The final psychological thriller featuring Javier Falcon, the tortured detective from ‘The Hidden Assassins’ and ‘The Blind Man of Seville.’A sweltering Seville is recovering from...
Stunning European-based thriller from an acclaimed young British author: ‘A class act’ – Sunday Times; ‘First in a field of one’ – Literary ReviewLisbon 1944. In the torrid summer...
NOW A MAJOR TV DRAMA ON SKY ATLANTIC. The first crime novel in Robert Wilson’s Seville series, featuring the tortured detective Javier Falcon.The man is bound, gagged and dead in f...
An evocative and atmospheric thriller set along the part of the African coast they used to call the White Man’s Grave, The Big Killing is the second novel to feature Bruce MedwayBr...
The gripping new psychological thriller featuring Javier Falcon, the tortured detective from ‘The Silent and the Damned’ and ‘The Blind Man of Seville.’As Inspector Jefe Javier Fal...
NOW A MAJOR TV DRAMA ON SKY ATLANTIC. The powerful second psychological thriller featuring Javier Falcon, the complex detective from ‘The Blind Man of Seville’.At seven years old,...
‘First in a field of one’ (Literary Review) Robert Wilson’s first novel, a tense and powerful thriller set in the sultry heat of West AfricaBenin, West Africa. Englishman Bruce Med...
The third powerful and evocative novel in Robert Wilson’s acclaimed West African-set Bruce Medway series.Bruce Medway, fixer and debt collector for anyone in a deeper hole than him...
This stunning, atmospheric thriller set in war-torn Europe won the CWA Gold Dagger and has now been reissued with the Javier Falcon series.A Portuguese bank is founded on the back...
A stylish, tough and exciting thriller set in West Africa, the fourth in Robert Wilson’s critically acclaimed Bruce Medway series.Bruce Medway, fixer for the great unfixed, does no...
22 декабря 1937 года
появился на свет Эдуард Николаевич Успенский, замечательный русский писатель, автор популярных сказок "Крокодил Гена и его друзья" (1966г.), "Чебурашка и его друзья" (1970г.), "Дядя Федор, пес и кот" (1974г.).