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Secret Miami Nights
Secret Miami Nights
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Secret Miami Nights

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Stopping at the end of the hallway, the receptionist gestured to the open door to her left.

Nodding his thanks, Ashton entered the bright, sun-drenched office. And there, standing behind the executive desk in a fitted cardigan, white V-neck dress and pearls was Haley Adams. His crush. The object of his affection. The woman who’d starred in his dreams last night—and the night before last. The urge to touch her was overwhelming, but since he was a gentleman and not a sex-crazed teenager, he stayed put and buried his hands inside his pockets.

Staring at her, Ashton admired her creamy skin, slender nose, glossy red lips and high cheekbones. Her stylish auburn bob grazed her shoulders, and the short, thick bangs complemented her oval face, drawing attention to her big brown eyes.

“Welcome to The Aunt Penny Foundation, Mr. Rollins. What can I do for you?”

Ashton choked down a laugh. Her mouth said, “Welcome,” but her cold, rigid stance said, “Get out and don’t come back!” Fidgeting with her fingers, she shifted and shuffled her feet, causing Ashton to remember the last time he’d done The Electric Slide. It was at a friend’s wedding reception months earlier, and when his date—an uptight scientist from Coral Gables—had complained the song was corny, he’d hit the dance floor alone.

“It’s great to see you again, Haley. How is Aunt Penny doing?”

Eyes wide, she stared at him as if he’d just asked for her hand in marriage.

“I hope she’s feeling better,” he added, “and is finally out of the hospital.”

“Yes, she is. Thanks for asking.”

Noting the photographs on the mauve walls—pictures of Haley at a ribbon-cutting ceremony, posing with a group of college graduates, shaking hands with the mayor—Ashton walked further into the small, cramped space. Wholly feminine, it had a hot pink corkboard, vases overflowing with sunflowers, a colorful area rug and glass shelves lined with business management books, postcards and potted candles. “Ms. Wright did an outstanding job with her presentation for Prescott George, but I have some questions about The Aunt Penny Foundation that I’m hoping you can answer.”

“Absolutely,” she said, speaking in a breathless tone. “I’m free now.”

Haley gestured to the armchair in front of her desk, but Ashton didn’t move.

“Sorry, but I can’t stay.” For effect, he glanced at his gold wrist watch and slowly shook his head, as if he was profoundly disappointed. “I’m pressed for time, but perhaps you can come to my Fisher Island estate tonight at six o’clock. We can talk then.”

“Your estate?” Her voice rose an octave. “Tonight?”

“Yes, my estate. Is that a problem?”

Panic flickered across her face, but she fervently shook her head. “No, not at all.”

“Great. I’ll leave my address and cell number with your receptionist on my way out.”

“Thank you, Mr. Rollins. I look forward to seeing you later.”

“Call me Ashton. All of my friends do, and I have a feeling we’ll be buddies in no time.”

Her face lit up. “I’d like that.”

That makes two of us, he thought. Getting to know you better is priority number one.

A raw, primal hunger he’d never experienced surged through his body. Ashton wanted to take Haley in his arms for a kiss, but he didn’t. Couldn’t. Not until he knew more about her. Did she have a boyfriend? Several? Was she attracted to him, too, or was he fooling himself? He hoped it wasn’t the latter.

“Enjoy the rest of your day,” he said, putting on his sunglasses. “Don’t work too hard.”

“Likewise, Mr. President.”

Amused at her joke, Ashton chuckled. “Funny, successful and gorgeous? What a winning combination. You should be my first lady.”

Her laughter tickled his ears, and the jovial expression on her face made him feel proud, as if he’d hit a hole in one on a golf course. They stared at each other, and her gaze was so strong and intense Ashton couldn’t move. Couldn’t catch his breath. He didn’t like losing control and hated feeling weak, powerless. He turned away from her to break the spell.

“I better get back to work, or I’ll never make it out of here on time.” Plopping down on her zebra-print chair, she crossed her legs and picked up the pen on her desk calendar. “Thanks for stopping by, Ashton. I’ll see you at six.”

I can’t wait.

He’d done it. Asked out the sexiest, most captivating woman he’d ever met, and Ashton hoped tonight would be the first of many dates. Anxious to return to his estate to begin making preparations for their romantic dinner, he strode out the door with a Cheshire-cat grin, confident it would be a night he’d never forget.

