be an elite. Or call yourself an elite with the help of journalists, propagandists, and other modern servants. This causes obvious nomadic unscrupulousness and unbridled corruption).

Chapter 13

The instinct of power. Chosenness

Children can also wear adult clothes. When very young children imitate adults, it’s a whole performance. This does not cause anything but approval.

Addicts can take drugs. But the «junkies» charge money for the next dose.

«First – second» is, of course, the instinct of the importance of being chosen. God chose the Jews – everyone knows about it. But what about the nomads?

Nomads, the nomadic elite, are always in a state of Brownian conceit. I and only I, although such leadership is certainly not as conscious as that of King Louis 14 of France in the form of «the state is me.» The instinct of leadership is not in every person’s blood, but every nomad has it. (The nomad’s love of power is literally painted on his face. If the nomad’s ambitions are not satisfied, he will also try not to obey. Although you can’t find fault with him outwardly, he will also do everything: perform and show friendship and diligence. But who is the fool who would believe in this diligence and friendship? At the same time, an unsatisfied, power-hungry Kazakh will sit up to anyone, even his relative or even his own son. It’s all a fight. It’s between our own. The intraspecific struggle is stronger than the interspecific one. Every family has its despot. So we can be trusted by others).

In an animal pack, no one also believes that he is a state, that someone consciously obeys someone, because animals do not have a state, but have their own organization – a pack and instincts: animals behave almost like humans (this «almost» is never overcome in animals. They will never become people).

This step between the pack and the chosen one «from G-d» is occupied by everyone at a particular stage of civilizational childhood.

Yes, the instinct of power is in a person’s blood, and it cannot be taken away. Therefore, although the choice of one of the Abrahamic branches, and the oldest one, looks like a political choice, nevertheless, this most radical instinct influenced the motive of this choice. Am I the first or the second? This is not «I want to be second» to the Khazars, as the most obvious representatives of the nomadic world, turned into we do not want to be second after Christians and Muslims. Among the pagans, the military leader decides everything. Everything he does is repeated by everyone else in the caravan. The same can also be expressed with such a motto – we are independent! If anything, we’ll ride off to the steppe and separate from you. We will create a new Horde (which means we will create a new independent state).

No one knows the reason for such a degree of pride in such a world yet. Nobody doesn’t want to get into the depths of the subconscious. But we’ll probably have to do it anyway. Besides, it will also reveal the reason for the radical nationalism of all peoples at a certain stage. All civilized nations passed this stage at the end of the 19th and 20th centuries. As for us, who live on the outskirts of civilization «in Asia,» we need to figure this out – for our own good. If we don’t do this, «we will be crushed,» as the leader of all athletes in the USSR said – Stalin. We will turn out to be the same Khazars that we strongly resemble, although the Khazars’ experience would benefit us even after a thousand years. So let’s not waste time.

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