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The Cowboy's Secret Son
The Cowboy's Secret Son
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The Cowboy's Secret Son

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The Cowboy's Secret Son
Gayle Wilson

Isabella Trueblood made history reuniting people torn apart by war and an epidemic. Now, generations later, Lily and Dylan Garrett carry on her work with their agency, Finders Keepers. Circumstances may have changed, but the goal remains the same.LostHis first love. Mark Peterson had never gotten over Jillian Salvini's desertion ten years ago. She and her family had left in the middle of the night. Mark's heart hadn't recovered. Now that she was back, was a second chance possible?FoundHer son's father. When Jillian and her son, Drew, reclaimed her family's Panhandle homestead, she'd never expected there would still be a Peterson in residence next door. Of course, she'd never expected her ranch to be sabotaged. Or to find out what had terrified and made enemies of her father and Mark's so long ago.Finders Keepers: bringing families together

Isabella Trueblood made history reuniting people torn apart by war and an epidemic. Now, generations later, Lily and Dylan Garrett carry on her work with their agency, Finders Keepers. Circumstances may have changed, but the goal remains the same.


His first love. Mark Peterson had never gotten over Jillian Salvini’s desertion ten years ago. She and her family had left in the middle of the night. Mark’s heart hadn’t recovered. Now that she was back, was a second chance possible?


Her son’s father. When Jillian and her son, Drew, reclaimed her family’s Panhandle homestead, she’d never expected there would still be a Peterson in residence next door. Of course, she’d never expected her ranch to be sabotaged. Or to find out what had terrified and made enemies of her father and Mark’s so long ago.

Finders Keepers: bringing families together

“I didn’t know what I was getting into,” Jillian said.

The dark despair of those days coloring her voice even now. The night they had made love, she had never intended to let things go so far.

“You sure as hell acted like you did.”

“Acted. I think that’s the operative word.”

“Are you telling me you were acting that night?”

She couldn’t truthfully tell him that. She hadn’t been. She had simply been swept away by what had been happening between them.

“No,” she said, willing to leave it at that.

“Then what the hell are you saying?”

“That…I wasn’t ready for what happened, I guess. I wasn’t prepared.”

“And you regret it,” he said. Statement and not question.

But of course he was unaware of all the tangled issues in regretting what had happened between them that night. She could never regret having Drew. He was her life. She opened her mouth, knowing it was past time to tell Mark the truth. Long past time.

Dear Reader,

I hope very much that you’ll enjoy The Cowboy’s Secret Son. This is a story close to my heart for many reasons, primarily because it concerns the reuniting of a family, a favorite theme in many of my books, both historical and contemporary.

Also, just like the hero of this novel, my husband is a former army helicopter pilot. He has over 5000 flight hours, many acquired during two tours of duty in Vietnam flying a gunship. While there, he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, as well as an impressive variety of other medals. He is truly my hero, not only for his courage and dedication to country, but for his many acts of love, support and sacrifice for our family through the years of our marriage.

And finally, I loved writing this book because I love Texas. Although we never lived in the Panhandle, my family and I were fortunate to live along the Texas/Mexican border for several years. We fell in love with the beauty and grandeur of the desert Southwest and with the warmth of its people. It was very exciting for me to revisit another part of the state with which I feel such a connection. I hope you’re enjoying all the rich Texas diversity the Trueblood series showcases.

Best wishes for good reading!


The Cowboy’s Secret Son

Gayle Wilson (

Gayle Wilson is acknowledged as the author of this work.

To Marsha Zinberg for her endless patience and kindness.

And to Texas, my “other” home.


THE YEAR WAS 1918, and the Great War in Europe still raged, but Esau Porter was heading home to Texas.

The young sergeant arrived at his parents’ ranch northwest of San Antonio on a Sunday night, only the celebration didn’t go off as planned. Most of the townsfolk of Carmelita had come out to welcome Esau home, but when they saw the sorry condition of the boy, they gave their respects quickly and left.

The fever got so bad so fast that Mrs. Porter hardly knew what to do. By Monday night, before the doctor from San Antonio made it into town, Esau was dead.

The Porter family grieved. How could their son have survived the German peril, only to burn up and die in his own bed? It wasn’t much of a surprise when Mrs. Porter took to her bed on Wednesday. But it was a hell of a shock when half the residents of Carmelita came down with the horrible illness. House after house was hit by death, and all the townspeople could do was pray for salvation.

None came. By the end of the year, over one hundred souls had perished. The influenza virus took those in the prime of life, leaving behind an unprecedented number of orphans. And the virus knew no boundaries. By the time the threat had passed, more than thirty-seven million people had succumbed worldwide.

But in one house, there was still hope.

Isabella Trueblood had come to Carmelita in the late 1800s with her father, blacksmith Saul Trueblood, and her mother, Teresa Collier Trueblood. The family had traveled from Indiana, leaving their Quaker roots behind.

Young Isabella grew up to be an intelligent woman who had a gift for healing and storytelling. Her dreams centered on the boy next door, Foster Carter, the son of Chester and Grace.

Just before the bad times came in 1918, Foster asked Isabella to be his wife, and the future of the Carter spread was secured. It was a happy union, and the future looked bright for the young couple.

Two years later, not one of their relatives was alive. How the young couple had survived was a miracle. And during the epidemic, Isabella and Foster had taken in more than twenty-two orphaned children from all over the county. They fed them, clothed them, taught them as if they were blood kin.

