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Training plan. Chinese coaches put emphasis on “what to train?”, “how to train?” and “how much to train?”. The establishment and implementation of the training plan is the basic need for every athlete and coach. Training plan is the basis of the training system. The content of training schedule of a given sportsman is decided by a team of researchers and coaches.
Summation after responsible and important games. Regardless of the achievements of the national team, Chinese experts collect all materials into a large report for analysis and summation.
Having examined the basic organizational scheme of the Chinese national team let’s move to the main principles used in the preparation of Chinese athletes.
Recapturing initiative in the game
The fundamental premise of athlete’s tactical action sounds like this: “creating moments to recapture the initiative”. What does this mean? When making strikes one should impose a defensive style of game to his opponent, performing hard strokes to inconvenient spots. The initiative should be seized at each stage of the game process, starting from service and ending with the block. While in defense, you should look for an opportunity to weaken the opponent’s pressure and make counterdrives, “taking game control by the throat”.
Developing the strengths
Coach must identify the strengths of the athlete and build the training on the basis of his strengths development and its variation. When strengths become second nature, it allows one to be all over the game. That’s how a unique style of player emerges.
Mastering weaknesses
Constant mastering of the athlete weaknesses during the training process. The modern player should have versatility and ability to play in different situations. Obvious weaknesses are identified by the opponent, who puts his efforts into focusing on them.
Constant competition
Learning the necessity to constantly seek the opportunity to attack and possess the initiative in the rally. Attacking, aggressive style of play and the constant competition – is one of the critical success factors in today’s tennis.
The balance between defense and attack
The player should be mature both in attacking and defensive style – this will create additional space for maneuverability and variety during the game. The opponent must never predict how one returns the ball.
The aggressiveness, speed, spin and unpredictability
The aggressiveness throughout the game and a desire to take the game control over. The ever-increasing speed along with the spin. Only their combination will lead to success. The unpredictability of the game in order to not let the opponent unlock your game strategy, so he would always be under pressure and constrained in his actions.
Chapter 2. Basic strokes of modern table tennis
Let’s start with the most important stroke in table tennis – topspin/loop. Top-spin (top-spin) is translated from the English language as the top rotation (spin). In fact, any ball that has a top-spin in table tennis logically should fall within the definition, but it is actually more complicated.
When we say “top-spin”, we mean a powerful attacking element, which provides maximum top rotation and the speed of the ball.
Top-spin is a table tennis game element that is the most acute and difficult to return.
All players with senior adult degree and higher are capable of forehand top-spin, but in the hands of the masters among first one hundred strongest athletes in the world it is a powerful weapon, which they seek to apply in every rally (of course, in except the players, advocating a protective style) and win a point due to this element.
We’re going to devote this chapter to the forehand topspin – the most powerful and commonly used element in modern table tennis.
Different variations of the forehand top-spin
Forehand top-spin, as already mentioned, is an integral part of the technical arsenal in modern table tennis. Athletes playing in an attacking style (more than 90%) who perform 60—70% of attacks use exactly forehand top-spin. The number of points won due to forehand top-spin, in total, exceed 50% in the most matches.
The number of variations of the forehand topspin is outplayed, perhaps, only by the number of table tennis serve variations. However, if we consider only gaming elements,
the forehand top-spin is the most hygienic stroke.
To show you the importance of the forehand top-spin as an element, let’s imagine the following situation: imagine that an athlete can’t perform forehand top-spin at all, but he masters all other tennis elements. What are the chances of such athlete? Perhaps his chances, in this case, tend to zero.
Now, for example, let’s “take away” the backhand top-spin from our imagined character. Will there be any chance to succeed for such an athlete? Definitely! Do not believe? Remember who became the Olympic champion in 2004. Right, Rue Seun Min. The representative of classical penhold with the ability to perform only a forehand top-spin.
The point is, that even without having a backhand top-spin in the arsenal, one can become an Olympic champion.
The same is with any other game element (serve is not a gaming element). The absence of any element can be compensated. But the absence of the forehand topspin cannot be compensated. All this stresses the crucial importance of this stroke in today’s table tennis.
Now let’s talk about the variability of the forehand topspin. Stroke technique is unusual due to the fact it has a lot of variations. And this is the last choice. Depending on a height, speed, rotation of a received ball, the top-spin technique is being changed. And that’s when the forehand top-spin technique changes are most significant than in other elements. Often, even different principles are used, but more on this later. For now, it’s enough to remember that forehand top-spin has many variations that differ significantly from each other in the T. Committee manner.
