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A Step-by-Step Guide to Verification of Digital Systems This practical book provides a step-by-step, interactive introduction to formal verification of systems and circuits. The bo...
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Examines how risk management security technologies must prevent virus and computer attacks, as well as providing insurance and processes for natural disasters such as fire, floods,...
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Up the ante on your FirePOWER with Advanced FireSIGHT Administration exam prep Securing Cisco Networks with Sourcefire IPS Study Guide, Exam 500-285, provides 100% coverage of the...
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A review of the interdisciplinary field of synthetic biology, from genome design to spatial engineering Written by an international panel of experts, Synthetic Biology draws from v...
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What are accidents? Are they just statistics that your safety department sends to you monthly and which you glance over and ask yourself whether the safety professional you have em...
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New owner of a Droid? Enjoy it even more with this perfect guide Congratulations on owning one of the hottest smartphones on the planet—more than 400,000 new Android phones are act...
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The A-to-Z guide to spotting and fixing usability problems Frustrated by pop-ups? Forms that make you start over if you miss a field? Nonsensical error messages? You're not alone!...
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Practical data design tips from a data visualization expert of the modern age Data doesn?t decrease; it is ever-increasing and can be overwhelming to organize in a way that makes s...
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Become a Google guru with these effective tips, tricks, and techniques Sure, you use Google. But do you really use Google—and everything it has to offer—in the most effective way p...
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Software Paradigms provides the first complete compilation of software paradigms commonly used to develop large software applications, with coverage ranging from discrete problems...
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29 июня 1900 года родился Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери (Antoine Marie Roger, Vicomte de Saint-Exupery) (ум. 1944), французский писатель.
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