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From the creator of This Girl Can Organise, the ultimate guide to decluttering your home in a fun, sustainable and meaningful way.Are you drowning in clutter? Do you dread opening...
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All of us are looking for happiness, love and moments of peace in our lives. In this positive and life-altering book, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar reminds us that we carry within ourselves...
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An invaluable tool for helping children to overcome any emotional and physical issues, The Journey for Kids presents simple imagery exercises that will appeal to children from 5-12...
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Be transformed and improve the quality of your life with ‘25 amazing and practical ways to Improve your life’.Take time-out for yourself to reflect on the context of your life. All...
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The history of vibrational healing dates back thousands of years. Many ancient civilizations such as the Aztecs, Incas, Native Americans and Chinese have used it in various differe...
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“We all carry important marks of pain and discouragement front of the life's events. What to do with this is what many people ask themselves. Wound scars comes to bring a script an...
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Spiritual essay on the efficiency of prayer to change own life situation. Do you have dreams and desires that you would like to realize? Do you still have good hopes or are you lo...
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From Cameron Diaz, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Body Book, comes a fresh, personal, and authoritative examination of the art and science of growing older and a r...
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From former FBI agent and bestselling author Joe Navarro, a field guide companion to his classic What Every BODY is Saying, revealing the more than 400 essential body language indi...
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Psychic Derek Ogilvie is the baby mind reader – called in when parents have tried all else, Derek communicates with children to find the reasons behind their problem behaviour, tan...
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2 января 1920 года родился Айзек Азимов (Isaac Asimov), американский писатель-фантаст, популяризатор науки (умер в 1992г.).
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