* * *

An hour after leaving The Aunt Penny Foundation, Ashton entered the entryway of his eight-bedroom estate. Dropping his house keys in the porcelain bowl on the marble table, he kicked off his shoes and loosened the knot in his Burberry tie. It was good to be home, he thought, his gaze circling the foyer. He’d lived at the estate for years, but he still loved everything about the mansion—the vaulted ceilings and stone columns, the Mediterranean architecture, the plush furniture and the lush palm trees and foliage visible from every window. His parents lived next door, and although there was a sprawling lawn between the two properties, like it or not, his parents dropped by every day—sometimes twice.

“Where have you been? Your plane landed hours ago.”

Ashton cranked his head to the right, seeing his father standing there in the doorway to the den. “Mi casa es su casa,” he joked, right before he added, “Dad, it’s good to see you.”

“What took you so long to get home?” Alexander inquired. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

Thoughts of Haley flooded his mind, and his temperature rose. “I had a stop to make.”

“We need to talk. It’s important.”

“Dad, don’t worry, my trip was fine. I made a lot of valuable business contacts at the Aerospace Expo and I plan to return to Germany later this year for Oktoberfest. Not only is it a great networking opportunity, it’s—”

“That’s not why I’m here. Trouble’s brewing within the Moguls.” Taking a puff of his cigar, his father sat down in a leather armchair. “Joshua DeLong is plotting to unseat you.”

Ashton shrugged. “Big deal. More power to him.”

“That’s it? That’s all you have to say?”

“Dad, I have bigger things to worry about than who’s doing what in Prescott George. I have a company to run, an anniversary party to plan...”

And a woman to seduce, he thought, but didn’t say for fear his dad would blab to his mom. The last thing Ashton wanted was Joan dropping by to grill him about Haley.

“I don’t think you understand the gravity of the situation,” Alexander said, his eyes narrowed and his tone clipped. “You have to act now, before it’s too late.”

Hearing his cell phone buzz, Alexander checked the screen. A grim expression darkened his face. Surging to his feet, he put his cell to his ear and strode out of the room. As his father brushed past him and marched down the hall, Ashton overheard him say, “What did you find out? Who does DeLong have in his back pocket, and what do we have to do to regain the upper hand?”

Perplexed, Ashton stroked his jaw. Was he missing something? Was there more to the story? He couldn’t understand why his dad was so unnerved by the rumors—and why he’d come over to tell him about it in person. The members of Prescott George would never allow an interloper like Joshua DeLong to take over, and Ashton had better things to do with his time than stress about what the smug corporate raider was up to. Furthermore, Ashton was a strong leader who had the unwavering support of his members, and there was nothing Joshua could do about it.

Clearing his mind of every troubling thought, Ashton strode down the hallway, whistling a tune. After he spoke to his chef and touched base with his assistant, he was going to the barber shop. He had to look his best for Haley. Ashton couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this excited about someone, and sensed it was going to be a night to remember. He only hoped his father didn’t make another unexpected visit and ruin his date.

Chapter 2 (#u61d55639-542f-564d-afaa-31b74d319c1d)

Haley sat inside her red, two-door coupe, which was parked on the Rollinses’ winding, cobblestone driveway, giving herself a pep talk. Her hands were damp with sweat, shaking so hard she couldn’t open the car door, and butterflies fluttered inside her stomach.

“I can do this. I can do this,” Haley chanted, drawing strength from her words. “I have nothing to be afraid of. It doesn’t matter that Ashton has piercing brown eyes, a panty-wetting voice and a muscled physique. It’s just a business dinner. No big deal.”

Then why are your knees knocking together? her inner voice asked.

Dismissing the question, Haley told herself she had nothing to worry about. Besides, it was too late to change her mind. If she left now it would ruin everything. Add to that, getting to Fisher Island had been an exhausting ordeal, and she was starving. After getting her name cleared by security and ferrying her car across Biscayne Bay, she’d driven the ten miles to Ashton’s opulent neighborhood. Home to celebrities, dignitaries and international businessmen, Fisher Island was remote, exclusive and elegant. She felt out of place driving past the custom-built mansions in her second-hand car. A tropical oasis with breathtaking scenery, Mediterranean architecture and luxury yachts, the island was described as “the playground of the rich.” The Rollinses were the richest of the rich, and Haley hoped she didn’t say or do anything to screw up her business meeting.

Opening the visor, Haley checked her hair and makeup for the umpteenth time. Wanting to look professional, she’d paired a canary-yellow sundress with a fitted cardigan, gold accessories and wedge sandals. She’d hastily added a touch of mascara and some lip gloss before heading out her condo door.

Haley took a deep breath. Enough stalling. Time to get the show on the road. The Aunt Penny Foundation was counting on her to secure the support of the Millionaire Moguls, and nothing was going to stop her. Not even her frazzled nerves.

