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Unexpected Mommy
Unexpected Mommy
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Unexpected Mommy

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Unexpected Mommy
Sherryl Woods

New York Times bestselling author Sherryl Woods sweeps readers away with a beloved story of falling in love when you least expect it…Stubborn, sexy rancher and single father Chance Adams will do anything to get back his share of the family ranch–even if it means seducing his uncle's ornery stepdaughter, schoolteacher Jenny Adams. Even if it means marrying her. Even if it means falling in love with her?Jenny always dreamed of finding the perfect man, but perhaps Chance, with his hellion, if lovable, son and his unbending grudge against her family, doesn't exactly fit the bill. She knew he had a one-track mind, all right–but was it just her imagination, or was he starting to get…derailed?

New York Times bestselling author Sherryl Woods sweeps readers away with a beloved story of falling in love when you least expect it…

Stubborn, sexy rancher and single father Chance Adams will do anything to get back his share of the family ranch—even if it means seducing his uncle's ornery stepdaughter, schoolteacher Jenny Adams. Even if it means marrying her. Even if it means falling in love with her?

Jenny always dreamed of finding the perfect man, but perhaps Chance, with his hellion, if lovable, son and his unbending grudge against her family, doesn’t exactly fit the bill. She knew he had a one-track mind, all right—but was it just her imagination, or was he starting to get...derailed?

“I take it you had something you wanted to say in private,”

Chance said.

Jenny lifted her gaze and met his evenly. “I just wanted to make sure we were clear about something.”

“What’s that?”

“You and I...” Jenny waved her hand dismissively, as if no other words were necessary.

“Yes?” Chance prodded.

‘There is no you and I, no us, no anything, correct? We already established that.” Jenny tried hard to sound matter-of-fact.

He returned her look with a perfectly bland expression. “If you say so, darlin’.”

“I do,” Jenny said firmly.

Chance grinned. “Last time I heard those two words said with so much passion, I was standing in a church.”

Dear Reader (#ulink_dc2936fe-3475-5e5c-9a81-acab59b405d6),

With Mother’s Day right around the corner, Special Edition commemorates the warm bonds of family. This month, parenthood brings some unlikely couples together in the most wondrous ways!

This May, Sherryl Woods continues her popular AND BABY MAKES THREE: THE NEXT GENERATION series. THAT SPECIAL WOMAN! Jenny Adams becomes an Unexpected Mommy when revenge-seeking single father Chance Adams storms into town and sweeps Jenny off her feet with his seductive charm!

Myma Temte delivers book three of the MONTANA MAVERICKS: RETURN TO WHITEHORN series. In A Father’s Vow, a hard-headed Native American hero must confront his true feelings for the vivacious schoolteacher who is about to give birth to his child. And look for reader favorite Lindsay McKenna’s next installment in her mesmerizing COWBOYS OF THE SOUTHWEST series when a vulnerable heroine simply seeks solace on the home front, but finds her soul mate in a sexy Stallion Tamer!

Listen for wedding bells in Practically Married by Christine Rimmer. This final book in the CONVENIENTLY YOURS series is an irresistibly romantic tale about an arranged marriage between a cynical rancher and a soft-spoken single mom. Next, Andrea Edwards launches her DOUBLE WEDDING duet with The Paternity Question. This series features twin brothers who switch places and find love—and lots of trouble!

Finally, Diana Whitney caps off the month with Baby in His Cradle. In the concluding story of the STORK EXPRESS series, a very pregnant heroine desperately seeks shelter from the storm and winds up on the doorstep of a brooding recluse’s mountain retreat.

I hope you treasure this book, and each and every story to come!


Tara Gavin

Senior Editor & Editorial Coordinator

Dear Reader,

From the moment fourteen-year-old Jenny Runningbear burst onto the scene in The Rancher and His Unexpected Daughter, I knew she was going to be a powerful force to be reckoned with. Feisty, stubborn and willful even then, she was destined to have a book—and a love—of her own.

With her loyalty to her Native American heritage, with a dedicated attorney for a mother and Harlan Adams for a stepfather, how could Jenny grow up to be anything other than an incredible, special woman?

As a teen, she’d stolen Harlan’s pickup and turned his life upside down, before he managed to tame her and marry her mother.

Now in Unexpected Mommy it’s payback time for all that mischief she stirred up way back when. Jenny is a dedicated teacher, whose first day of school is turned into chaos by none other than an Adams.

Petey Adams is the grandson of Harlan’s bad-sheep brother, who’d been sent away from the family ranch in disgrace. Petey and his daddy, sexy Chance Adams, are dead set on revenge, and Jenny is caught squarely in the middle.

