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The Billionaire's Baby Swap
The Billionaire's Baby Swap
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The Billionaire's Baby Swap

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The Billionaire's Baby Swap
Rebecca Winters

Two babies…one family?Single mom Valentina Montanari was abandoned while pregnant, yet she's besotted with her tiny son, Ric. But why does he look nothing like her?Gorgeous billionaire Giovanni Laurito bonded with his new baby, Vito, after a difficult divorce, so discovering Vito and Ric were swapped at birth is a huge shock!When Valentina and Giovanni meet to reclaim their children, sparks fly. They've already fallen for each other's babies… Could this unexpected beginning create the family of their dreams?

The Montanari Marriages

Wedding bells ring for the Montanari family…

Sister and brother Valentina and Rinieri Montanari have never had time for love—in the Montanari family, work comes before everything else.

Yet when romance blossoms unexpectedly, will they both find themselves saying “I do”?

A hospital mix-up brings single mum Valentina a whole new family in

The Billionaire’s Baby Swap

Allesandra has always been overlooked in favor of her more glamorous twin. Dare she hope billionaire Rinieri is different? Find out in

The Billionaire Who Saw Her Beauty

Let Rebecca Winters enchant you with this heartwarming and emotional duet!

The Billionaire’s

Baby Swap

Rebecca Winters (

REBECCA WINTERS lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. With canyons and high alpine meadows full of wildflowers, she never runs out of places to explore. They, plus her favorite holiday spots in Europe, often end up as backgrounds for her romance novels, because writing is her passion, along with her family and church. Rebecca loves to hear from readers. If you wish to email her, please visit her website at (

To my wonderful father, who brought over 15,000 babies into the world.

At his funeral, our family was besieged with grateful mothers who loved their OB.

I miss him terribly.


Cover (#u70085e8b-b690-5fcd-9bb5-5a73bf4be524)

Introduction (#u7822b983-5aee-5e3e-85de-559303be713e)

Title Page (#u8666f9e8-58db-5e9f-ac29-19efeebb0d73)

About the Author (#ucda8664b-3569-5eee-b94e-d4715fd8cdeb)

Dedication (#u30a11807-0c1e-5d29-847e-f2acd5108f71)

CHAPTER ONE (#u5364aec2-96ba-5c38-91b7-42fe2817a410)

CHAPTER TWO (#u7c7db6cf-c607-5666-9fcf-7381ff625a39)

CHAPTER THREE (#u02e494cd-3210-58d2-8761-24c407386857)

CHAPTER FOUR (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER FIVE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)

Extract (#litres_trial_promo)

Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER ONE (#ulink_976db79b-8e20-553a-bd06-15a2b21430d8)

AT FIVE TO three in the afternoon, Valentina Montanari finished her timed online engineering test and sent it into the testing site at the University of Naples Federico II. She could now forget her graduate studies for a semester and concentrate on the baby.

The strange backache that had come on during the test hadn’t stopped. She got up from the table on the terrace, where she’d been working with her laptop and walked inside the villa to the kitchen for a drink. Maybe because of the way she’d been sitting, she’d developed a cramp.

“What’s wrong, Valentina?”

She darted a glance at her brother’s ever-watchful housekeeper, Bianca. “Oh, just a backache.”

“When did it start?”

“While I was taking my test. Don’t worry about it.” She poured herself a glass of freshly made lemonade. Bianca was a fifty-year-old treasure who cooked and cleaned for Valentina’s older brother, Rinieri, who was still a bachelor. She watched her like a hawk.

“A backache this close to the due date could mean your baby is ready to come.”

“I’m due July 6. That’s four days from now. At my checkup last week, Dr. Pedrotti said the baby hadn’t dropped yet and I might even go past my due date.”

“All my babies started with a backache that never went away.” The widowed mother of three no doubt knew what she was talking about. Right now Valentina wished her own mother were alive and here to talk to.

“The doctor said some backache was to be expected.” She drank half a glass. “I’ll walk around for a few minutes to work it off.” But she’d only made it to the doorway of the kitchen when the pain reached around, gripping her like a pair of giant tongs.

“Caspita!” Valentina exclaimed. She braced herself against the door frame, surprised by the degree of pain.

Bianca nodded. “I knew it! I’m calling your doctor.”

“I hate bothering him yet, Bianca.”

The housekeeper ignored her and made the call. After a quick conversation, she hung up. “He says this could be the beginning of labor. First babies generally take a long time to be born, and your water hasn’t broken yet. But he suggests you leave for the hospital. He’ll check you out there. If it’s a false alarm, no harm is done and you can come home. Rinieri said he’d be in Milan today, so I’ll phone Carlo to drive you.”

Before she could stop her, Bianca had made the call to Valentina’s married brother, Carlo, who was two years younger than thirty-two-year-old Rini. After she got off the phone, she said, “Luckily he flew home early from Naples. He said he’d come for you right away.”

“You shouldn’t have called him. The pain is easing.”

“Yes. But it will come back again and again. You get your things together.”

“My bag is already packed,” she called over her shoulder on her way to her bedroom to freshen up. Rini had already seen to that.

