Die Wissenschaft glaubt nicht, dass einige Zahlen "schlecht" und andere "gut" sind, aber diese Meinung existiert im religiös-mystischen Denken. Im Herbst 1975 appellierten 186 führ...
После Гомера Троя и герои Троянской войны твёрдым шагом вошли не только в греческую, но и в мировую культуру, в культуру многих народов, в том числе и в русскую культуру. На протяж...
Bref aperçu de l'histoire et de la culture du peuple irlandais. L'Irlande était autrefois habitée par des tribus ibériques (peuples ibéro-Caucasiens) et celtiques (indo-européens)....
A brief overview of the history and culture of the Irish people. Ireland in ancient times was inhabited by Iberian (Ibero-Caucasian peoples) and Celtic (Indo-Europeans) tribes. The...
Roedd iwerddon yn yr hen amser yn byw gan lwythau Iberia (ibero-Caucasian) A cheltaidd (Indo-Ewropeaid). Mae gwreiddiau celf trigolion yr ynys yn mynd yn ôl i ddiwylliant y llwytha...
Léargas gairid ar stair agus ar chultúr mhuintir Na Héireann. Bhí treibheanna Ibéireacha (pobail Ibero-Chugais) agus Treibheanna Ceilteacha (Ind-Eorpaigh) ina gcónaí in éirinn san...
Geàrr-chunntas-eachdraidh Agus cultar Nan Gàidheal. Bha daoine Iberianach (ibero-Caucasian) agus treubhan Ceilteach (Indo-Eòrpaich) a ' fuireach ann an èirinn san t-seann aimsir. T...
This book presents facts related to the political development of the country and the personality of Stalin after the end of the Great Patriotic War, the time of his death and event...
Наука не считает, что одни цифры "плохие", а другие "хорошие", однако такое мнение существует в религиозно-мистическом мышлении. Еще осенью 1975 года 186 ведущих ученых США, в том...
Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky (1811-1848), great Russian educator, literary critic and philosopher. He collaborated in the magazine "Telescope" (1833-1836), "Domestic Notes" (183...
I løpet av de siste 20 årene har medlemmer av Zoonomia international consortium dechiffrert genomene til dyr fra forskjellige familier og sammenlignet dem med sekvensen av humant D...
In den letzten 20 Jahren haben die Mitglieder des internationalen Zoonomia-Konsortiums Tiergenome aus verschiedenen Familien entschlüsselt und mit einer menschlichen DNA-Sequenz ve...
The cross in different versions has been used since ancient times for utilitarian purposes - lighting a fire. Subsequently, the cross was deified and became a sacred object.
Korset i forskjellige versjoner har blitt brukt siden antikken til utilitaristiske formål - å tenne bål. Deretter ble korset guddommeliggjort og ble en hellig gjenstand.