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The Dictionary of Auditing is a one-stop resource for key auditing terminology, concepts, and processes essential to auditors and of increasing interest to those that work with the...
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Explores the components of e-commerce (including EDI). Shows the risks involved when using an e-commerce system. Provides controls for protecting an e-commerce site (e.g., securing...
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A clear, accessible guide to the roles and responsibilities of today's internal auditor At a time when companies are seeking to reevaluate their practices and add value to their au...
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Billings and Collections Best Practices offers advice for implementing a plethora of best practices to greatly improve your company's level of efficiency in information reporting,...
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Building and maintaining a customer-centered enterprise cost-effectively is a hot topic and key business issue. This book provides the definitive work on how to derive return from...
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Offering a multidisciplinary roadmap for the design, development, and implementation of a strategic cost system, this book shows how to design a cost system to become a more effect...
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All the information you need to extend your credit lines worldwide! As more and more companies expand globally, their credit managers must learn to understand and implement foreign...
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GETTING TO THE BOTTOM OF THE BOTTOM LINE Traditional cost management systems typically defeat their own purpose by leading corporations to make decisions that ultimately do not opt...
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The current period of market and governmental turbulence is the most challenging—yet rewarding—time to be a treasurer. Now, as perhaps never before, the treasurer’s visions, skills...
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