Sharpen your skills and shape attitudes to achieve high levels of success personally and professionally The Optimism Advantage offers tangible, proven techniques for turning life's...
Get what you want, every time! Imagine a world where you are offered every job you seek; every business venture you undertake is successful; and every potential customer you approa...
A guidebook for the journey from exhaustion to enlightenment Chronic multitasking and ever-increasing demands on our time and energy have caused a neurochemically-based dependence...
The five steps to successful selling, negotiating, and managing multi-culturally Say Anything to Anyone, Anywhere gives readers five simple key guidelines to create rapport and org...
Ruthlessly focus on what's convenient for customers, not what's convenient for you Ninety percent of dissatisfied clients will take their business elsewhere and never tell you why....
A new and simple system to understanding and controlling the behavior of others Noted body language, behavior and communication expert Mark Bowden offers a totally practical, easy-...
Create office efficiency and business productivity with this helpful book. Eliminate the Chaos at Work increases your business productivity and peace of mind by showing you how to...
Who are Asia's biggest business leaders? What kind of leadership skills and philosophies do they possess that have put them at the forefront of their respective industries? What ma...
An all-encompassing guide to making the most from multi-channel marketing Written in a straightforward and accessible style, Changing the Channel offers you a detailed look at twel...
Simple, powerful marketing strategies every business can afford to implement There's never been a better time to be a marketer or entrepreneur than right now. Thanks to the Interne...