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Get up to speed quickly—review and practice major concepts in accounting! Whether you're looking to improve your classroom experience, or simply become more familiar with accountin...
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With approximately 44,000 users in the U.S. and Canada, as well as 42,000 in Europe, IDEA software has become a leading provider of data analysis software for use by auditors and a...
(текущая оценка книги: 0.0 из 5) [ оценок]
This highly regarded reference is relied on by a considerable part of the accounting profession in their day-to-day work. This comprehensive resource is widely recognized and relie...
(текущая оценка книги: 0.0 из 5) [ оценок]
This highly regarded reference is relied on by a considerable part of the accounting profession in their day-to-day work. This handbook is the first place accountants, auditors, ba...
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No other management tool provides the operational direction that a well-planned budget can. Now in a new edition, this book provides updated coverage on issues such as budgeting fo...
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The 2008 financial crisis highlighted the need for responsible corporate governance within financial institutions. The key to ensuring that adequate standards are maintained lies w...
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The first edition of The Internal Auditing Handbook received wide acclaim from readers and became established as one of the definitive publications on internal auditing. The second...
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Today's controllers are no longer seen as technicians who process transactions; they are now seen as business executives with a wide-ranging knowledge of total business operations,...
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Accountants and financial managers are often the first professionals to realize that a financial problem exists within a corporation but must be familiar with the various alternati...
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A comprehensive guide to new and existing accounting practices for fixed income securities and interest rate derivatives The financial crisis forced accounting standard setters and...
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10 января 1883 года родился граф Алексей Николаевич Толстой, русский писатель. "Пётр I", "Аэлита", "Гиперболоид инженера Гарина" (ум. 1945г.).
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