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Ascension. Saksaywaman. Shard of eternity
Ascension. Saksaywaman. Shard of eternity
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Ascension. Saksaywaman. Shard of eternity

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Now it was the Lord's turn to focus his growing interest on Matthew. He seemed to have the same thoughts that had been swirling in his guest's mind a moment ago. He did not want to sound overly interested, and his eyes moved as if they were inches away from his companion. No one present dared to break the silence. For a long time now Andrew said nothing, but kept looking from Lord to Matthew and back again. Matthew himself was somewhat puzzled, as normally he was the one who “scanned” people with his inner intuitive sense, but now he was in the opposite position.

After a while, the slight tension from the prolonged pause subsided. The lord relaxed visibly, stretched himself at ease in his chair, stretching his long legs forward, and Matthew realized that he had made a final unspoken decision for himself about their cooperation.

– Well, my lord. What exactly is our mission? – Matthew asked in a confident tone. – I shall not go there merely to see it. What exactly are you interested in? Artifacts, writings, or maybe the verification of legends?

– Everything you've listed is very interesting, – the Lord answered, – but they are only details and tools to achieve the final goal. The main thing is to solve the problem. How exactly were these edifices erected? The most important thing is the technology. First you need to find them and pinpoint their exact location. After that, examine the ruins and try to understand how they were built. I understand that the task is extremely difficult. The whole scientific world is working to solve it. But it requires an unconventional vision. That is why I am turning to you. If you can't find out the technology of construction, examine these ruins and determine their true age. It is a very realistic task. I am sure that scientists have easily determined it, but they are… let's call it that, afraid to talk about it. Have I made my thoughts clear, gentlemen?

– Quite, – the men answered in one voice.

– The task is clear, – continued Matthew. – I am very interesting to take on the affair. All that remains is to calculate the financial side of the question. We will discuss it after we have gathered all the information, which will determine the number of participants in the group and the required route.

– Gentlemen, there is no need to calculate anything, – assured the Lord. – I'll pay three hundred thousand dollars for the tickets and equipment. If the result of the expedition is zero, the rest of the money stays with you. Of course, you will report the results and all your considerations to me in full. If you establish the real age of the buildings with irrefutable proofs – you will get half a million dollars. If you get the technology and demonstrate the recreation of the building, your financial account will be increased by three million dollars. Is that all right with you?

– More than that, – Matthew replied, after a silent exchange of glances with his companion. – I'm sure the initial amount is enough for two or three months of work and living in Cuzco. If we find nothing during that time, we can safely return home. If…

– I beg your pardon, – interrupted the Lord, – but you will have to go home from Cuzco through London, for I will be there, and I need a first-hand report.

– As you say, my lord, – Matthew agreed. – If the expedition should be extended, I will contact you with my thoughts. You will make further decisions on the basis of the information you receive.

– Very well, – replied the Lord. – But if it is necessary to consult on the further development of the expedition and, accordingly, on the additional investment, you will have to fly to London. It will not take much time. Any telephone conversations are simply inadmissible in such a case. – That number, at which I communicated with you, Mr. Kronov, – the lord said to Andrew, – has already been destroyed. So any technical and financial questions you will solve with my confidant, Mr. Lambert. He will contact you in an hour after my departure for London.

– Everything is clear, – expressed Matthew, getting up from his chair. – I think we have no more questions to ask each other.

– Tell me when you intend to fly to South America, and I dare not detain you.

– Usually it takes about a week to collect and process information, – Matthew answered after a little thought. – But to make the work more productive, in three days I'll go to Spain and from there I'll take a boat to Brazil. During this voyage I could think over all the details in peace. Besides, traveling on a sea liner, away from land, is very fruitful for the thought process.

– I'm sure it does, – the lord nodded approvingly. – It was a pleasure to meet you, gentlemen.

