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To Catch a Groom
To Catch a Groom
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To Catch a Groom

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To Catch a Groom
Rebecca Winters

Greer and her sisters have inherited some money - with a condition attached: they must use it to find husbands!They've never heard of anything so ridiculous - so they've spent it on a holiday to the Italian Riviera instead! The last thing Greer was expecting was to catch a groom - but then she met gorgeous Italian aristocrat Max di Varano….

“I saw you walking on the grounds earlier, Signorina.”

Max’s accented English delivered in a deep masculine voice vibrated to her insides. Its cadence sent a delicious tremor through her system even though the night was warm. “I hoped you would come to the pool. Swim with me.”

His ardent demand was whispered with a pulsating urgency that said his life wouldn’t be worth living if she didn’t consent.

“I’m not wearing a swimsuit.”

“Does it matter?” came the breathtaking question.

With great daring, Greer slipped off her gold sandals, left her gold watch and gold lamé clutch bag on a table near the deep end of the pool, then dove in headfirst—still fully clothed!

Dear Reader,

I came from a family of five sisters and one brother. The four oldest girls were my parents’ first family. There was a space before my baby sister and baby brother came along.

My mother called the first four her little women, and gave each of us a Madame Alexander doll from the Little Women series based on the famous book by Louisa May Alcott. We may not have been quadruplets, but we were close in age and definitely felt a connection to each other that often meant we tuned into each other’s thoughts as we sang, played, studied and traveled together.

In our early twenties I recall a time when I took the train from Paris, France, where I’d been studying, to meet one of my sisters at the port in Genoa, Italy, where her ship came in from New York. She was returning to school in Perugia, Italy. Some of my choicest memories are our glorious adventures as two blond American sisters on vacation along the French and Italian rivieras, dodging Mediterranean playboys.

When I conceived The Husband Fund trilogy for Harlequin Romance

, I have no doubt the idea of triplet sisters coming to Europe on a lark to intentionally meet some gorgeous Riviera playboys sprang to life from my own family experiences at home and abroad.

Meet Greer, Olivia and Piper, three characters drawn from my imagination who probably have traits from all four of my wonderful, intelligent, talented sisters in their makeup.


Rebecca Winters

Book 2: To Win His Heart, Harlequin Romance #3827

Book 3: To Marry for Duty, Harlequin Romance #3835

To Catch a Groom

Rebecca Winters














April 14, Kingston, New York

GREER DUCHESS could tell by tapping feet and shifting bodies that her sisters were getting antsy. “We’re almost through, guys. For November is it agreed we’ll go with Ginger Rogers Did Everything Fred Astaire Did, But She Did It Backward And In High Heels?”

“Like I said before, not everyone who buys our calendars knows who Ginger Rogers is,” Olivia spoke up.

“It doesn’t matter, does it? Piper’s drawing is so wonderful they’ll still get the point,” Greer murmured, making a unilateral decision on the spot. She adored the stylized cartoons of Luigio and Violetta, the two winsome Italian pigeons who were in love with each other.

Though Piper did the actual drawings, and Olivia headed sales, Greer was the instigator and power behind their business enterprise.

“Moving on, here are the choices we narrowed down for December. Behind Every Successful Man Is A Surprised Woman, and, A Man’s Got To Do What A Man’s Got To Do. A Woman’s Got To Do What He Can’t.”

Piper got up and stretched her softly rounded body. “I liked both those sayings the first time you thought them up.”

“I still like them,” Olivia asserted. “Your clever mind never ceases to impress me, Greer. You make the decision. We trust your judgment,” she said, rising to her feet on long, shapely legs. “Now we’ve really got to go or we’ll be late for the reading of Daddy’s will. We’re supposed to be there at ten.”

“Okay. Get the car started while I e-mail this to Don. It’ll take me two secs.”

Within a minute the sent message appeared on the computer screen. She felt relief that next year’s calendar entitled, For Women Only, would be printed and ready for distribution in May which was only a few weeks away.

Don Jardine, one of several guys she and her sisters had been dating, was the owner of the print shop. He did a terrific job for them.

