The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those o...
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those o...
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those o...
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those o...
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those o...
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those o...
Как поймать и приготовить пальмового краба, если посольство не платит зарплаты, а ты голоден?Гаагская конференция – с чем это едят?Сложно ли прожить месяц в плену у ливийских повст...
Учебное пособие «Международные стандарты в уголовном судопроизводстве» содержит информацию о международных стандартах по обеспечению и соблюдению прав и свобод личности в рамках уг...