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Книги автора Автор не определен

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Account Management
The sales function is the front-line of any business. Keeping up with the latest sales techniques is essential, as well as ensuring you have…
The sales function is the front-line of any business. Keeping up with the latest sales techniques is essential, as well as ensuring you have…
Shared Data Clusters
Clustering is a vital methodology in the data storage world. Its goal is to maximize cost-effectiveness, availability, flexibility, and scal…
Clustering is a vital methodology in the data storage world. Its goal is to maximize cost-effectiveness, availability, flexibility, and scal…
учебники и пособия для вузов
An unparalleled opportunity to learn about an exciting new technology that is revolutionizing network and Internet content delivery Network …
An unparalleled opportunity to learn about an exciting new technology that is revolutionizing network and Internet content delivery Network …
Making Questions Work
зарубежные любовные романы, зарубежная классика, литература 19 века
This book is an invaluable desk reference for facilitators, leaders, coaches and anyone who wants to engage in more effective learning and d…
This book is an invaluable desk reference for facilitators, leaders, coaches and anyone who wants to engage in more effective learning and d…
The Self-Directed Learning Handbook offers teachers and principals an innovative program for customizing schooling to the learning needs of …
The Self-Directed Learning Handbook offers teachers and principals an innovative program for customizing schooling to the learning needs of …
Brownian Motion Calculus
историческая фантастика, попаданцы, современная русская литература
Brownian Motion Calculus presents the basics of Stochastic Calculus with a focus on the valuation of financial derivatives. It is intended a…
Brownian Motion Calculus presents the basics of Stochastic Calculus with a focus on the valuation of financial derivatives. It is intended a…
The Value Motive
личная эффективность, саморазвитие / личностный рост, мотивация
Our market system has evolved in line with capitalist philosophy, and at its heart is profit. But while profit can be a powerful motive, it …
Our market system has evolved in line with capitalist philosophy, and at its heart is profit. But while profit can be a powerful motive, it …
В аудиокниге народных сказок вы найдете лучшие сказки народов мира. Оригинальные английские тексты снабжены методически продуманными трениро…
В аудиокниге народных сказок вы найдете лучшие сказки народов мира. Оригинальные английские тексты снабжены методически продуманными трениро…
математика, практикумы, учебное пособие для студентов, высшая математика, дифференциальные уравнения, решение задач, геометрия, книги для преподавателей
This volume collects the contributions of a number of diverse and distinguished scholars to reflect upon the topic of corporate retirement s…
This volume collects the contributions of a number of diverse and distinguished scholars to reflect upon the topic of corporate retirement s…
монографии, PR, реклама, профессиональная подготовка, увеличение объема продаж, рекламные тексты, рекламные технологии
Wealth Management Planning addresses the major UK tax issues affecting wealth management planning for both the UK domiciled and non-UK domic…
Wealth Management Planning addresses the major UK tax issues affecting wealth management planning for both the UK domiciled and non-UK domic…
A Companion to Satire
стихи и поэзия
This collection of twenty-nine original essays, surveys satire from its emergence in Western literature to the present. Tracks satire from i…
This collection of twenty-nine original essays, surveys satire from its emergence in Western literature to the present. Tracks satire from i…
This new and thoroughly revised edition of the best selling Personnel Management text by Stephen Bach provides an authoritative analysis of …
учебники и пособия для вузов
The Concise Companion to Feminist Theory introduces readers to the broad scope of feminist theory over the last 35 years. Introduces readers…
The Concise Companion to Feminist Theory introduces readers to the broad scope of feminist theory over the last 35 years. Introduces readers…
Fixed Income Strategy
газеты, политология, общая история
Market players put their jobs on the line with every position they take. Any fixed income investor in the circumstance of being granted one …
Market players put their jobs on the line with every position they take. Any fixed income investor in the circumstance of being granted one …
учебники и пособия для вузов
This Concise Companion presents fresh perspectives on eighteenth-century literature. Contributes to current debates in the field on subjects…
This Concise Companion presents fresh perspectives on eighteenth-century literature. Contributes to current debates in the field on subjects…
Value Maps
изобразительное искусство, искусствоведение
Praise for VALUE MAPS «Equivocator, Explorer, Experimenter, Exploiter, Extender—Chapter 12 might be well served as mandatory reading for all…
Praise for VALUE MAPS «Equivocator, Explorer, Experimenter, Exploiter, Extender—Chapter 12 might be well served as mandatory reading for all…
Organic Growth
A key concern today for all those involved in business development is how to grow your company not only faster but cheaper (or economically)…
A key concern today for all those involved in business development is how to grow your company not only faster but cheaper (or economically)…
Leadership Risk
This book is a practical guide for private equity investors. It sets out a framework for understanding, assessing and managing the risks ass…
This book is a practical guide for private equity investors. It sets out a framework for understanding, assessing and managing the risks ass…
учебники и пособия для вузов
This book provides a modern and up-to-date treatment of the Hilbert transform of distributions and the space of periodic distributions. Taki…
This book provides a modern and up-to-date treatment of the Hilbert transform of distributions and the space of periodic distributions. Taki…
учебники и пособия для вузов
Understanding Minimalist Syntax introduces the logic of the Minimalist Program by analyzing well-known descriptive generalizations about lon…
Understanding Minimalist Syntax introduces the logic of the Minimalist Program by analyzing well-known descriptive generalizations about lon…