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Dino Gangs: Dr Philip J Currie’s New Science of Dinosaurs
Dino Gangs: Dr Philip J Currie’s New Science of Dinosaurs
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Dino Gangs: Dr Philip J Currie’s New Science of Dinosaurs

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Dino Gangs: Dr Philip J Currie’s New Science of Dinosaurs
Josh Young

Dr Phil Currie

With his groundbreaking findings and extensive research, palaeontologist and dino hunter Dr Phil Currie challenges the very foundations of traditional dinosaur theories.Seventy million years ago the Mongolian desert was home to the world's biggest, most dangerous carnivores – 5 meters tall, 12 meters long and weighing over 4 tonnes, the Tyrannosaurs were the most formidable hunters to walk the earth. Now, new research emerges that threatens to challenge the foundation of many traditional theories on the biology of these fascinating creatures.Palaeontologist and dino hunter Dr Phil Currie is out to prove how dinosaurs actually lived. He and his team have been searching for the fossilised truth about dinosaurs in the most extreme conditions; searing 40 degree heat, intense sandstorms and the constant threat of illegal poachers.Currie's groundbreaking investigation takes him from Mongolia to Canada and Patagonia in search of new evidence. He is looking for one dinosaur in particular, the ‘Tarbosaurus bataar’ which he believes will lead him to prove that the world's first pack hunters existed millions of years ago, but he also stumbles upon the many new truths behind these mythical animals.‘Dino Gangs’ contains their exclusive, groundbreaking scientific research that has finally resolved the extraordinary biology of these awe-inspiring creatures.


Dino Gangs

By Josh Young

This book is dedicated to those children whose eyes grow as big as saucers when they see their first dinosaur exhibit, and then follow that passion into a career in dinosaur palaeontology.


Cover (#ud69a0fe8-5a18-5af9-aa67-c6f4c80d9285)

Title Page (#uf287b191-64fc-52bc-b277-3d79760fb26b)


The Terrible Lizards

Chapter 1

The World of Dinosaurs

Chapter 2

The Dino Hunters

Chapter 3

The Badlands of Canada

Chapter 4

The Gobi Desert

Chapter 5

A Dinosaur Dig

Chapter 6

To the Lab … and Beyond

Chapter 7

Speedy Creatures

Chapter 8

Scavenger or Predator?

Chapter 9

Dinosaur Intelligence

Chapter 10

The Dino Gang Theory Comes to Life


Dinosaurs Live On

Searchable Terms



About the Publisher


the terrible lizards

As the monsters of our nightmares, dinosaurs have long held a unique place in our fascination with ancient animals. Even though dinosaurs lived millions of years ago, they somehow seem very real – and very scary. Anyone who has seen a museum exhibit of a mounted dinosaur skeleton cannot help but be awed by the sheer size of some dinosaurs and the bizarre features of others. Dinosaurs have been used to market everything from sweets and breakfast cereal to petrol and pasta, and they have been featured in movies and books as demonic dragons. Much of what we know about dinosaurs comes from how they are portrayed in books, movies and popular culture.

The term ‘dinosaur’ was coined in 1842 by the British palaeontologist Richard Owen. It was derived from the Greek words deinos, meaning ‘terrible’, and sauros, meaning ‘lizard’. Not long after dinosaurs were scientifically identified, Charles Dickens introduced a Megalosaurus in the opening paragraph of his 1853 novel Bleak House as something one would not want to see walking up the street. In his popular 1912 novel The Lost World, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes, set out a scenario under which dinosaurs ruled a tropical paradise in South America. Edgar Rice Burroughs used them repeatedly in his ‘lost world’ stories and featured them on the cover of his 1924 novel The Land That Time Forgot. The cinema brought dinosaurs to life in the classic monster movies King Kong and Godzilla. Indeed Godzilla was created to look like a large dinosaur, with its massive head and lower body resembling that of a Tyrannosaurus and its dorsal plates modelled after those found on a Stegosaurus.

Phil Currie studying a Tyrannosaurus skull and its large teeth used for crushing bone.

Courtesy of Atlantic Productions

Novelist Michael Crichton, the best-selling author of The Andromeda Strain and Congo, wrote a thriller in 1990 about what would happen if dinosaur DNA that had been sucked out by mosquitoes and preserved for millions of years in amber was used to create dinosaurs that could live in the modern day. Using an entertaining blend of science and fiction, Jurassic Park showed that every dinosaur for itself meant that humans were in deep trouble. The mega bestseller was made into a film in 1993 by Steven Spielberg, the most commercially successful filmmaker of all time with hits such as Jaws and E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial.

