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Baby, It's Cold Outside
Baby, It's Cold Outside
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Baby, It's Cold Outside

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“The more I thought about it, the more I realized—you are an out-of-towner.”

He shifted uncomfortably, remembering his early exchange with his family. Emily Stanfield was small-town to her bones. Wholesome values, dedication to her community. Tall Pines to the core.

And you’re not.

Her seductive smile slipped, revealing an expression of concern. “You’re worried because I turned you down before, aren’t you?” she said softly. “I hurt you. I’m sorry.”

“No, no,” he reassured her, unconsciously moving closer. “It’s not that. In fact, I think you were right. We probably shouldn’t sleep together.”

Her eyes snapped, a luminescent blue, fierce as a welding arc. “Why don’t you think we should?”

Now she was the one who sounded hurt. He stroked her hair, trying to take the sting out of his statement. “The same reasons you had. I’m not quite out-of-town enough…and the good people of Tall Pines would have a field day if they found out.”

“Who were you planning on telling?”

“What?” he asked, startled. “I wouldn’t tell anybody.”

“Neither would I,” she said, and he watched, hypnotized, as her hand trailed down and untied her robe. It fell open to reveal a deep-cherry-red silk teddy edged in white lace. “It’s nobody’s business but ours, Colin. Nobody else needs to know.”

His body went hard in a rush. No Christmas morning had ever held more promise than this moment, with this beautiful woman offering herself up as if she were every toy that he’d ever wanted in his entire life.

But she’s not a toy. And he couldn’t treat her like one.

“I’m leaving in the morning, Emily,” Colin said carefully, even though his voice was rough with desire.

“I know,” she answered. Was he imagining it or was there a thread of regret in her voice? “But we still have tonight.”

His body was clamoring for her, his heart beating double time, his cock harder than a steel girder. Were it any other woman, he’d have bridged the distance between them five minutes ago. If she were any other woman, they’d be well on their way to making it a very memorable night indeed.

Of course, if it were any other woman, he’d wake up in the morning and leave without a second thought. But it was Emily—and for whatever reason, he sensed that leaving her would cause a lot more repercussions than that. She deserved better than to be a one-night stand, one on a list of fond memories.

On the other hand, he had the sinking feeling that Emily Stanfield was not the type of woman he’d forget easily. And that caused a whole different kind of problem.

He sat on the couch, frozen in indecision.

She made a small sigh of irritation and then scooted closer, shrugging out of the robe. Emily had freckles on her shoulders, he noticed—a pale sprinkling. She leaned forward. “What time do you have to leave?” she whispered, her breath tickling the sensitive spot just below his ear.

“N-nine,” he stammered, struggling against another tidal wave of lust.

“That gives us hours,” she breathed, brushing a tiny kiss against his collarbone. He groaned. “Let’s not waste any more time.”

Colin couldn’t help himself. His hands moved forward, his fingertips caressing her long, swanlike neck, then smoothing down the petal-soft skin of her shoulders. His mouth consumed hers in a sensual assault, teasing her for only the briefest of moments before simply devouring her. He could hear her muffled cries of longing, feel the way her hands bunched in the fabric of his shirt, clutching him as if she couldn’t bear to let him go.

Did he position himself on top of her or did she pull him? He felt drunk on the taste of her, dizzy with it. He hazily registered the length of her body beneath his…the way her breasts crushed against his chest, the heat from between her thighs warming his jean-clad erection. Her quick fingers tugged his shirt out of his waistband, then found the naked skin beneath. With a low, unbelievably sexy growl, her hands rubbed up against his bare back, then with gentle insistence she drew her oval nails down his bare skin, causing him to shudder with need. He tore his mouth from hers for a second, gasping for air, fighting for control.

“Oh, Colin,” she panted. “No matter what happens after this, I want you.”

In that second, her statement pierced his desire-soaked consciousness long enough to force him to pause. With superhuman effort he rolled off her, practically falling to the rug. “Damn it,” he said, rubbing his hand over his face. “Damn it!”

“What?” she asked, her eyes wide, her voice breathless. “What’s wrong?”

“This. Us.” He closed his eyes, and a litany of curses rolled through his mind. “You said no matter what happens after this. You know this is going to be complicated.”

She huffed. “Maybe. But if anything did happen, I’d deal with it.” She sent him a shaky grin. “So far, you’re more than worth any consequences.”

While the compliment only threw more fuel on the fire of lust snaking through his system, he grimaced. “In other words, you don’t care what the fallout winds up being if this leaks out.”


He frowned. “Wouldn’t you resent me for just leaving you holding the bag?”

“Colin, not to be callous,” she said, rolling her eyes, “but even if I hated you for it…honestly, what difference would it make? You wouldn’t be here to see it. And what are the odds we’re going to see each other again so you’d have to deal with them or me?”

Now, of all the things she’d said, that stopped him cold. She was offering every man’s dream—no-strings-attached, smokin’ hot sex without the need for so much as a phone call after. And he wouldn’t make it back to Tall Pines until next Thanksgiving at the earliest, so he would miss any repercussions.

