A practical guide to Cryptography and its use in the Internet and other communication networks. This overview takes the reader through basic issues and on to more advanced concepts...
Combining coverage of both XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0, this book is the definitive reference to the final recommendation status versions of both specifications. The authors start by co...
Hands-on information to help you fully exploit the capabilities of MIDP 2.0 on Symbian OS (including MMA, WMA and Bluetooth). This practical guide will walk you through developing...
Learn how to successfully implement trustworthy computing tasks using aspect-oriented programming This landmark publication fills a gap in the literature by not only describing the...
The latest techniques and principles of parallel and grid database processing The growth in grid databases, coupled with the utility of parallel query processing, presents an impor...
This book provides thorough knowledge of Linux TCP/IP stack and kernel framework for its network stack, including complete knowledge of design and implementation. Starting with sim...
The eagerly awaited Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture (POSA) Volume 4 is about a pattern language for distributed computing. The authors will guide you through the best practi...
Gain a new perspective on how the brain works and inspires new avenues for design in computer science and engineering This unique book is the first of its kind to introduce human m...
This much-needed update to the bestselling guide on the extensive changes to the local area networks (LAN) switching technologies explains why LAN switching technologies are critic...
This new book, first in the Academy series, is the official guide to the ASD exam, priming candidates for the exam, explaining exactly what they need to know. The Primer explains t...