Unfortunately he kept hinting that he wanted her to take him seriously because he’d fallen for her. But she wasn’t in love with him. Lately she’d found excuses not to go out with him anymore. If they could just remain business friends…

All things considered, Duchesse Designs—her brain child inspired by their only illustrious female ancestor and heroine—the Duchess of Parma, a woman in advance of her time—was doing much better than her initial conservative estimates indicated.

With orders from all over the country quadrupling since Christmas, she and her sisters were going to make a substantial profit. For the first time in five years they would be able to invest part of their earnings while they put the rest back into their company.

Naturally that was going to mean more money for Don and make him happy, too. Maybe happy enough to forgive her? She had yet to find that out. If he sent a reply e-mail that she’d better take her business to someone else, then she would have her answer.

After turning on the answering machine, she dashed out of the basement apartment to join her sisters.

All the rituals of laying their beloved father to rest had been observed except for this visit to Mr. Carlson’s office. It was a formality. Once it was behind them, they’d be able to channel their sorrow by expanding their growing business.

Twenty minutes later they arrived at the law firm in downtown Kingston, New York. The receptionist showed them into the conference room where a TV and DVD player had been set up.

Soon after they’d sat down, Mr. Carlson walked in with a legal file under one arm. He greeted them, shook hands, then took his place at the end of the rectangular conference table.

“Your father asked me to read you a letter he wrote in his own hand.” He opened the file and drew it out. Once his bifocals were in place, he cleared his throat.

“To my darling daughters Greer, Piper and Olivia, whom I’ve always referred to as my precious pigeons. You came along after I turned fifty and had despaired of ever giving your mother children—

“If Walter Carlson has assembled you for the reading of this will, then it means my troublesome old ticker finally gave out and you’ve already been informed that our humble home has to be sold to pay all the medical expenses.

“I wish I could have left it to you, but it wasn’t meant to be. At least you aren’t saddled with debts. Walt will pay the latest bills and is taking care of everything. He’s aware you need time to find another place to live. Therefore he will be the one to let you know how soon you must move out.

“My greatest sadness is that none of you has ever shown the slightest inclination to marry. It worried your mother before she died, and it upsets me even more. I remember her last words to you: find a good man to marry right away and settle down to raise a family. My last words echo hers.

“To that end I’m bequeathing $5,000 to each of you. It’s from the Husband Fund your mother and I created before she passed away. You can spend it any way you want so long as it’s used in the pursuit of a spouse to help you enjoy this life to the fullest.

“You will receive those checks today. For this day and age it’s not much, but it’s given with all my love. I know my girls will be fine because you’re intelligent, talented, resourceful and have created a solid Internet business since college. However as you will discover when you put this money to the proper use, there’s more to life than earning a living.

“To stimulate your thinking, I’m insisting you remain in Walt’s office to watch your mother’s favorite classic. Humor me and make your old dad happy. I want only the best for my beautiful girls. You and your mother always were my greatest joy.

“Signed, Your loving, concerned father, Matthew Duchess, February 2, Kingston, New York.”

When Mr. Carlson finished reading the letter and looked up, Greer turned her blond head to eye her fair-haired sisters seated around the table.

Because their dad’s health had been deteriorating long before they’d buried him six weeks ago, they’d already been through the most painful part of their mourning period. Certainly with all the bills owing to the extra health care costs for both their mom and dad, the idea of an inheritance had never crossed their minds.

To find out their parents had left them any money at all came as a total surprise. But the mention of a Husband Fund completely soured the gift for Greer.

Not only that…she balked at the idea of being forced to view the film their funny, dear mom must have seen too many times to count.

It was one of those Hollywood movies about three women who decide to get married and scheme to find a millionaire in the process. However their mother had never been able to get Greer to watch it because Greer found the concept utterly absurd.

If a woman wanted that kind of money, she didn’t need a man. All she had to do was become a millionaire herself!

But their mother had been born in a different era with a completely different mind-set about a woman’s choices in life.