But no one is better suited to matching wits with a couple of troublemakers than Jenny, and no one is destined to fall harder than this reformed bad girl who’s learned all about loyalty and love the hard way.

I hope you enjoy this very special woman and this latest continuation of the AND BABY MAKES THREE series.

Unexpected Mommy

Sherryl Woods (


Whether she’s living in California, Florida or Virginia, Sherryl Woods always makes her home by the sea. A walk on the beach, the sound of the waves, the smell of the salt air all provide inspiration for this writer of more than sixty romance and mystery novels. Sherryl hopes you’re enjoying these latest entries in the AND BABY MAKES THREE series for Silhouette Special Edition.


Cover (#u29709f3f-b044-5e2e-9c8d-e36acfd9bc42)

Back Cover Text (#ulink_110a9345-560b-5025-a9f9-84e781d22fb9)

Introduction (#ucc746705-a214-5b82-84f2-8c1b9f1e095a)

Dear Reader (#u2f0d50c9-92e5-5f94-a6a3-dbdc04f8097b)

Title Page (#u920e8776-54ff-5090-aec2-18f05f392576)

About the Author (#u70678deb-78dc-50c9-85f8-9d6981d39a40)

Prologue (#ub8c857ca-73d9-5abf-8ad6-32edeacc48ab)

Chapter One (#u868b3a38-7e72-50fe-822a-b201ffef9e30)

Chapter Two (#u723c0c78-ce9a-587f-9113-5e11de3157d6)

Chapter Three (#ude5bb71e-c1fc-5dba-ada4-f0fdfc91a133)

Chapter Four (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)

Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

Prologue (#ulink_5f5b0d72-91cd-5eec-a440-78f57f1d07f2)

“It was the prettiest slice of land the good Lord put on this earth,” seventy-five-year-old Hank Adams whispered, his voice frail, his eyes glazed over with a faraway look. “Did I ever tell you about White Pines, son?”

Chance held back his impatience and forced a smile. “Only about a million times, Daddy.” Seeing his father’s disappointment, he quickly added, “But I never tire of hearing about it, you know that.”

“Is the heat on?” his father asked, shifting subjects as he often did these days. He shivered and pulled the two layers of blankets a little tighter under his chin. “You sure that danged furnace is working?”

The furnace was pumping out enough heat to sizzle meat as far as Chance was concerned. The blazing fire only added to the oppressive, stifling atmosphere in his father’s small Montana cabin. But ever since Hank Adams’s health had begun to fade a few months earlier, it seemed he couldn’t stay warm enough. The only thing that seemed to distract him for long was reminiscing about the home he’d left behind decades earlier back in West Texas. The bitterness seemed to Chance to be as fresh now as it must have been on the day his daddy had been chased off by his older brother, Chance’s uncle, Harlan Adams.

“The furnace is turned up to near eighty,” Chance said. “You’ll be warm in a minute, Pop. Tell Petey and me another story about when you were growing up.”

“Yeah, Granddad,” Petey said enthusiastically. “Start at the beginning. Tell us about how my great-great-granddaddy came all the way from the South after the Civil War and built this big old mansion just like the one he’d left behind.”

“You could probably tell that one yourself,” Chance said, grinning at his son and ruffling the boy’s shaggy sun-streaked hair that so closely resembled his own.

Most of the time lately Petey’s moods ranged from difficult to impossible. He’d never been able to sit still for much more than a minute, but recently, ever since his grandfather had come home from the hospital to die, Petey rarely left the old man’s side. It was as if he knew there was only a little bit of time left to absorb all the tall tales and family history.

What worried Chance was that he was also latching on to all his grandfather’s bitterness and resentment. The fight for a share of White Pines wasn’t Petey’s. If there was going to be a battle—and that was a mighty big if—it was Chance’s to wage.

He glanced at his father and saw that he was settling back, searching his memory for stories to keep Petey entertained or, more likely, to incense him.

“Now let’s see,” his father began. “That would have been in the spring of eighteen hundred and sixty-nine.”

Petey’s eyes widened as if he were hearing the date for the first time. “Wow! That’s like a hundred years ago, huh?”

“More than that, boy. The war was over and the family’s home had been wiped out by them damn Yankees. They plundered it first and then burned the whole place to the ground. That was that hellion Sherman who was responsible,” he said, adding a colorful curse or two to emphasize his poor opinion of the man.