After shaking the lord's hand, the friends left the room. After its mysterious surroundings, the light in the corridor blinded their eyes. When they went down to the lower floor, they said goodbye to the receptionist, taking the business cards of the hotel.

– I am sure you have one of the quietest and most beautiful hotels in Europe, – said Matthew goodbye. – I will certainly recommend it on occasion.

– Thank you, – she smiled and slightly bowed her head.

Men went out of the lobby, got into the car and left the hotel.

– So, – Andrew started the conversation, – what shall we start with?

– I'm afraid, dear friend, you won't be able to help me in this case. I have all the information I need. When you get in touch with the Lord's confidant, tell him what accounts to transfer the money. You will keep ten per cent for yourself, which is thirty thousand. Now about the rest of the money. Consider half a million in our pocket. It shouldn't be too difficult to determine the real age of the stone. I'll take the professor and my friend Linda Chizhevskaya with me. You are not acquainted with her, but we will fix that before we leave. As for the construction technology, I'll tell you straight out, the chances are not too great. But believe me, I'll do my best. It's not every day that you get a chance to uncover the secrets of ancient civilizations, and with such generous financial support.

– I do not doubt you, my friend, – did not take his eyes off the road, Andrew replied. – Do you think three months may not be enough time to work?

– Anything is possible. There are so many mysteries in South America, you could stay there for years. I know three groups that have been there for more than a year, so three months is not a long time. By the way, I'm going to visit one of them, although they are doing very different things, they are already quite proficient in the local dialects, which is not unimportant. To collect legends I will have to communicate with the locals. Who better than them knows the traditions and lore of their lands? The most important thing is to get them to like you or interest them in something, but it is more valuable to understand what they are talking about. In Spanish, you know, I can speak it quite well, but there are many dialects: Mapudungun, Quechua and Aymara are the most common. And I don't think anyone knows how many of them there are. Although, most likely, they are very similar to each other, so I will not get bored during the voyage.

– Will it be just the two of you, or do you need a bigger crew? – Andrew asked.

– Linda is enough for me. The Lord has set very specific tasks. Who else would I need? I can take care of the equipment, and Linda has the necessary instruments for analysis. I need permission to transport them, by the way, and I'll need cash for that, since our expedition is unofficial.

– Everything will be, – shortly answered Andrew, turning into the alley and approaching the house of Matthew. – Let's rest today, and as soon as I am contacted by the representative of the Lord… what's his name?

– Mr. Lambert, – reminded Matthew.

– Yes, exactly, – Andrew nodded. – When Mr. Lambert has contacted me and we've settled all the details, I'll let you know at once.

– All right, – said Matthew, closing the car door. – Good night.

– Good night to you, too, – said Andrew, turning on the light music and stepping on the gas pedal.


When he got home, Matthew took a shower and went to bed. But sleep did not hurry to envelop him. All his thoughts were preoccupied with the upcoming trip, promising thrills and good earnings.

«I was overreacting about the fact that one man is enough for me, – Matthew thought, throwing his hands behind his head. – I wouldn't want regret it later. Who knows what secrets this unknown land holds? Besides, one would have to deal with people who were far away from civilization. But most importantly, Linda would have her own job, and I would have mine. She will be alone quite often, and I am not going to risk her life in any way. And if that's the case, we need another person. I am a loner, and an assistant can only hinder me, but Linda just needs an assistant who, besides, can ensure her safety».

