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Прочитав книгу Виктории Зоновой «Астры. Лучшие сорта» вы научитесь выращивать эти прекрасные цветы, правильно ухаживать за ними.
Вы познакомитесь с 67-мью лучшими сортами альпийски...
Veterinary Periodontology is a comprehensive yet user-friendly reference on periodontal disease in dogs and cats, encompassing etiology, pathogenesis, and clinical features. Emphas...
Medical Mathematics and Dosage Calculations for Veterinary Professionals, Second Edition is an updated and revised version of the essential pocket-size reference for using math in...
Clinical Cases in Avian and Exotic Animal Hematology and Cytology demonstrates how to use hemic cytology and cytodiagnosis as part of the assessment of an exotic animal patient, ta...
Turner and McIlwraith’s Techniques in Large Animal Surgery, Fourth Edition is an updated version of the classic resource for step-by-step instruction on basic surgical techniques i...
A one-stop reference for the surgical treatment of wounds in small animal patients Wound management and reconstructive surgery are among the most challenging and innovative subspec...
Lameness is one of the most costly diseases affecting cattle and cases are increasing as dairy cows spend more time confined to concrete instead of grassy pasture. The economic imp...
Practical Weight Management in Dogs and Cats is a comprehensive, clinical reference for the veterinary health team, providing the necessary tools to successfully manage pet obesity...