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Irrwitziges aus der Wissenschaft. Von Dunkelbirnen und Leuchtkaninchen – Heinrich Zankl

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Science need not only be amusing, it can even be side-splittingly funny. This book presents oddities from various areas of knowledge: weird events, involuntary funnies or «facts» that have become twisted over the years. These include «The phenomenon of the disappearing tea spoons», «Sir Herschel's supposed lunar studies» and «The Mittelstress method», as well as Schiller and Goethe's hashish consumption. The stories and anecdotes can be read in one go or section-by-section, or dipped into every now and then, and are intended to make the reader, whether a scientist or layperson, laugh. After all, life is serious enough as it is.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: немецкий
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited (prof) (USD)

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