Then Isabella became pregnant, but there were complications. Love for her handsome son, Josiah, born in 1920, wasn’t enough to stop her from grow-ing weaker by the day. Knowing she couldn’t leave her husband to tend to all the children if she died, she set out to find families for each one of her orphaned charges.

And so the Trueblood Foundation was born. Named in memory of Isabella’s parents, it would become famous all over Texas. Some of the orphaned children went to strangers, but many were reunited with their families. After reading notices in newspapers and church bulletins, aunts, uncles, cousins and grand-parents rushed to Carmelita to find the young ones they’d given up for dead.

Toward the end of Isabella’s life, she’d brought together more than thirty families, and not just her orphans. Many others, old and young, made their way to her doorstep, and Isabella turned no one away.

At her death, the town’s name was changed to Trueblood, in her honor. For years to come, her simple grave was adorned with flowers on the anniversary of her death, grateful tokens of appreciation from the families she had brought together.

Isabella’s son, Josiah, grew into a fine rancher and married Rebecca Montgomery in 1938. They had a daughter, Elizabeth Trueblood Carter, in 1940. Elizabeth married her neighbor William Garrett in 1965, and gave birth to twins Lily and Dylan in 1971, and daughter Ashley a few years later. Home was the Double G ranch, about ten miles from Trueblood proper, and the Garrett children grew up listening to stories of their famous great-grandmother, Isabella. Because they were Truebloods, they knew that they, too, had a sacred duty to carry on the tradition passed down to them: finding lost souls and reuniting loved ones.


PROLOGUE (#ua547b631-70d4-5b83-b422-4dc88b1ce413)

CHAPTER ONE (#uc75c0b52-f152-54c6-8df4-e0d232202dc3)

CHAPTER TWO (#u55c5850c-a3af-59fe-8dc2-6da46a365223)

CHAPTER THREE (#u9883346b-4bdd-51c3-b5b4-7d6104651327)

CHAPTER FOUR (#u9d357505-90b0-5a37-9101-331d32433c14)

CHAPTER FIVE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER ELEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TWELVE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER THIRTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER FOURTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER FIFTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER SIXTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

EPILOGUE (#litres_trial_promo)


“I’LL BE DAMNED,” Dylan Garrett said under his breath.

Lily Garrett Bishop looked up from the work spread across her own desk, loving amusement lifting her lips as she watched her twin brother. His eyes were on one of two letters that had been hand-delivered to the offices of Finders Keepers.

“Something interesting?” she asked after a moment.

She stacked the report she had just finished and inserted it into its folder, which would eventually be filed with the others in the agency’s growing list of successfully completed cases. At her question, Dylan’s blue eyes lifted from the paper he held.

“A voice from the past,” he said.

“Are you deliberately trying to be mysterious, or is this ‘voice from the past’ strictly personal?”

“Personal? In a way, I guess it is. Part of it, anyway.”

“And the part that isn’t?” Lily asked patiently.

“Involves an assignment for the agency.”

The agency was the investigative venture the Garrett twins had recently formed, using skills developed in their previous occupations in law enforcement. The goal of Finders Keepers was to find people, especially those who had, for one reason or another, been torn apart from their families.

“Something you’re obviously interested in accepting.”

Lily believed she knew every nuance of her brother’s voice. This one contained a tinge of nostalgia. Perhaps even regret.

“Someone,” he corrected softly.

Lily’s smile widened. She knew him too well to be able to resist the opportunity that offered for teasing. “Oh, let me guess. Someone young and beautiful. And female, of course.”

“Young at heart, in any case. Or…at least she was.”

The past tense and the subtle shift in tone warned her, and Lily’s smile faded. “Someone I know?” she asked gently.

“Someone Sebastian and I met years ago.”

Dylan’s eyes fell again to the letter, and his sister waited through the silence, anticipating that eventually he would go on with the story he had begun. By now she understood it was one that had engaged her brother’s emotions as well as his intellect.

“Young at heart doesn’t sound much like one of your usual romantic encounters,” she ventured finally. “Or Sebastian’s.”

When Dylan laughed, Lily felt a surge of relief. Whatever this was, apparently it didn’t involve the disappearance of Julie Cooper, which had occupied her brother’s time and energy since his friend Sebastian had come pleading for help to find his missing wife.

Actually, Lily hadn’t heard this much interest in Dylan’s voice in weeks. Not for anything other than Julie’s disappearance. Whatever was in that letter, she could only be grateful for the distraction it was providing her brother.

“We had car trouble,” Dylan said, that subtle hint of nostalgia back. “Down in Pinto.”

“Pinto?” Lily repeated disbelievingly.

“Pinto, Texas, home of Violet Mitchum and not much else.”

“Violet Mitchum is your mystery woman?”

“There was no mystery about Violet. Except this, I guess.”


“It seems I’ve been named as one of her heirs.”

“Should I congratulate you on your inheritance?” Lily teased, assuming that whatever her brother had inherited from a chance acquaintance in Pinto, Texas, wouldn’t be substantial.

Dylan inclined his head slightly, as if in polite acceptance of those congratulations. With the movement, the strong Texas sun shining through the wide second-story windows behind him shot gold through the light-brown strands of his hair.

“You may congratulate me along with the seven other recipients of Violet’s largesse,” he said.

“Too bad you have to share your inheritance with so many,” Lily mocked. “And is Sebastian another of Miss Mitchum’s heirs?”

“Mrs. Mitchum. And no, he’s not. Violet didn’t take to Sebastian,” Dylan said, the amusement suddenly missing from his narrative. “She said he had…an impure heart.”