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Hometown Princess
Hometown Princess
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Hometown Princess

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Rick went in for the kill. “No buts, just a good solid plan to keep First Street pristine and tourist-ready. That’s why we’re here, Mr. Phillips. To do our civic duty.”

Cari tried to speak. “But—”

“No buts,” Jolena said, elbowing her in the ribs. “Work with us here, suga’.”

“I can’t let y’all do this,” Cari said, trying to stand. Two strong hands grabbed her and put her back in her place.

“Yes, you can,” Rick replied. “Because we’re not actually doing this for you—although we like you and we’re glad you’re back. It’s for the overall good of this community.” He winked at her then turned back to Mr. Phillips. “I’d hate to have to take this matter before the city council later this month. You know how revved up those good old boys can get when they think we’re losing tourist dollars.”

Mr. Phillips looked like a whipped puppy. “This is highly unusual and a bit unorthodox.”

Jolena let out a bubbling giggle. “It’s all about a good cause, Mr. Phillips. Just think what a glowing report we could give for the bank, knowing that you took a risk on a hometown girl and her dreams? Her daddy would be so proud. And I’m sure it will make a favorable impression on others who might want to do business with you.”

Rick nodded. “Cari gets the loan and we both cosign as collateral. If things don’t work out and she can’t pay, Jolena and I will take over the payments and co-own the property then we’ll decide what to do with it. How’s that for a solid plan?”

“I just don’t know,” Mr. Phillips said.

But Cari could see the wheels spinning in his head. The man knew he was sitting across from two prominent members of the community, two people with a lot of pull and power. Two people with determined looks and a lot of name-dropping to back those looks. As surprised and shocked as she was, Cari was glad to have them in her corner. Not sure if she should be thankful or full of denial and refusal, she had to speak up.

“I can’t allow this,” she said. “I just can’t.”

“You don’t have any other choice,” Mr. Phillips said. “If these two are willing to take the risk then I guess I’m willing to loan you the money. But not the whole amount, Cari. I’ll give you fifty thousand to get you started—that’s half, and that’s generous for a small-business loan. If you fail, your friends here will be out twenty-five thousand each. Unless you can find a way to salvage this crazy plan.”

Cari couldn’t breathe. She’d just gone from being broke and with no hope to having money and a lot of new hope. But it would mean she owed Jolena a great deal. And Rick Adams, too.

Was she so pathetic that the best-looking man in town felt sorry for her? Sorry enough to float her a loan? That didn’t make a bit of sense, but it was so sweet. Wasn’t it?

“I don’t know,” she said, shaking her head. “I wanted to do this on my own.”

“You will be doing it on your own, honey,” Jolena said, her hand touching Cari’s. “It’s a loan from the bank—and that’s what you needed. We’re just the insurance policy. And we talked this over good and thorough and we both agree you won’t let us down.”

Before Cari could form another protest, the handshake agreement was in place and the paperwork was being drawn up.

“You can all meet back here in a few days to sign the papers,” Mr. Phillips said, smiling at last. He reached out a hand to Rick. “Good doing business with you.”

Rick pointed to Cari. “You’re doing business with this woman, Mr. Phillips. She’s the boss. Don’t forget that.”

Cari appreciated the way he’d shifted the power back to her. But she wanted to have a long talk with him when she could find her pulse again.

“Thank you, Mr. Phillips,” she finally said. “I’ll be in touch.”

The old man nodded and gave her a grudging smile. “You must be a lot like your father, Cari. He always had champions, friends willing to vouch for him no matter what. That’s how he formed such a solid business.” He glanced down at his desk and mumbled, “Too bad his current wife can’t be the same way.” Looking embarrassed, he quickly amended that. “But it seems you have two very high-up champions of your own. Not a bad way to start out, let me tell you.”

Jolena pointed a finger toward the ceiling. “She has one very, very high-up champion—the Lord wants Cari to grow and prosper. I think that’s why He brought her home.”

“I can’t fight that kind of power,” Mr. Phillips replied with a grin. “Now, if y’all don’t mind, I do have some scheduled appointments today.”

Cari waited until they walked out onto the sidewalk before she turned on them. “I can’t believe you two. You steamrolled me into this. Now I not only owe the bank, but I owe both of you, too.”

“A simple thank-you would be nice,” Jolena said, giving her a stern look.

“Thank you,” she said, letting out a long breath. “But honestly, I don’t know how to thank you. I feel like a charity case.”

“You are no such thing,” Rick replied. “Jolena and I had a long talk and decided this would be a good business decision. Doreen purposely let that house go to ruin. This is our way of taking care of business. So don’t go all noble and self-righteous on us. We intend to see a return on our investment, let me tell you.”

Jolena chimed in. “Yeah. Our best hope is that we never have to take over that loan, honey. While we’d love to own rental property on First Street, we’d rather just sign off and be done with it when push comes to shove.”

“No pressure there,” Cari said, wondering how she’d managed to get herself in this fix. “But I am grateful. I can’t begin to tell you what this means to me.”

Jolena gave her a quick hug. “I’ve got work to do.” Then she leaned close. “Your parents gave me a start twenty years ago. They sold me the diner at a rock-bottom price and even did owner financing for me. I owe them both, honey. This is my way of paying back a grateful debt.”

A grateful debt. Cari liked that concept. And she was grateful. “I’ll work hard to make sure I do the same, then.”

She watched as Jolena pranced down the flower-lined street toward the diner. Then Cari turned to Rick. “Okay, I get why Jolena helped me. She’s obligated since she’s my godmother. But you, Rick? I don’t understand that part. You barely know me. Care to explain why you just put your neck on the line for me?”

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