Having made this decision, Matthew calmed down a little, but he still could not sleep. His mental activity and his overblown fantasy unfolded and grew exponentially. He mentally transported himself to the place where the surviving remains of ancient structures were located. Among the virgin rainforest, untouched by man, were huge solid blocks of stone, overgrown with the shoots of climbing plants. Matthew wandered along the path that wound around the complex of structures and gradually led him deep into the jungle. The trill of the birds sounded so realistic that Matthew lost the line between fantasy and reality. His attention was now completely focused on the new sensations, and they were truly impressive. In addition to the singing of the birds, the surrounding space was saturated with the rustle of the leaves as they were touched by gusts of wind. At these moments, the cries of the monkeys and the distant roar of the wild beasts were hushed, as if they too were enjoying this enchanting jungle music. Meanwhile, the pleasant coolness of the forest beckoned farther and farther along the barely visible path. Without any sense of fear, Matthew went deeper into the thicket, enjoying the newly discovered scenery. Huge ancient trees on either side of the path stretched straight into the clouds that enveloped their tops with their impenetrable canopy. But this did not prevent the setting sun from breaking through the foliage, creating a staggered illusion of the surrounding space. It seemed that this entire splendor was one whole organism, and all the trees, animals, and insects were just its component parts.

Gradually the path led him to a babbling brook, and the noise of the water merged with the singing of birds, the rustling of leaves, the chirping of insects and the barely audible roar of animals. It was mesmerizing. It was sweeter than the strongest sensations Matthew had experienced in real life. It was as if he was not walking, but rather floating above this majesty of the jungle. The sensation of the lightness of his body was comparable to the state of weightlessness that Matthew had experienced before on duty.

Looking around a bit, he began to notice that the evergreens enveloped the majestic ancient buildings, and the succulent fruits of these plants hung almost above the ground. Their sunlit, ripe appearance beckoned one to taste these exotic fruits, but in this world they were of value only because of their sweet smell, which inspired and satiated the travelers of this mysterious path. As he inhaled their delicate fragrance, Matthew felt an unprecedented power awaken within him. He felt his power. If he wanted to, he could move the age-old blocks lurking under the thick green cover of tropical plants. And not just move them. He could tear them apart into tiny pieces. Boundaries did not exist here. Matthew could feel the energy of the stones. No doubt they were alive here and bowed to the lord walking among them. He lay down on the silken grass carpet and closed his eyes to try to communicate with this world that was new to him, but instead of fabulous sensations he found himself in his room, lying on the bed.

– No! No! – he was horrified. – More!…

Quickly closing his eyes, Matthew found himself there again, among the living, radiating energy of mysterious structures. The sensation of dual reality was beyond his comprehension. He could be here and there at the same time. Feeling like a demigod in his visions, he would open his eyes again and turn into a helpless, limited creature. Returning again and again to the dream world, he sought a more detailed view of the stone structures.

The layout and shape of such grandiose structures were beyond doubt as to their man-made origin. The window openings, which were favored by countless hordes of monkeys, stood out clearly. No doubt, Matthew's imagination drew him a picture of a whole abandoned city, which, judging by its boundless size, was inhabited by a whole civilization that had long since fallen into the abyss of time…

The alarm on his cell phone interrupted his visions of an illusory world, bringing Matthew back to the harsh reality. Compared to the sensations he had experienced, he felt so exhausted that he could not even come close to the coveted oblivion for a moment.

«Well then, – he thought to himself after a little while. – Maybe I'll get some more later. I wonder what such vivid and colorful dreams depend on. I'll finish my examination of the ruins and go to the experts. Maybe there's something wrong with me».

Having come to terms with his lost opportunities, Matthew regained his indestructible willpower and the powerful energy of the physical world. Instantly sketching a plan for today, he glanced at his watch.

«Quite decent for a phone call», – he decided, dialing his friend's number.

– Good morning, Matthew, – a gentle female voice came over the phone.

– Good morning, Linda. Sorry for calling so early, but the case is very urgent and cannot wait.

– Somehow I'm not surprised, – she laughed. – That's your trademark. Quick, all at once. Are we ahead of schedule this time, too?

– No. It's much more leisurely now. The only thing is to leave as early as possible, and the work itself is quite painstaking and measured.

– I'm intrigued, – she admitted without false modesty. – Will you enlighten me now, or should we meet?

– You know I don't like unnecessary chitchat on the phone, – Matthew answered. – Is it convenient for you in the morning, or are you busy?