His nature to be in charge and have everything under control was the reason he’d been catapulted to CEO of the renowned Montanari Corporation at such a young age. Seven months ago her oldest brother had been the one to take care of her when she’d discovered she was pregnant. He’d talked her into moving out of the family villa in Naples and brought her to his villa a few kilometers from the vertical town of Positano.

Valentina adored both her brothers, but it was Rini who’d provided her with the emotional support she’d needed when she’d found out the father of her baby didn’t want children or responsibility. Being abandoned by Matteo had damaged her confidence, and Rini had recognized that fact by being protective.

Once her relationship with Matteo was over, it was Rini who’d insisted she live with him instead of their father, who’d been grieving since the death of their mother in a car accident. He’d grown weak and needed a wheelchair more and more. He slept poorly. All he would need was a baby around the family villa in Naples.

Carlo had invited her to live with him, but she didn’t want to intrude when he had a wife and child. She was blessed to have such wonderful brothers, but throughout her pregnancy she would have given anything if her mother had still been alive. They’d been so close. Now she was gone, and a grieving Valentina was going to have a baby without her mother’s loving kindness and help.

A few minutes later she heard Carlo’s voice talking to Bianca. Grabbing her purse and overnight bag, she walked to the foyer of the villa. He broke into a big smile and took the bag from her. “You’re going to be a mamma in a little while. Let’s get you to the hospital.”

“I’m fine now.”

“That’s what Melita said before our little Angelica was born. Bianca was right to call me.”

“Please don’t tell Papà yet. He’ll just worry.”

“I agree.”

She thanked the housekeeper and followed Carlo out to the courtyard, where his Mercedes was parked. As he opened the front passenger door, another pain took over. This one actually stung.

“Take some deep breaths until it passes, Valentina.”

Carlo had been through this before with his wife. He had a calming effect on her. In a minute the pain subsided enough for her to get in the front seat. After some effort, he helped fasten the seat belt below her swollen belly. He patted her tummy. “Angelica’s going to have a little cousin before long.”

“I can’t believe it’s really coming.”

“Don’t be scared.”

“I’m in too much pain to be scared.”

He shut the door and walked around to the driver’s side. Once behind the wheel, he started the car and they left the villa that was perched like an eagle’s nest above the dizzying landscape of the Amalfi Coast.

The evening summer traffic impeded their progress to the main road leading to the Positano hospital. Valentina could see Bianca’s wisdom in calling Carlo to come and get her. It would have taken Rini too long to get there.

Another pain, harder than the others, had taken over. She had a feeling this was really it. Her brother knew what was happening and let out a few epithets because someone was blocking the road.

“I should have brought you in the helicopter.”

Normally unflappable, Carlo was showing a surprising amount of angst. If she weren’t in so much pain, she’d smile because he seemed to be the one who was scared.

He honked the horn, but it did no good. At least a dozen cars were backed up with more cars lined up behind them. It took forever to reach the turnoff. The loud, blaring sound of a siren was getting closer. Another pain had started worse than the others. Valentina had always heard a woman comes close to death giving birth. If it was from the pain, she believed it.

“Carlo—my water just broke!”

“Hang in there. I’ll have you at the hospital in a few minutes.”

Suddenly there was a collision and the sound of twisting metal.

* * *

“Signor Laurito?”

What did his private secretary want now?

“Si? I’m just walking out the door to fly home to Ravello. Can’t it wait until tomorrow?”

“This is an emergency. Signora Corleto is on line two.”

His pulse raced. He knew his pregnant ex-wife could go into labor anytime now. He turned on the speaker to talk to his former mother-in-law. “Violeta? What’s going on with Tatania?”

“Oh, Giovanni, the most terrible thing has happened! She started bleeding and we sent for an ambulance. On the way to the Positano hospital it was involved in an accident with two other cars. My precious figlia—” She was crying so hard he could hardly make out her words.

“How bad is she?” The baby? His heart plunged to his feet. Had she lost it?

“The collision caused her to deliver the baby in the ambulance. Both are at the hospital on the third floor east wing. I don’t care what she says. She needs you.”

Giovanni needed answers, but she was too distraught to give him details. “I’ll be right there.”

He alerted his helicopter pilot, then raced out of the office and took the steps two at a time to reach the roof of the Laurito Corporation in downtown Naples. The flight to Positano took twenty minutes. After the short trip, his pilot set them down on one of the two helipads.

Giovanni waved him off and hurried inside the hospital. He reached the east wing and approached a doctor putting information into a computer at the nursing station. “Scusi—who can tell me the status of Signora Corleto and her baby?” When they’d divorced, she’d taken back her maiden name of Corleto.

The doctor looked up. “You are...?”

“Her ex-husband, Giovanni Laurito.”


“Signora Violeta Corleto, her mother, phoned and told me she’d been in an accident.”

“That’s correct. She’s in with her daughter now. By some miracle she wasn’t injured, but she had the baby in the ambulance before they could get her here. I’m glad you’ve come. I understand your ex-wife doesn’t want to see the baby or keep him.”

“That’s right. It’s been settled in court.”

“Then that means you are the sole parent to your son.”
