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Forms, checklists, and step-by-step instructions for choosing and implementing an ESOP Financial officers need to know how to compare an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) with o...
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Praise for VALUE MAPS «Equivocator, Explorer, Experimenter, Exploiter, Extender—Chapter 12 might be well served as mandatory reading for all subject matter experts! SPARC is not a...
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Developed by a task force consisting of current and former employee benefit plan expert panel members, this alert offers a range of topics such as master trust reporting, cybersecu...
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Have you been asked to perform an information systems audit and don't know where to start? Examine a company's hardware, software, and data organization and processing methods to e...
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Practical, proven tools for conducting successful operational reviews An operational review evaluates management's conformity with plans and resource allocations, organizational st...
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High profile cases of financial statement fraud have been dominating the news recently, causing people to question the accuracy of the financial information made available by compa...
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Drawing on 20 years of experience as Comptroller and Auditor General, and head of the United Kingdom National Audit Office, Public Sector Auditing: Is it Value for Money? is Sir Jo...
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A fraud investigation is aimed at examining evidence to determine if a fraud occurred, how it happened, who was involved, and how much money was lost. Investigations occur in cases...
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Electronic Health Records: An Audit and Internal Control Guide describes the infrastructure of electronic health records and the impact that the government's new criteria will have...
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