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The one-stop guide to transitioning to IFRS financial reporting The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have already been adopted in Europe, and plans are in place t...
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International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Workbook and Guide is a one stop resource for understanding and applying current International Financial Reporting Standards (IFR...
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The Controller's Guide to Planning and Controlling Operations is a comprehensive guide for controllers, CFOs, and budget managers who need to determine: The soundness of sales fore...
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A clear, concise explanation of United States tax law’s international aspects In tackling a sometimes thorny set of laws and treaties, international tax expert Ernest Larkins empha...
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The budget and financial reporting processes are well known sources of frustration for most CFOs. Seeking a quick fix to the problem, the common solution is to pour more money into...
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Praise for Directory of Global Professional Accounting and Business Certifications «In a globalized world, employers are confronted by a bewildering variety of professional qualifi...
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Now fully revised and updated, the Third Edition of How to Comply with Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404: Assessing the Effectiveness of Internal Control is the perfect starting point for...
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Boost M&A outcomes with less risk by learning from mistakes of the past Material Adverse Change will help you close more successful mergers and acquisitions by analyzing the common...
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A strategic, practical, cost-effective approach to fraud prevention In troubled economic times, the risk of fraud and financial crime increases. In our post credit crunch environme...
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The highly experienced authors of the Essentials of Forensic Accounting define and explain the disciplined approaches to forensic accounting that lead to a thorough knowledge of th...
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