– With my love for my profession I'm always busy, but for you I'll cancel all business. My work, unfortunately, does not bring the expected income, and in this respect you have never disappointed me.

– That's reassuring, – Matthew smiled. – The more so, the case I want to offer you offers the prospect of a very decent income, of course, based on the result. Shall I come to your place, or shall we have breakfast in the restaurant?

– Do you really think a girl could refuse to go to a restaurant with you? – Linda laughed again. – Do you remember one time?

– Who should I invite but you? – Matthew was surprised. – You know I'm a recluse at heart. I appreciate our friendship, believe me, and I'd give a lot for it.

– Come on, – she confused, not without pleasure. – Where to go?

– You're insulting, – claimed Matthew. – I'll pick you up in an hour. Do you have time to get ready?

– Of course. I'm waiting.

Matthew got out of bed and made his way to the climbing frame installed right in the sleeping room. He had developed this habit since high school, and it must be said that it had helped him out more than once. After his fifteen-minute workout, he hailed a cab and headed for the shower.

A gray morning enveloped the still quiet city as Matthew rode in the car. Overnight, the sky had completely given up the rest of the moisture to the earth, leaving it on the roadway, which slowed things down a bit.

– Would you be so kind as to turn off the music, please, – Matthew asked the driver.

– Do you like silence? – the driver nodded understandingly and turned up the volume.

– Yes. Besides, it's a lot to think about.

The driver did not dare to interrupt any further, which allowed Matthew to concentrate on the conversation to come. He comfortably sat in the back of the car and concentrated his attention on the cityscape flashing by outside the window, after thinking over the main details of the conversation. Multi-story buildings were buried in the greenery of densely planted trees and shrubs. The first pedestrians were already beginning to appear in the streets.

«Sooner or later it will all turn into a jungle, – Matthew thought. – The trees will completely take over their territory, the buildings will collapse, and everything will be as it was long ago before us modern humans. The wild animals will come back here again and reign over their land. And in time, someone of intelligence will explore these places, and try to understand those who lived here long before them. Our nature, our architecture, our thoughts. At first, explorers will marvel and wonder how those who lived on the planet could have built such tall and grandiose buildings. And a little later, there will probably be misunderstandings and smirks from such primitive logic of thought as ours. Although this is a rather optimistic prognosis, it’s quite possibly the most attractive one for our home planet. Maybe it will all be buried under tons of sand and dust, where no living organism can penetrate. Or it will end up at the bottom of the ocean, and our homes will become a haven for unseen creatures swimming among them. And in time, perhaps, it will all sink into centuries of ice, which will preserve the memory of us for many millennia. Yes. All this has already happened. It is there now. And it will happen again. How many times? Most likely, and the wisest will not find an answer».

The car, meanwhile, was approaching its destination, and willy-nilly the driver had to get his client out of his philosophical contemplations.

– Approaching, – he told briefly. – Is this the final destination, or are there any other requests?

– Yes, – Matthew answered, coming out of his pensive state. – Wait here. In about ten minutes I'll come down with my companion, and you'll take us to the Chameleon Restaurant. It's not far from here. Do you know it?

– Of course, – the driver nodded. – I'll be waiting.

– Thank you, – Matthew said as he got out of the car.

He went up to the third floor and rang the doorbell. Linda did not keep him waiting long and opened the door with a radiant smile.

– Good morning! Please come in, I'm almost ready.

– You look just gorgeous, – Matthew marveled, kissing the girl's hand. – Well, you always do, don't you?

– I have to hold your own with a man like you, – Linda laughed, blushing a little. – Sit down on the sofa. I'm almost ready.

She waited until Linda had finished packing and then they walked to a waiting cab.

– So, – Linda began after fifteen minutes, taking a seat at a table in the restaurant. – I'm so impatient.

– Believe me, I'm in a hurry to share the information myself, – Matthew assured her, taking his seat across from her, – but let's order something to eat first, because we probably won't be able to eat properly today.

