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Sole Delbuono est une jeune femme douce aux cheveux couleur de miel et aux yeux bleus comme l'océan, qui a presque tout reçu de la vie: une famille aisée, une excellente éducation...
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L’histoire d’un homme à la recherche du bonheur Marco Grassi, manager couronné de succès, est aimé et estimé par ses amis autant que par ses collègues. A deux doigts du mariage ave...
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La storia tragicomica di Nero che incontra Sofia. Il peso di un passato scomodo che influenza il presente. Nero fin da piccolo è stato particolare. Non è mai riuscito a tracciare u...
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E' per tutti quelli che sognano di incontrare quella giusta su un meraviglioso stivale tacco 12. Lei è Isabelle: trentaquattro anni, un fidanzato storico e possiede una boutique di...
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Una novela policíaca ambientada entre Roma y los Alpes. Una historia de amor, nacida del deseo de vivir una doble vida en un lugar lejos de casa. Sara empezará así a redescubrirse,...
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You will never be lost for words in your travels around Germany and German-speaking countries again! Your ideal travel companion will ensure that you can say what you need in Germa...
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You will never be lost for words in your travels around Spain and the Spanish islands again! Your ideal travel companion will ensure that you can say what you need in Spanish with...
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You will never be lost for words in your travels around Portugal and the Portuguese islands again! Your ideal travel companion will ensure that you can say what you need in Portugu...
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You will never be lost for words in your travels around France again! Your ideal travel companion will ensure that you can say what you need in French with ease and confidence.Reli...
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You will never be lost for words in your travels around Turkey again! Your ideal travel companion will ensure that you can say what you need in Turkish with ease and confidence.Rel...
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