A hilarious new series for younger readers, following the misadventures of an ordinary boy at an extraordinary school for young spies…Jake's dad is head of the Secret Service. Alic...
Kyle’s imaginary friend from childhood is back… with a vengeance.Kyle hasn't seen Mr Mumbles in years. And there's a good reason for that: Mr Mumbles doesn't exist.But now Kyle's i...
A short story from the world of Department 19.In 1891, Abraham Van Helsing and a group of friends faced Dracula, the world’s first vampire – and won. The survivors of that battle f...
A short story from the world of Department 19.In 1891, Abraham Van Helsing and a group of friends faced Dracula, the world’s first vampire – and won. The survivors of that battle f...
Join Tom on an incredible treasure hunt through time and battle history’s mightiest warriors. The fourth book in a new time-travelling series – perfect for fans of Beast Quest.When...
The latest mystery for the Third Pig Detective Agency.Harry Pigg is back……and it’s a good job he isn’t scared of spiders.When Little Miss Muffet turns up at the Third Pig Detective...
Ever wondered how Lola Love, star of top go-for-it-girl guides Think Pink and Beauty*Licious became the hipster heroine she is today?Follow her from drab to fab in Livin’ la Vida L...
Lola Love and the pink ladies are back in the next kick-ass installment of the new fiction series by Lisa Clark.It’s the school holidays but that doesn’t mean Lola Love isn’t worki...
Lola and her Pink Ladies are officially a band! But are they good enough to compete in the Missy Magazine Battle of the Bands and meet the super cute, super cool guitar god Tom Too...
Prince Vernon Roberts has been rather ignominiously trapped in a statue for three years. Now, he is seeking vampiric revenge!In the small town of Katchem-by-the-Throat, in the tiny...