The front door of the mansion swung open and Ashton appeared, instantly seizing her attention. Peering out of the windshield, Haley leaned forward in her seat. Tall, with dark skin, close-cropped hair and a neatly trimmed mustache and goatee, Ashton Rollins had a face made for movies and a body made for sin. Dressed in a blue button-down shirt, belted shorts and sandals, not only did he look handsome he exuded confidence and masculinity. There wasn’t a woman alive who wouldn’t find Ashton Rollins sexy, and seeing him again caused her pulse to soar and her heart to race. He was staring right at her. Watching her every move.

Grabbing her clutch purse off the passenger seat, Haley stepped out of the car, ready to meet the hottie COO with the thousand-watt smile. He was a one-night stand waiting to happen, and as he jogged down the steps goose bumps pricked her skin. Haley didn’t know if she was sweating profusely because of the heat or because Ashton was headed her way, but she suspected it was the latter. He made her nervous, unsure of herself, and keeping her wits during dinner was going to be harder than riding a bicycle backwards in six-inch heels.

“Welcome to Fisher Island.” Leaning in close, he kissed her cheek. “It’s great to see you again, Haley.”

“Thank you. It’s a pleasure to be here. Your home is stunning.”

“I have dinner waiting for us poolside. Do you like soul food?”

Haley smiled. “Of course I do. Doesn’t everyone?”

Resting a hand on her lower back, Ashton guided her along the stone pathway that led to the rear of the mansion. “If you’d like, after dinner I can give you a tour of the estate...”

Wow, this is what heaven must look like, Haley thought, admiring the expansive grounds. The property was attractive and serene, and everything in the outdoor living room was state-of-the-art and designer quality. A wrought-iron table covered with fine china, bronze candelabra and a glass vase filled with sunflowers was beside the Olympic-size pool. The air smelled of spices, the savory aromas from the outdoor kitchen carrying on the breeze, and jazz played on the stereo system. Haley couldn’t wait to tell Aunt Penny about the Rollins estate; she knew the eighty-eight-year-old senior would love hearing about her business dinner.

Ashton pulled out a chair at the table, and Haley thanked him. Taking a seat, she noticed a heavyset black woman with auburn braids emerge from the house carrying a gold serving tray in one hand and a pitcher in the other.

“Haley, this is my personal chef and surrogate mom, Ms. Edith.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Haley said, licking her lips. “Something smells delicious.”

Wearing a proud smile, Ms. Edith set two bowls down on the table and filled their water glasses to the brim. “I’ll be back shortly with the second course, so eat up before your soup gets cold.”

“Ms. Edith don’t play,” Ashton whispered. “We’d better do as we’re told, or we won’t get dessert. I don’t know about you but I live for peach cobbler.”

Giggling, Haley stirred the thick, orange soup. It tasted so good she finished it within seconds.

“Someone’s hungry,” he teased, his eyes bright with mischief. “Would you like more?”

“No, I’m pacing myself. I have to save room for the next course, because it’s obvious Ms. Edith’s an exceptional cook, and I want to try everything she made tonight.”

“How do you know I didn’t make the soup?”

Hayley scoffed. “You? Cook? I bet you can’t even boil water.”

“You’re right, I can’t, but I did a hell of a job setting the table!”

They shared a laugh, and Haley realized she’d been stressed out for nothing. Despite his wealth and social status, Ashton wasn’t a smug, stuck-up rich boy. He was personable and laid-back, easy to talk to, and cracked more jokes than a comedian on Comedy Central.

“We should discuss The Aunt Penny Foundation,” she said, curious why he’d invited her to his estate. “What’s on your mind?”

“Tell me how you got involved with the organization.”

His question confused her. Frowning, she cocked her head to the right. Hadn’t he read the dossier Becca had submitted in May about the foundation? Hadn’t he paid attention during her colleague’s presentation? Telling herself it didn’t matter, Haley opened up to him about her family background and her fifteen-year relationship with Penny Washington. “When I was a kid, my parents worked several jobs, and our neighbor, Ms. Penny, took pity on me because I was home alone a lot. She never married and had no children of her own, and she looked out for me,” she explained, as happy memories filled her mind. “If not for Aunt Penny’s kindness and generosity I never would have been able to afford to go to university.”

“She sounds like an incredible person. You’re lucky to have her.”

“I know, that’s why I came up with the idea for a nonprofit organization that would give other talented, gifted youth from the inner city an Aunt Penny of their own...”