Let’s open a small secret. Most table tennis players make a lot of mistakes when performing forehand topspin on the right because they do not understand that each variation of the forehand topspin requires a separate insight and technical workover.
Conditionally, we can distinguish 10 variations of the forehand topspin shot; whereas, it can be divided into some subvariations. It is worth noting that it’s not widespread. So, let’s now briefly consider the following: What stroke variations exist and in what situations are they used?
Variation #1. Forehand top-spin against a simple ball or block
This is a classic top-spin, the basic version of which is being mastered at the earliest stages of learning table tennis techniques. We can say that everything starts with this variation. Not mastering it sufficiently, you will not be able to master the other. Not even worth trying. It’s like learning to run if you didn’t learn how to walk. Everything is good in its season
Forehand top-spin is performed against the block during the open rally in table tennis when one athlete attacks and the other is forced to defend himself, returning the ball to the table with a block or, as it is also said in table tennis, “drive”.
There’s another branch of this variation: Forehand topspin against the block, that is performed in return to the chop.
Let us explain. Imagine that during a match you performed a serve with a lower spin and received a chop with a top-spin. Your opponent received the ball, and you’re doing a second top-spin. But what’s the difference, because a top-spin against the block is a top-spin against the block? But there is a difference.
The fact of the matter is that when you make a top-spin with a chop, your opponent receives it with a block, a spin from your top-spin remains. And this rotation requires a slightly different handling than with a drive against the block.
We’ll open a secret that you can significantly raise your game level. The fact is that the number of errors, committed by athletes in the game with the second forehand loop is considerably higher than in the third and subsequent top-spins.
This nuance is usually under the radar. And many athletes don’t even realize why they are quite often mistaken exactly in the second step.
Those who begin to take this nuance into account, immediately increase the stability of the second top-spin and, as a result, its overall level.
Perhaps you have a question: “Is this nuance can be seen when viewing the games featuring table tennis stars?”. A reasonable question and the answer is this. It seems there’s no visual difference between top-spin against the simple block and chopped top-spin against a block. The difference is in the first touch. And the first touch does not usually stand out.
Variation #2. Powerful forehand top-spin
Powerful forehand top-spin is used to complete or intensify an attack. Of course, it is used much less often than the forehand top-spin against the block, since it requires such situation when its performing is possible and appropriate.
What is the situation? The interesting thing is that for each athlete there are “personal” suitable moments. One performs a powerful forehand top-spin only on balls, raised slightly higher than normally, and the other can perform it right after the first chopped top-spin. And someone generally has the ability and skill to perform top-spin to win points immediately after a serve. It all depends on the explosive qualities, ball sense, general abilities, habits and athletes game models.
Let’s now see the difference between the powerful forehand topspin and the “simple” forehand topspin against the block. It is different in three components:
– Legs position.
– Amplitude.
– The speed of racket passing through the ball.
Legs position at a powerful top-spin is much wider. This position provides great stability for the top-spin and provides the possibility to add a second component – amplitude.
The movement amplitude becomes greater. Moreover, the broader movement is performed by the arm, legs and pelvis. It all starts with a wider swing and ends with with a deeper finish. All this together, provides more kinetic energy and, consequently, more targeting for the ball flight.
The speed of racket passing through the ball is 1.5 – 2 times higher. Everything is clear here – the higher the speed of racket passing through the ball, the higher the speed of flight.
Once again we draw your attention to the simultaneous inclusion of the four parts of the body at the powerful forehand top-spin (right leg, pelvis, core, right hand), which is mentioned in the comments to the pictures, becomes the determining factor. At the slightest non-sync of these parts of the body a powerful forehand top-spin is impossible.
It should be noted that simultaneous inclusion of the four parts of the body is important in all variations of top-spin. Without exception. Well remember these parts:
– Right leg.
– Pelvis.
– Core.
– Right hand.
Variation #3. Chopped forehand top-spin
Chopped forehand top-spin is a variation that is learned after mastering the forehand topspin/loop against the block. It is learned as a second element because it is more difficult to perform.
Mastering of this variation is critical to the level of playing table tennis. Not owning this variation at all (or enough), it is impossible to achieve any result.
80% of attacks begins with this element in the table
tennis. Mastering (or not) this top-spin variation largely determines the ability of the athlete to play at some level.
Forehand chop is different from the forehand loop against the block by four main criteria:
– Swing.
– The movement width.
– Racket tilt.
– The direction of movement.
During the backswing, the racket is lowered much below to create a large amplitude of movement necessary to give the ball a good spin at the lower spin of the opponent.
And the hand with the racket not just falls below, this happens due to the right leg being more bent, a bigger turn of the pelvis and the greater extension of the arms at the elbow.