Then he went on. “Your great-great-granddaddy was little more than a boy then, not even eighteen, as I recall. He’d been through more at that age than most men live through in a lifetime. He knew things would never be the same for any of them there, so he packed up his mama and his two sisters and headed west to start over.”

Hank’s voice seemed to fade. It was hard to tell if he’d forgotten the rest or was merely tiring.

“Where was his daddy?” Petey coached.

“Killed in the war.”

“Did they have any money?” Petey asked, prompting his grandfather to tell his favorite part of the story.

“Some that his mama hid away, along with some jewelry. They sold that so they’d have a little nest egg for startin’ over. They sold it all but a ruby-and-diamond pin.”

“The one you brought with you to Montana,” Petey proclaimed triumphantly. “Can I see it?”

“It’s locked away safe, boy. It’s your daddy’s to give to his wife, if he ever marries again,” he said with a pointed glance at Chance. Then his eyes turned misty again. “Lordy, that pin is something, though. I can remember my mama wearing it when she got all dressed up sometimes. Looked like a little basket of ruby red rosebuds and sparkly diamond baby’s breath. There was many a day when your grandma Lottie wanted me to sell it so we’d have a little something in the bank, but I wouldn’t do it. That pin was the only legacy I had from my ancestors. Now it’s your daddy’s and someday it’ll be yours.”

Chance let his mind wander as the familiar tale washed over him. He knew the story practically word for word. He’d been hearing it since he’d been younger than Petey. Just as his son was now, he’d been enthralled by the adventure of the move from the South all the way to West Texas, by the building of White Pines and the founding of the town of Los Piños. He had a feeling his father had embellished the story a bit over time, inventing a few tussles with Indians and thieves that hadn’t actually occurred. Even so, it was a heck of a story.

He could envision the grand house that had been built as an exact replica of the mansion that had been destroyed. He could see the spread of land abloom with bluebonnets and crossed by sparkling streams and shaded by pines and cottonwoods.

“Why’d you ever leave, Granddaddy?” Petey asked. “How come you came to Montana?”

Hank Adams sighed heavily at the question and his eyes darkened with anger. His agitation was as great now as it probably had been decades earlier when he’d been forced from the home he loved. Chance didn’t like seeing him get himself so stirred up over something that was long over with.

“Leave it be for now, Petey,” Chance said. “Your granddaddy’s tired.”

“Not tired,” the old man said, his chest heaving as he tried to draw in a ragged breath. “Still makes me madder than a wet hen when I think of it, that’s all.”

“Then don’t think of it,” Chance advised, regarding him worriedly. “Just rest.”

“Can’t rest until this is settled,” his father retorted. “Should have done it years ago.”

“Done what?” Petey asked, clearly sensing a new twist was coming, one they hadn’t heard before.

Chance knew it too. He’d expected something like this his whole life, dreaded it.

“I should have gone home,” his father said. “I should have claimed what was mine, instead of letting that low-down scoundrel of a brother of mine take it all.”

“You’ll go,” Chance soothed, knowing it was a lie. If Hank hadn’t mustered the gumption for the fight years ago when he’d had his strength, he’d never do it now. As he had with so many things, Hank would want someone else to handle it for him.

“Harrumph,” his father responded. “Not me. It’s too late for me.” He reached out and seized Chance’s hand. “You, though, it’s not too late for you to go. You and Petey. With your mama and your wife both gone and me breathing my last any day now, there’ll be nothing to hold you here.”

The mention of his late wife silenced Chance as nothing else could have. The wound of Mary’s death was still too raw and painful, even though it had been more than a year now since the flu had turned into pneumonia and a three-day blizzard had prevented them from getting the medical help she desperately needed. It had been his fault. He should have ridden out at the first sign she was sick, instead of listening to her reassurances she’d be fit as a fiddle again in no time.

Losing his sweet, gentle Mary had cost him his soul and hardened his heart. Had it not been for Petey, he might very well have lost his mind. Petey’s out-of-control behavior was fair warning that he had to go on living in the here and now. Hank’s illness had been the clincher.

What his father said was true enough, though. Chance had come to hate Montana and its bitter winters. He liked ranching, but there were other places he could settle down and start over. If Hank hadn’t been too ill and too ornery to move, Chance would have packed them all up and headed off to start over months ago. Once his father died, there really would be nothing left to keep him here. Still, as shiftless and irritating as Hank could be, Chance didn’t want to think about not having his father bossing him around and telling his tales.

“You’re going to live to be a hundred, you old coot,” he said, squeezing his father’s callused hand. “You’re too stubborn not to.”