Ms. Edith returned, and Haley waited as the cook cleared the empty bowls, put down plates of cornbread salad and promptly left. Remembering the last time she’d had soul food made her heart sad. She’d joined her ex-boyfriend and his loved ones to celebrate his dad’s seventieth birthday. It felt bittersweet to think about the fun, gregarious Argentinian family she’d come to love as her own. Haley wanted to be with someone who was loyal and supportive, who wouldn’t try to change her or control her—and even though her ex had turned out to be Mr. Wrong, she still missed his family. She hadn’t dated anyone since their breakup last year, but Haley was tired of being single, and wanted one special man in her life.

“Do you like your job?”

His question broke into her thoughts. “I love it. It’s the best job I’ve ever had.”

“How long have you been CEO?”

“For three years, and even though the foundation has faced some trying times in recent months, there’s nowhere else I’d rather work. I have a dedicated, committed team, and incredible sponsors in my corner as well.”

“Tell me more about the services The Aunt Penny Foundation provides.” Ashton reached for his glass and took a drink.

“We provide counselling, tutoring in all subject areas, and our job preparation classes offer coaching, help with résumés, and even mock interviews.”

Ashton raised an eyebrow. Haley could tell that he was impressed with the work they were doing at The Aunt Penny Foundation.

“That’s terrific, Haley. It sounds like you and your staff are doing fantastic work in the community.”

Touched by his words, she smiled in response. “Thanks, Ashton. We’re trying our best.”

“How many scholarships are awarded each year, and what criteria are used to select the recipients?”

“Every year, we receive dozens of scholarship applications, and incredible personal essays, but unfortunately we can only award five scholarships. We select recipients in financial need with high academic achievement, who have volunteered for a minimum of one year.”

“I’m thrilled Prescott George is partnering with The Aunt Penny Foundation this year. It’s the smartest thing we’ve ever done, and I look forward to learning more about you, and your brilliant students...”

Haley listened in awe as he spoke. She met with businessmen on a regular basis on behalf of the foundation, but she’d never met anyone like Ashton. Unlike the hedge fund manager she’d had brunch with yesterday, he didn’t drone on and on about his high-profile job, or his staggering wealth. Instead, he was gracious and kind. A part of her couldn’t help wondering if he’d be so nice to her if he knew her BFF, Becca, was engaged to his nemesis, Joshua DeLong. That afternoon, she’d bumped into the happy couple as they were leaving the foundation’s offices for lunch, and when Haley mentioned she was having dinner with Ashton that evening Joshua had scowled.

His words replayed in her mind, drowning out the BB King song playing on the stereo. Be careful. Don’t fall under Ashton’s spell. He’s not who you think he is.

From her talks with Becca, Haley knew that there was no love lost between the two men, and that Joshua was planning to challenge Ashton in the upcoming election for president of Prescott George. The corporate raider had claimed Ashton was trouble, a bad seed, but Haley took his admonitions with a grain of salt. The Rollinses were an old, respected Miami family, and she doubted Ashton had ever done anything sinister or illegal. Besides, he was throwing his support behind The Aunt Penny Foundation, and that was good enough for her.

“I’d love to hear more about your family’s company,” Haley said, tired of hearing herself talk. “How long has Rollins Aeronautics been in business, and who founded it?”

“My grandfather George and his partner, Prescott Owens, founded the company in 1938. Five years later, they became the first black millionaires in Florida. Rollins Aeronautics has stayed profitable through the generations. I run the day-to-day operations of the company, and when my father retires next year I’ll assume his duties as CEO.”

Ms. Edith reappeared, carrying plates topped with lamb chops, collard greens, shrimp-fried rice and okra. Haley’s mouth watered at the sight of the main course, but she waited until Ashton was finished eating his salad before tasting her entrée.

While they ate, they had a spirited discussion about the day’s news stories. Haley was intrigued by Ashton. Couldn’t help it. It wasn’t every day she met a man of his caliber, who shared her likes and interests. Having dinner with him was turning out to be the best part of her day.

Sipping her drink, she admired the tranquil surroundings. The views of the water were as spectacular as the food. Each course was flavorful and delicious, and by the time Ms. Edith brought out dessert Haley was so full she couldn’t move. The meal got an A for presentation and an A+ for taste, but what she enjoyed most was getting to know her handsome host better.

“What would I do if I wasn’t working at the foundation?” Repeating the question posed by Ashton seconds earlier, Haley gave it some serious thought. “If I wasn’t CEO of The Aunt Penny Foundation I’d probably work at a hardware store.”