So why did it feel so damned wrong?

“I know you think you mean this, Emily,” he said as neutrally as possible. “But you’ve admitted you haven’t had sex in a while. And I’ll bet you haven’t had sex with all that many people in your life, period. Am I right?”

She didn’t say anything, just drew her full, pouty lips into a tight line.

He was right. He knew he was right.

“I just think,” he continued reluctantly, “that when this is all over, you’re going to regret saying yes. Maybe for a long, long time.”

There. He’d done it. He was listening to his conscience rather than his body, for once in his life.

Emily stared at him, studying him. She seemed to almost crackle with an aura of frustration and need. Then she stood up, stalking back to her bedroom and shutting the door.

He swallowed the rest of his champagne without tasting it. Despite his various love affairs, sex wasn’t something he took lightly—and anything related to Tall Pines was a time bomb. He still felt guilty over the stupid stuff he’d done when he was a kid. He wasn’t about to compound it by doing stupid stuff as an adult.

He’d probably done the wise thing, although he couldn’t help but…

Suddenly the door swung open.

Emily stepped out, totally, gloriously naked.

He stared at her in wonder. Her lithe limbs stretched gracefully from her perfectly proportioned torso. Her waist nipped in before curving out into gently flared hips, and her full breasts were tipped by luscious raspberry-hued nipples that puckered appetizingly with arousal. She stroked one hand over the flat planes of her stomach, stopping just short of the thatch of auburn curls at the juncture of her thighs.

“I do want you,” she said quietly. “I do know what I want. And I can make my own decisions, thanks very much.”

He was taut as a bowstring, barely registering her words. She looked like an avenging goddess—one that, even if it cost him his life, he couldn’t bring himself to look away from.

“Now I’m going to my bed,” she said. “I’m waiting for you there. And I can guarantee the only thing you’d regret would be saying no.”

She turned, her saucy teardrop-shaped derriere making him groan out loud. Then she glanced over her shoulder.

“And, trust me, you’d regret it for the rest of your life.” Neatly tossing his words back at him, she disappeared into her bedroom but left the door wide-open.

Colin wasn’t made of stone—though it felt like it. And he sure as hell wasn’t a saint.

He paused for all of a second before following her soft footsteps. It might not be the wisest move, but as far as his body was concerned, there was no way he was leaving this place without giving one last, thorough, phenomenal Christmas present to Emily Stanfield.


EMILY WAS SHAKING by the time she’d made it to her bed. It had taken all her courage to make that dramatic speech. She’d never acted so cavalier about sex before, especially considering Colin had called it right on the money—she’d only had sex with two other people in her entire life. She wanted him, though, and she knew that if she didn’t act as if she could coolly handle a one-night stand, he was principled enough and compassionate enough to never touch her. So she’d put on a very convincing act.

Obviously sexual frustration was making her brave, not to mention revealing talents she didn’t even know she had. On the other hand, it might also be making her stupid.

Colin stepped into her room and she held her breath.

But this is going to be worth it.

He closed the door behind him. The bedroom was lit with candles, a multitude of votives washing the pale green walls with a warm glow. She had no silk sheets to trot out—her thick comforter and flannel sheets were meant to keep her toasty during the bitter winter nights.

She got the feeling staying warm would not be an issue tonight.

Besides, the last thing he seemed interested in was his surroundings. He only had eyes for her, and she shivered—not from any chill in the air but from the intensity of his gaze.

Emily leaned back on the bed, forcing herself not to cover up her body with her arms. She felt a delicious rush of anticipation roll through her and she rubbed her legs together, the friction lessening as her body began to get wet at the mere thought of him.

He took off his shirt, and she smiled in appreciation of the purely masculine beauty of his torso. His muscles bunched and flexed as he removed the rest of his clothes. When he stripped out of his boxers, she couldn’t help but goggle a little. It had been a while, after all, since she’d seen a naked man, much less one in all his erect glory.

He smiled. “Stop it. You’ll make me blush.”

She wanted to toss back some witty comment, but words seemed lodged in her throat. Instead she put her arms out, inviting him.

Colin spread out next to her on the flannel sheets, kicking the covers out of the way. He felt like a furnace, and she warmed herself against him, shuddering at the slide of skin over skin. He kissed her neck, her collarbone, her shoulder. His hand stroked gently over her hip before sliding up and cupping her breast.

She gasped softly as sensation seeped through her like a hot bath. When he started to pull away, she grabbed his hand, keeping it on her breast. Moaning, she closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation as his mouth increased its pressure on her neck and his thumb gently circled her nipple. She stroked her leg against his, her breathing coming in soft, sweet exhalations.

“Emily,” he murmured, then his mouth found hers and claimed it with a slow thoroughness. His tongue teased hers, and she teased back, the back-and-forth a precursor to the joining she really wanted. His other hand found her other breast, and he stroked expertly. Her fingers dug into his firm shoulders in response.