Being a hopeless romantic, she’d named her nonidentical triplets for her favorite movie stars. In fact she’d raised her daughters on fairy tales.

Greer had never been a great proponent of them.

While Olivia and Piper swooned over the beautiful girl ending up with the handsome prince just because she was beautiful, Greer often upset her sisters by fabricating her own renditions.

She much preferred that the beautiful, innocent, helpless heroine use her brain to figure out a financial scheme to buy the castle and lands from Prince Charming who needed a lot more going for him than charm to attract her and win her hand in marriage.

Greer had shocked their mother when she’d told her it was probably a man who’d thought up all those fractured fairy tales.

It wasn’t that Greer had anything against men per se. In fact she loved to date and often tripled dated with her sisters. Don and his friends had been the latest bunch of guys they’d gone out with as a group. But she drew the line at a serious relationship.

There was plenty of time for marriage in the future. Her own parents hadn’t married until much later in life when they were finally ready to settle down and have a family. That was good enough for her.

Many times Greer, the oldest of the triplets who’d always espoused the “all for one, one for all” theory, had told her sisters that getting married would spoil the fun of building the business they’d started from scratch to see how far they could take it.

She glanced back at the attorney. “Do we have to stay and watch the film?”

“Only if you want your five thousand dollars. That was your father’s stipulation. If you choose not to sit through the viewing, I’m to give the money to the cancer foundation in your mother’s memory.” His brows lifted. “For what it’s worth, I’ve seen it several times and enjoy it more every time.”

Greer rolled her eyes in disbelief, ready to bolt, but her sisters made no move to leave. Deep down she knew why. As much as the three of them hated the idea of being a captive audience to such a ridiculous movie, they were faced with a moral dilemma.

Because of the restrictions about the money, it was no good to them and would never be spent. But they couldn’t walk out now. That would be like throwing everything back in their parents’ faces. The sobering realization that they’d had the best mother and father in the world kept them nailed to their chairs.

After crossing one long, elegant leg over the other, Greer waited while Mr. Carlson, who had to be in his seventies, moved the TV closer.

Once he started the DVD, she sat back in the leather chair prepared to suffer through another story no doubt written, produced and cast by men, for men.

Not only was the movie much worse than she’d thought, Mr. Carlson was glued to the screen, glassy eyed. Ten minutes into the film and Greer had to bite her lip to keep from bursting into laughter.

Flashing her sisters a covert glance, she sensed they were having the same problem. But out of respect for their father’s wishes, they managed to contain themselves.

When the show came to an end, a collective silence filled the room before Mr. Carlson realized it was time to shut off the DVD.

He turned to them. “Would thirty days give you girls enough time to vacate the house?”

“We’ve already moved to Mrs. Weyland’s basement apartment across the street from us,” Greer informed him.

The girls nodded. “We left our home spotless.”

“The keys are in this envelope along with a paper that lists our cell phone numbers and the address of our new apartment.” Greer pushed it toward him before she shot out of her chair, ready to go.

He rose more slowly and handed them their checks. “You’re as remarkable and self-sufficient as your father always told me you were. Yet I could hope for your sakes you’ll take your parents’ advice.” He stared pointedly at Greer. “Women weren’t meant to be on their own.”

The man’s sincerity couldn’t be doubted. But his comment happened to be one of the twelve comments appearing on the calendar she’d thought up last year featuring Men’s Most Notable Quotes About Women. The calendar had been an instant success.

Greer didn’t dare look at her sisters or she would have cracked up on the spot. Hilarity had been building inside her. She couldn’t stifle it any longer. They had to get out of there quick!

“Thank you for everything, Mr. Carlson.”

So saying, Greer made a beeline for the door, clutching the check in hand. Her sisters followed.

They hurried down the hall to the crowded elevator. By some miracle they reached their father’s old Pontiac parked around the corner before they exploded with laughter.

Since Olivia had a better sense of direction than the others, she always drove them when they were together.

“After the first close-up of Betty Grable, I thought we were going to have to call emergency for Mr. Carlson!”

“That generation’s hopeless.”