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young adult
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New Year's Tale is a large collection of short stories for children that will give you and your children unforgettable emotions. Children are our everything. Children are our ray o...
young adult
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Бұл өлеңдер мен әңгімелер жинағы Махаббат, достық, сынған жүректер, отбасы, мансап, естеліктер және т.б. сияқты тақырыптарды қамтиды. Автор жанымен, эмоцияларымен және өз естелікте...
young adult
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Diese Sammlung von Gedichten und Geschichten umfasst Themen wie: Liebe, Freundschaft, gebrochene Herzen, Familie, Karriere, Erinnerungen und vieles mehr. Der Autor schafft Bücher m...
современная русская литература
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This collection of poems and short stories covers topics such as: love, friendship, broken hearts, family, career, memories and much more. The author creates books with soul, emoti...