After what seemed like a pleasurable eternity, he released one breast. She whimpered in protest, only to stop when his hand moved lower, reaching between her thighs and dipping into her moist heat. She bit her lip as the sensation overwhelmed her. He gently parted the folds of skin until he found her sleek clit and rubbed it with firm precision. She felt pressure building up in her and she arched her back, trying to bring herself in closer contact with the man who was causing her to react so strongly. He kept working at it, insistently, delicately, until she thought she would explode.

Then he pressed a finger into her, and she couldn’t help it. She came, and it was more than an explosion…it was a supernova. She threw her head back, letting the experience rock her.

When she came back to Earth, she looked at him and saw he had a beatific smile on his face. “That was…” She struggled to find a word that covered it and couldn’t.

“You’re welcome,” he said, winking at her. “I wouldn’t have pegged you as a screamer.”

The blush washed over her entire body. She was sure he noticed, but she didn’t care. “I didn’t know I was,” she admitted. “I don’t think I was before.”

“You don’t say.” He moved his head down, sucking first on one nipple, then the other.

Emily still felt desire, but the raw, slicing edge of it had been dulled by her orgasm. Now she was hungry for him, but she wasn’t starving the way she’d been before. She could take her time, and enjoy the interplay of their bodies much more intently.

I don’t know when I’ll have this sort of chance again, she thought. I’m going to make every moment count.

She nudged his head up, and he sent her a puzzled look. “Your turn,” she said, smiling wickedly.


She pushed him down against the mattress, enjoying the way his erect cock stood, large and prominent, demanding attention. She pressed a few slow kisses against his chest, then his stomach, her tongue tracing the defined muscles. She was gratified to see his breathing go shallow. Slowly she stroked her hands on his thighs, drawing her nails down the sensitive skin. He drew in a sharp, hissing breath, releasing it in a slow, ragged sigh as she finally encircled his erection with her fingers.

“Your hands are so soft,” he marveled, his eyes closing. His hips arched up to meet her as her hands traveled up and down the length of his shaft.

“Think so? Try this,” she answered playfully, then took the head of his penis into her mouth.

He groaned loudly. She traced the head with her tongue before sucking ever so softly, caressing the velvety skin with her lips. His breathing increased in pace.

“Emily,” he rasped.

His cock was like iron wrapped in satin. She reveled in the clean, masculine taste of his skin, taking him in a few more inches, her fingers stroking the round globes of his balls.

After a few moments, he reached down, pulling her up roughly. “I have to be inside you,” he said, his voice coarse with need. “Now.”

She smiled, feeling triumphant. He sounded just the way she’d felt when he’d given her that first orgasm. She liked that she might be able to make this man tremble, mindless with need. “Condom,” she breathed, reaching over on her nightstand and getting one of the newly purchased foil packets. She tore it open, rolling it onto him slowly, taunting him with it. He was shaking by the time she was done.

He rolled her onto her back, and she felt the glorious weight of him pressing her into her mattress. He kissed her fiercely, and she responded with equal ferocity, parting her legs so he could fit himself at her snug opening. She felt the head of his cock slide slightly between her wet folds. He reached down, teasing her clit with his hardness until she was gasping with desire, her legs twining around his as she struggled to bring him closer.

“I want you inside me,” she said.

Without a word, he finally relented and thrust into her, filling her completely. It felt so incredibly good she could have cried. She circled her hips, instinctively tightened her muscles as she enveloped him in her warmth.

He groaned, withdrawing slowly, and she moaned in return. “Deeper,” she breathed, and he returned, with maddening patience, going farther into her. Her legs tightened around his hips, cradling him inside her.

“Colin.” She shivered as the first luscious tremors of passion inched through her. “I’m almost there….”

Taking her cue, he increased his speed, his hips moving more quickly as his cock moved in and out of her willing wetness. Emily felt her body start to tighten and she ran her nails down his back as her hips bucked to meet his every thrust.

“Baby, I’m going to…” he groaned, and she cried out in approval. The two of them were frenzied in their joining, as if they couldn’t get close enough to each other. He let out a guttural shout as he emptied himself into her with a hard, definitive motion, triggering an orgasm that eclipsed her first. She cried out again, a sound of pure pleasure, as her body clutched around him. To her surprise, he shuddered again as their hips melded together, rocking in the aftershocks of climax.

After long moments, he rolled off her, leaving them both sweaty and breathless. He stared at her, his green eyes like beacons.

“You were right,” he said. “I would have regretted saying no to you for my entire life.”

She basked in the compliment of his words, even as a small part of her conscious brain registered what he was saying.

This is a one-night stand. She’d just had her world spun on its axis by a man she’d fantasized about for years…but this was it. This was all she was going to get.

Is this going to be worth it?

She glanced at him. In the aftermath of sex, he still looked sinfully tempting. There was no sense of regret, no lingering return of reason that asked her, What were you thinking? She knew exactly what she’d been thinking when she decided to seduce Colin Reese. She knew because she was still thinking it.

But what are you going to do when you can’t have him again?

He’d made it clear that there was no future. He was leaving, crossing an ocean to get away from Tall Pines. He was certainly not about to return to the small town that he had caused so much grief—and which wanted to return the favor by prying into every minute detail of his now almost famous local-rebel-makes-good life.