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Dateline Matrimony
Dateline Matrimony
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Dateline Matrimony

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Knowing when he’d pushed hard enough, Bud crossed his hands over his beer-swollen belly and leaned back against the couch. His feet, like Riley’s, were crossed on the scarred coffee table in front of them. They sat in the living room of Bud’s double-wide mobile home, salvaged from his second divorce five years ago, after dining on a Sunday lunch of chili dogs and Tater Tots.

Riley and Bud tried to get together like this often, since they were the only members of their family still living in Edstown. Sixty-five-year-old Bud had never had children, so he’d always taken a rather fatherly interest in his only brother’s only son, especially after Riley’s parents had retired to Florida almost ten years ago while Riley was a senior in college.

Watching the brightly painted advertising-covered stock cars whizzing past the cameras, Riley changed the subject by asking, “How’s R.L. these days? I haven’t seen him much since he retired from the insurance business.”

“We’re going fishing Wednesday morning. Meeting here at a quarter till six. You want to go with us?”

“No, thanks. I’ll pass. I’m planning on sleeping in that morning.”

“Wuss,” Bud muttered with a chuckle.

“Hey, it’s chilly out on a lake at dawn in the middle of September. There are some parts of my body I don’t want to risk freezing off, okay? I’m not quite finished with them yet.”

Bud laughed, then shook his head. “I keep telling you, you don’t get cold if you dress right. And come mid-morning, it still gets downright hot this time of year.”

“No, really, Bud. Thanks, but it’s just not my thing. You and R.L. go and have a good time, okay?”

“I’m sure we will. ’Course, we’ll miss Truman.”

Riley nodded somberly, never knowing quite what to say when his uncle brought up Truman’s name.

Truman Kellogg, who’d been practically inseparable from Bud O’Neal and R. L. Hightower for nearly fifty years, had died in a house fire almost eight months ago. The remaining two buddies had taken the death hard. Bud hadn’t really been the same since.

Had his pal’s death forced him to confront his own mortality? Or was it simply that he’d never imagined a time when the three of them wouldn’t all be together? The friendship had lasted through their school years, Bud’s and R.L.’s marriages and divorces, the death of Truman’s wife several years ago, good and bad economic turns—it was only natural, Riley supposed, that Bud and R.L. were having a hard time dealing with their loss.

“Good grief, will you look at that?” Bud shook his head in dismay as several cars in the race crashed into the wall and each other. “That wreck’ll put a bunch of ’em behind the wall, I bet.”

“Damn. Martin didn’t have a chance to avoid the mess,” Riley muttered, looking morosely at the formerly sleek race car that was now smashed on both ends from the chain-reaction collisions. The Arkansas-native driver Riley usually rooted for was unharmed, but there was no chance he’d finish the race. “He’s had a hell of a season, hasn’t he? One thing right after another.”

“I know the feeling,” Bud said morosely. And then, before Riley could comment, he asked, “You sure you don’t want me to talk to that pretty little waitress for you? I bet I could convince her you’re not as bad as you’ve probably come across to her.”

“Stay out of my love life.”

Bud snorted, making a visible effort to cheer up. “What love life? Looks to me like you could use all the help you can get. You want another drink?”

“No. And I’m serious, Bud. Don’t you say a word to Teresa.”

His uncle grinned as he headed for the kitchen, leaving Riley feeling decidedly wary.

Riley was on his way to the newspaper office after a routine interview with the mayor Monday afternoon when he spotted Teresa Scott stranded on the side of the road. She was standing beside an aging sedan, looking at a flat tire on the right rear, her pretty face darkened by a frown. He promptly pulled his classic two-seater to the side of the road behind her car.

“Looks like you’ve got a problem,” he said, climbing out of his car.

He could tell that she recognized him immediately. He would have described her expression as resigned. He could almost hear her thinking, “Of course he would be the one to show up now.”

“I can handle it,” she said instead. “It’s only a flat.”

He shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans while he studied the problem. The tire was deflated down to the rim. “Have you ever changed a flat before?”

“Once,” she replied, probably unaware of the touch of uncertainty in her voice.

“Pop the trunk,” he said, pulling off his thin leather jacket and tossing it into his car. He didn’t want to risk getting it dirty, and it was too warm a day for it, anyway. He just liked wearing it. “I hope you’ve got a jack and a spare.”

“I have both—but I’m quite capable of changing the flat myself.”

“I’m sure you are, but since I’m here, and since I’m hoping to impress you with my efficiency—not to mention my gallantry—I’d be happy to volunteer my services.”

“But I—”

“No strings,” he added. “You don’t even have to thank me, if you don’t want to. Open the trunk, will you?”

She sighed and shoved her key into the trunk lock. “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful for your help. I’m just accustomed to taking care of my own problems.”

“No, really?” He bent into the neat-as-a-pin trunk, thinking she must vacuum it twice a week. He could have a picnic in there, it was so clean.

“Yes. It’s…easier that way.”

“I agree. Hmm. Full-size spare. You don’t see those very often any more. Note the way my muscles flex as I lift it effortlessly from the trunk.”

From the corner of his eye, he watched her struggle against a smile. “Very impressive,” she said dryly.

“Do anything for you?”

“Yes. It makes me glad you’re the one lifting it and not me.”

“Not exactly the reaction I was hoping for,” he replied in a pseudo-grumble, kneeling beside the flat. She stood out of his way as he went to work.

“There’s your problem.” He pointed to a large metal screw gleaming from within the tread. “Looks like you ran over it recently and the air’s been escaping ever since.”

“A screw? That’s what caused the flat?”

He lifted an eyebrow. “You were expecting me to say that someone slashed your tires?”

“Of course not,” she said, looking more annoyed than amused by his teasing.

He often seemed to have that effect on her.

After a few moments Teresa conceded almost reluctantly, “You do that very well. You’ll have it finished a lot more quickly than I would have.”

He spun the lug wrench, unable to resist adding a bit of flair to the movement. “When I was a kid, I wanted to be on the pit crew of a NASCAR team.”

“What changed your mind?”

“I found out it was hard work. Involved sweat and dirt and stuff like that. Not for me. I’m content now to just watch the races on TV.”

She looked at him as if she weren’t quite sure whether he was joking. “So you gave up your boyhood dream because of laziness?”

“Exactly,” he answered readily. “Writing’s a lot easier. I hardly ever break a sweat doing that.”

“I would think that being a reporter for the local newspaper is a fairly demanding career.”

Without pausing at his task, he gave a bark of laughter. “Working for the Evening Star? Have you actually seen the local newspaper?”

“Well, no. I just moved here a couple of weeks ago and I…”

“Take my word for it. Real news happens maybe once a month during an exciting year in this town, and there are two of us on staff to cover it. Basically it’s a part-time job for me—which leaves me free to pursue other interests.”

“Yes, I heard you’re writing a novel.”

Riley looked over his shoulder. Had she been asking about him? He rather liked that idea. “Did you?”

“Marjorie told me,” she said with a shrug that instantly deflated his swelling ego. “She tells me about nearly everyone who comes into the diner. She didn’t seem to think you’d mind.”

“Harmless gossip is one of Marjorie’s favorite pastimes. I wouldn’t dream of depriving her of it.” He tightened the last lug nut, then lowered and removed the jack. “Ready to roll.”

“I really do appreciate this, Mr. O’Neal. Thank you.”

“Riley,” he corrected her. “And you’re welcome.”

He loaded the jack and flat in her trunk and closed it with a snap. And then, because he could tell she was expecting him to make another attempt to flirt with her, he moved toward his own car. “Drive carefully, Teresa. See you around.”

She was still blinking in surprise when he closed his door and started his engine. He found himself grinning as he drove away after lingering only long enough to make sure she was safely in her own vehicle.