Jurassic Park created a worldwide dinosaur mania. The film became the highest grossing movie ever at the time, earning more than $1.2 billion worldwide at the box office. The film’s 1997 sequel, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, was the second highest grossing movie worldwide that year, and the movie-going public was terrorized yet again by the modern-day dinosaurs in 2001 with Jurassic Park III, another huge box-office hit. Universal Studios also built an elaborate Jurassic Park ride, complete with a 15-metre (50-foot) Tyrannosaurus rex, at its Hollywood theme park and a Jurassic Park River Adventure at its Orlando amusement park, which have attracted millions of visitors.

As accurate as parts of Jurassic Park were, such as promoting dinosaurs as the ancestors of birds, the filmmakers also took some artistic licence to up the ante. For starters, the novel’s and film’s premise is based on a real scientific improbability. The film also had some of its dinosaurs living in the wrong time period. Tyrannosaurus rex, nicknamed T. rex, and Velociraptor, known by its catchier nickname ‘Raptor’, were the featured dinosaurs in the movie, and yet both lived millions of years later in the Cretaceous period, rather than the earlier Jurassic period. And the message of the movie – that if you had a fast truck you could escape the dinosaurs because they were slow – appears not to be true.

The Jurassic Park phenomenon was a bellwether event that shined the spotlight on dinosaurs, and by extension on the work done by devoted palaeontologists who spend their lives trying to piece together how the ancient beasts lived and died more than 65 million years ago. Museums with dinosaur exhibits saw a 40 per cent spike in attendance in 1993, and there was little drop-off in the ensuing years.

Noted palaeontologist Phil Currie embraces popular culture as a way of generating public interest in dinosaurs. In fact, through a friend Currie was able to enlist Crichton to write the introduction to his academic Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs.

‘I love science, but I love science fiction, too,’ Currie says. ‘It was pretty uncanny what they did in a lot of ways, both Crichton originally and Spielberg subsequently. Crichton was very good at creating suspense and hooking you. I’m sure he had an awful lot of fun writing these books because he got to delve into something to the degree that very few people ever do except for the scientists or sociologists.’

Currie has been infatuated with dinosaurs since he was six years old, and his obsession with these creatures remains to this day. He is one of the world’s most highly regarded palaeontologists, the Indiana Jones of the dinosaur trade. In fact, Currie even sounds like Harrison Ford, the actor who played Indiana Jones. Tall and slender with tousled grey hair, Currie lives like a man on a mission to find out more about the beasts he loves. He is so afraid of his focus being diverted that he doesn’t own a mobile phone or accept voicemail messages. He saves times by walking up – and down – the stairs two at a time, and to ensure not a moment is wasted, every appointment must be run through his wife and assistant, Eva Koppelhus, a palaeontologist in her own right.

Currie has impeccable credentials: he has served as a museum curator and one of the founders of the Royal Tyrrell Museum, one of the premier dinosaur museums in the world, and he is a distinguished professor holding a Canada Research Chair at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, a city literally built on dinosaur remains. Between 1986 and 1990 he served as co-director of the Canada–China Dinosaur Project, the first palaeontological partnering (in the Gobi Desert) between China and the West since the Central Asiatic Expeditions of the 1920s. He has helped describe some of the first feathered dinosaurs, named many carnivorous dinosaurs and found some of the first dinosaur eggs in North America. He is one of the primary editors of the influential Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs, and has written groundbreaking scientific papers and non-fiction books as well as a series of fictional children’s books on dinosaurs with his wife. He also teamed up with Microsoft’s Nathan Myhrvold to construct a computer model that showed that sauropods (‘lizard-footed’ large plant eaters) actually broke the sound barrier with their mighty tails as they swung them to scare off their enemies. But for all his stature in the palaeontology world, Currie keeps a practical, child-like approach to his trade, because to him, dinosaurs are ‘really, really cool’.

For the past 15 years, Currie has been on a physical and intellectual journey to piece together a jigsaw puzzle that could change the way we think about massive killer dinosaurs for ever. He believes that tyrannosaurids, the most fearsome family of carnivorous dinosaurs, were far more complex and more dangerous than we ever could have imagined.

‘Part of the problem is just that we always tend to lump dinosaurs together,’ Currie says. ‘We know dinosaurs existed for 150 million years and we think that they didn’t go through any changes. But Tyrannosaurus was the top predator of the very end of the age of dinosaurs. Those were the most highly adapted, large predators that existed during the entire age. And I think they were by far the most dangerous animals.’

The tryannosaurid family had a dozen species. They were part of the Coelurosauria clan, which contained all bipedal, theropod (‘beast-footed’) dinosaurs. Most were small meat-eaters, such as oviraptorids, ornithomimids and dromaeosaurids (including Velociraptor), and some dated back to the Jurassic period. Tyrannosaurids came from animals similar to Velociraptor and were relatively late in the timeline of dinosaur existence.

