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Stirring – Marko Zlokarnik

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Stirring is one of the most important operations in process technology. No chemical exists that has non been submitted to a mixing process during its synthesis. Furthermore, stirring is important for the pharmaceutical and food industries, too. The most important mixing operations are applied to homogenize miscible liquids, to intensify the heat transfer between a liquid and the heat exchanger, and to perform mass transfer in multiphase systems, to whirl up solid particles in fluids and to disperse immiscible liquids. This book discusses in detail the above listed operations, taking into consideration also different rheological behaviour of the system treated (Newtonian and non-Newtonian). For each stirring task reliable scale-up rules are presented. In addition, mixing in pipes is discussed in great detail. Since there are so many aspects it is almost impossible for the user to get and keep an overview. Therefore, this book presents more than 730 references and covers publications until the end of the year 2000 for everybody who needs to know more details.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9783527612710

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