– Sure, – Linda nodded, pushing the menu aside. – Just a glass of orange juice for me.

– An extra order of shrimp and a pitcher of fresh orange juice, – Matvey turned to the waiting waiter.

– Aren't you afraid to order like this, without warning, – Linda asked apprehensively. – I don't want to see you like last time.

– Thank you for reminding me, Linda. I'm a frequent visitor here, and they know my cooking habits. Everything I order is seasoned only with salt, no seasoning, so there's no problem.

– That's good, – she said with relief. – You haven't seen a doctor since then, have you?

– They all say the same thing: either medication, or elimination of the foods to which I am allergic. I have eliminated foods, but nothing works against seasonal allergies, not even medication.

Linda thought about it.

– It was a pity, of course. So many healthy foods had to be excluded from the diet.

– It's not so bad when you think about the attacks, – Matthew answered and smiled. – But let's not talk about sad a thing, that’s not why we came here.

– Yes, I'm sorry, I just remembered our last trip to the restaurant.

– Yes, it's sad to remember, – Matthew flinched a little. – But let's get to the point. I've been commissioned to investigate ancient structures in South America. There is no doubt that they are not natural creations. Definitely they were built by intelligent beings. Hence the emerging tasks. The first and most necessary are to find out their true age. When exactly were they built? That's what I need you for. The second is to determine their purpose, as well as to try to figure out the technology of their construction. Here I will work on my own, though I do not exclude the possibility that your clear mind can be of invaluable assistance in this matter.

– South America…– she repeated thoughtfully, staring into space as if remembering something. – South America…

– Something confusing? – Matthew became suspicious. – Please tell me you accept! I really need you in this expedition!

– Confusing? – Linda livened up. – Yes it's the dream of any archaeologist. You yourself know very well how many secrets this mysterious land holds.

– That's right, – affirmed Matthew. – And to solve them, you have to communicate closely with the local tribes, who have not yet broken the civilization.

– Isn't that scary? – she smiled enigmatically, staring intently into her friend's eyes.

– What do you mean? – Matthew didn't understand. – Don't you know me?

– I know you very well, and I'm sure you're not afraid of death or torture. But I'm not sure that you know the legends of South America very well. There are worse things there than death.

– From this point, please, – Matthew asked, anticipating a new challenge.

– All right. You're quite a stable young man. I'm sure you'll manage. Have you heard anything about professor of archeology Matvienko?

– He's even published a book, if I'm not mistaken, – Matthew answered after thinking for a while. – A very serious scientist.

– Absolutely right, – expressed Linda. – But, among other things, he was my mentor.

With that, Linda leaned over the table and spoke more softly.

– One night he called and asked me to come over, – the girl leaned even lower. – What I heard him say was beyond my comprehension, but there was no reason not to trust him. An international team under his leadership was in Peru. There they collected evidence of all sorts of legends and tales. One evening one of the local shamans showed him an unknown plant and told him to get Ivan Grigorievich undressed and rub him all over with it. After that he sent him for a walk in the woods, asking him to keep his eyes open and his ears perked up. The result was impressive, – Linda emphasized. – It got dark quickly, but he could see better than he could in daylight. The juice of the plant lulled his rational mind, sharpened all his senses to the extreme, making him feel like a wild animal. He said it was incomparable to any of the pleasures of our physical world. This plant gave him so much vitality and energy that it allowed him to share it with everyone around him. He no longer felt himself an individual, but an integral part of that world. Ivan Grigorievich said that he could clearly see energy flows flowing through him,– the girl paused to emphasize the effect of what she had said, and continued her story again. – After a while an Indian came up to him and asked him to help him catch fish for the children. They went together to the river. Ivan Grigorievich said that the fish came to him on its own, but when he took it in his hands, he cried, because he felt an incredible kinship with it, and then he let it go.

Matthew thought for a moment. The story reminded him so much of today's dream.