Bring your design vision to life with this full-color guide to AutoCAD 2013! Used by everyone from engineers and architects to interior designers and draftspeople, AutoCAD 2013 is...
Here's the bestselling guide on SharePoint 2010, updated to cover Office 365 SharePoint Portal Server is an essential part of the enterprise infrastructure for many businesses. The...
Discover all the security risks and exploits that can threaten iOS-based mobile devices iOS is Apple's mobile operating system for the iPhone and iPad. With the introduction of iOS...
Create applications for all major smartphone platforms Creating applications for the myriad versions and varieties of mobile phone platforms on the market can be daunting to even t...
Learn to build human-interactive Android apps, starting with device sensors This book shows Android developers how to exploit the rich set of device sensors—locational, physical (t...
The bestselling tech book of all time, now updated for Windows 8 Microsoft Windows is the operating system that runs nearly 90 percent of the world's computers. Windows 8 will offe...
Updated guidance on how to take advantage of the newest features of SharePoint programmability More than simply a portal, SharePoint is Microsoft's popular content management solut...
QuickBooks 2012 For Dummies is a big help for small businesses Most businesses can't afford a Big Four accounting firm to handle their books. That's why so many small-to-mid-size b...
Learn to use JUNOS to make your network reliable! Providing network administrators with a reliable network operating system, JUNOS software is an award-winning network operating sy...
Windows security concepts and technologies for IT beginners IT security can be a complex topic, especially for those new to the field of IT. This full-color book, with a focus on t...
24 ноября 1870 года
ушел из жизни Граф Лотреамон (comte de Lautreamont), французский прозаик и поэт, поздний романтик, предтеча символизма и сюрреализма (р. 1846).