Together, all this provides a greater width of the movement, which is necessary to perform a complete chopped top-spin.
The movement is broader because at the top-spin from the block we are dealing with a ball that is spinning in a direction that is convenient for us. The speed of its flight contributes to our top-spin speed. Roughly speaking, the faster the ball flies off the block, the more speed our top-spin has. The whole block speed is converted during our top-spin.
With a chopped top-spin the ball spins in the other direction, and we need to cut off its rotation, and add its own rotation.
In other words, the chopped forehand top-spin requires significantly more effort than top-spin against the block. The wider movement is necessary to ensure this effort.
The tilt of the racket at the chopped top-spin is more open. Because if we play the ball with the same tilt of rackets, as in case of the top-spin against the block, the ball would get into a net with a great probability. It would lack enough trajectory to fly over the net. And trajectory reserve is attached to a ball due to a good rotation.
Movement direction at the chopped top-spin is different from top-spin against the block significantly due to the greater thrust up.
Here works the same principle as with the tilting of the racket. I.e. if you send motion too forward, the ball most likely would get into the net.
The end of the movement is also slightly higher. The higher the position of the racket is provided by the previous components: width and direction, more open racket tilt.
Variation #4. Counter-loop from the middle zone
Counter-loop from the middle zone is called “over-rotation” or “overspin” among the tennis players.
For example, if you hear an athlete says “won the point in overturn”, it means that there is a rally in a central zone when both opponents exchanged counter loops and he managed to win the point. In the future, we will designate this element as “overspin”.
So, the “overspin” occurs during matches not very often, because not all rallies end up with the setback to the middle zone of both athletes.
How does it happens that both athletes suddenly find themselves in the middle zone?
It all starts with the fact that one of the athletes begins to attacking, while the other seeks to not just play passively, but perform a counter-action. The most common counter-action in table tennis is counter-loop.
When one of the athletes starts to counterattack, he has to make a half step or a step back in order to have enough time for a counterattack. Counterattack – this element seizes ball’s speed and rotation and turns it back (making it a slightly powerful).
Therefore an athlete that has just performed a top-spin and received a counter-attack, has also to make a step back in order to have time to conduct his counterattack. And so with each following counter-loop athletes make a small step back as the ball is gaining a lot of airspeed and power. As a result, after one or two counter-loops athletes are already in the middle zone.
How the “overspin” differs from the top-spin against the block?
It differs with a slightly wider move,
because of the need to send the ball on a greater distance. The difference is in sending the ball to the opponent’s side from a distance of 1 meter or 2.5—4 meters, but the main difference is not the width of the movement, but also the time of handling the ball.
Ball handling should occur with a strong ball contact, meaning we should hold a ball on the racket for a longer time. As it’s expressed by the players – to sense it better. Longer contact with the ball is necessary to control the flight of the ball for a longer period of time and to be able to send the ball from a longer distance with the same accuracy as in the case of top-spin from the block.
“Overspins” in various zones are different by its performance. For example, there is a notable difference between “the overspin” from a distance of 2 meters from a table and the distance of 3.5 meters.
In the first case, the movement of a little shorter, ball handling occurs practically at the highest point of rebound and directed more forward. The power given to the ball by the opponent is clearly felt in the highest point. We fully return that power and speed back to the opponent.
In the second case, the ball begins to fall (that is, by this moment he had already passed the high point) and at this distance, the power of the ball given by the opponent is sensed much less. We have to add the ball more to spin and send the ball upwards to give it sufficient trajectory that will safely allow a ball to steer clear of a net and land on the opponent’s side.
Variation #5. Counter-loop on the right side of the table (in the near zone)
The forehand counter-loop on the table is very different from all components of the forehand counter-loop from the middle zone. That is why we assign it to a separate variation.
This element is also called the “interception of an attack” “or “twisting”. By the way, the most interesting thing is that in some cases, it is more logical to say “tackle/interception” and in other, more appropriate would be the word “twisting”.
For example, when you perform a forehand counter-loop on the table by first attacking move of your opponent, it is better to call the counterattack as “interception”. As you would seize the initiative, which your opponent was trying to take over. And when a mutual counter-loop game began on the table, it is better to call it “twisting” or “twist against twist”.
Now let’s talk about the technical part of the counter-loop to the right on the table. The main difference of this element is that it is performed much earlier than the highest point of ball rebound, it is executed on the bottom-up ball, at the moment when the ball is only gaining height.
Also, this element is performed very close to the table. Closer than all other variations of top-spin, used in the rally.
Why do you need to play bottom-up ball closer to the table during this element?