Currie has focused on a member of the tyrannosaurids that hasn’t drawn much attention: Tarbosaurus, which lived in the Gobi Desert, was a cousin of the fierce Tyrannosaurus rex, an inhabitant of North America. Imagine a beast 12 metres (40 feet) long, 3–4 metres (10–13 feet) tall and weighing in at 5–6 tonnes. Its massive skull was packed with 64 giant, serrated, bone-crushing teeth, and it also had what appears to be one of the biggest brains of any of the large meat-eating dinosaurs. That was Tarbosaurus.

‘Tyrannosaurs were the most highly adapted large predators and … by far the most dangerous animals.’

‘Tarbosaurus is probably best known because of its cousin, Tyrannosaurus rex, and for a long time after Tarbosaurus was discovered, it was actually called Tyrannosaurus because it looks very similar in most ways,’ Currie explains, referring to the dinosaurs in the present tense as he often does. ‘So we have a large animal that kind of looks like an over-grown chicken on hormones. If this thing is standing on its two hind legs, basically it can’t use its forelimbs at all for locomotion. In the case of Tyrannosaurus, they become very reduced and small although they still have fairly big claws and muscles. Tarbosaurus is even crazier in having even smaller arms.’

Tarbosaurus was discovered in 1948 and was originally named Tyrannosaurus bataar (and later Tarbosaurus bataar) by a Russian scientist named Evgeny Maleev in 1953. A few scientists still consider these the same animals, but Currie points out that there are fundamental differences. ‘They are animals that look very much the same because they are mostly the same size, but they are not the same,’ he says. ‘The easiest difference to pick up on is the arms of the animals. Tyrannosaurus has really short arms, but Tarbosaurus has even more ridiculously short arms.’

Next to Tyrannosaurus rex, Tarbosaurus is the largest tyrannosaur that existed, which makes it one of the top three or four giant predators ever in the world. Tarbosaurus was an animal with a very large skull, and this skull was very powerfully muscled. Over time, the back of the skull expanded laterally so that it could build up muscle mass to allow it to close its massive jaws in a powerful bite. Its teeth were the size of bananas, and the reason those teeth became so thick is so they could function as bone crushers, rather than steak knives. The teeth were able to slice through flesh because the jaws had so much power in them and because they were sharp tipped. At the same time, the thickness allowed them to break bones, which they swallowed with the flesh. This was a dinosaur that was very well adapted for eating other animals.

Tarbosaurus had very powerfully built hind legs that were relatively long. ‘When you look at not just the length of the legs but the proportions of the legs, tarbosaurs are built more like ostriches than human beings,’ Currie says. ‘This meant that they were capable of reaching very high speeds for their size.’

Tarbosaurs had also adapted their bodies so that they weren’t quite as heavy as one would expect them to be. Rather than resembling a small meat-eating dinosaur that had been blown up to a larger size, its body proportions had changed considerably to prevent it from having too much weight to haul around. That excess weight would have been a problem because these animals ran on their hind legs, making them like seesaws.

‘This was a really nasty animal, and in spite of its size and that it looked so primitive to us, this was also a dinosaur that was very, very sophisticated in a lot of ways. If you look at the brain size of this animal, it’s not as big as a human being, but if you compare the brain size of a Tarbosaurus to the brain sizes of any of the animals it was chasing down, then it had a pretty respectable brain size. Even compared to modern lizards and crocodilians, turtles and things like that, this dinosaur had a fairly big brain. The bottom line was that it was a pretty sophisticated dinosaur and a very efficient killing machine.’

A Tyrannosaurus looked like an over-grown chicken on hormones.

Friedrich Saurer/Science Photo Library

In 2009, Currie went on a voyage of discovery, revisiting places and ideas from his 30 years in palaeontology to reveal one of the last major unknowns in dinosaur biology. He was accompanied to dinosaur sites and high-tech labs by several internationally renowned scientists: Dave Eberth, a Canadian sedimentologist and habitat specialist; Yoshi Kobayashi, an associate professor at Hokkaido University who is Japan’s top expert in carnivorous dinosaurs; Yuong-Nam Lee, a Korean herbivorous dinosaurs specialist; Louis Jacobs, an American college professor and renown vertebrae fossil expert; and Larry Witmer, an American scientist and professor engaged in cutting-edge research into dinosaur brains.

In addition to debating and fleshing out his theories with the experts, Currie wants his findings to be presented to the widest possible audience. He seeks to dispel the notion that studying dinosaurs is conducted by scientists holed up in windowless labs with microscopes examining ancient bones that have little relevance. Instead, he hopes to show that dinosaurs were not just fossilized stones but living, breathing creatures that may have quite a bit to say about the history of our planet.

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