The final novel in Andrew Taylor’s ground-breaking Roth trilogy, which was adapted into the acclaimed drama Fallen Angel. A powerful thriller for fans of S J Watson.Janet Byfield h...
The first in a new series of classic detective stories from the vaults of HarperCollins involves a blind man who stumbles across a murder. As he has not seen anything, the assassin...
The fourth in a new series of classic detective stories from the vaults of HarperCollins involves a tragic accident during a shooting party. As the story switches between Paris and...
The first in a new series of classic detective stories from the vaults of HarperCollins is the world’s first locked-room mystery, a seemingly impossible crime story as powerful as...
‘A perfect story to read now the colder weather is drawing in’ – Book Reviews by ClaireDo you believe in ghost stories?‘I’m coming to find you, ready or not.’There's not much that...
The Forgotten Cottage, the eagerly-awaited and chillingly terrifying new book in Helen Phifer’s best-selling ‘Annie Graham’ series. Annie Graham has fought her demons, and is ready...
One little girl, one missing child. One historical mystery colliding with the future.Sophie was afraid of the man in the shadows. He terrified her, but he would always disappear wh...
The latest in a new series of classic detective stories from the vaults of HarperCollins is a reissue of one of literature’s most audacious and thought-provoking novels of murder a...
A ‘shilling shocker’ from the late 19th century, a macabre novel of murder and its consequences, originally published as a Christmas Annual for adults and now reissued complete wit...
The latest in a new series of classic detective stories from the vaults of HarperCollins involves the murder of a notorious criminal in the home of a famous millionaire. But there...