He had never liked being overly predictable. But he would be flirting with her again eventually. It was too much fun to resist.

Chapter Two

Riley had never dealt well with rejection. It was a facet of his personality that he freely acknowledged and accepted as unalterable. He would even go so far as to admit that he was rather spoiled to having his own way.

An indulged only child of older parents and the only grandson on either side of his family, he’d never had to compete for attention or affection. Grades and friends had come easily to him in school, and he had enough trust money from his late grandparents to allow him to live comfortably, if not lavishly.

His job with the Edstown Evening Star was hardly lucrative, but he enjoyed it for the most part. It forced him to interact with other people on a regular basis, counteracting his natural inclination to hole up alone with his books, his music and his imagination. And yet the undemanding structure of the job gave him plenty of freedom to do just that when he wanted. He’d been known to disappear into the duplex apartment he owned for days at a time without making an appearance unless he was truly needed at the newspaper.

It was probably his aversion to rejection that had kept him from submitting one of his fantasy novels to a publisher. While characteristically confident about his talent, he was realistic enough to accept that most aspiring writers had to deal with at least a few rejections along the road to publication. He wasn’t sure how he would react to anyone turning down his submission. Until he was ready to find out, he told himself he was content writing for his own pleasure.

He’d rarely encountered rejection from women, either. Maybe it was because he didn’t issue invitations without being fairly confident they would be accepted, but his success rate in that area—as in the other parts of his life—was quite high. He had definitely become spoiled.

Teresa Scott was threatening to ruin his impressive record.

Emboldened by their amiable encounter on the side of the road, he’d asked her out three times during the past two weeks. Though she’d been friendlier to him since he’d changed her tire for her, she’d turned him down every time. Politely, even amusingly, but very firmly. She’d made it clear enough that there was no reason for him to keep asking, but that hadn’t stopped him.

So far, he’d asked her to dinner, to a movie and to a high school football game that he had to cover for the paper. Rather than becoming annoyed or discouraged by her consistent rebuffs, he was beginning to see them as a form of entertainment. He figured he might as well keep asking—just to watch her reactions. And who knew, she might change her mind if he was persistent enough.

She filled his coffee cup on the Friday morning almost three weeks after their first meeting. “What would you like today?” she asked.

“A date with you,” he replied promptly. “How about tonight?”

“I’m painting my fingernails tonight. What do you want for breakfast?”

Chuckling at her rejection, he replied, “I’m in the mood for oatmeal today. With fruit, toast and coffee. How’s your schedule for tomorrow night? Are you free then?”

“No, that’s when I paint my toenails to match my fingernails. I’ll go turn in your order now.”

She’d shot him down again, but he was pretty sure he’d seen a fleeting glimmer of amusement in her blue eyes. Maybe he hadn’t won her over yet—but she found him somewhat entertaining. It was a start.

Okay, so he was reaching, he admitted with a wry smile as he lifted his coffee cup. But still, there was always a chance….

“Hey, Riley.”

Glancing up, Riley smiled. “Hey, Chief. What’s up?”

Chief of Police Dan Meadows slid into a chair on the other side of Riley’s table without waiting for an invitation—but then, he knew he didn’t need one. “Lindsey’s covering some sort of early meeting this morning, so I’m on my own for breakfast.”

Riley shuddered dramatically. “It’s the annual PTA breakfast at the middle school. Some bigwig from the state department of education is there to make a speech, and a bunch of sixth graders are putting on a musical production. Lindsey offered me the assignment, but I let her take it—I knew she’d hate to miss a program like that.”

Dan chuckled. “Very noble of you.”

“I thought so. I’m sure glad you married Lindsey and convinced her to stay in Edstown instead of taking a job with one of the big newspapers. If she’d left, I’d be the one listening to a bunch of moppets warbling off-key at this hour in the morning.”

“Happy to oblige.”

Riley found his friend’s drawled response amusing—as if Dan had only wed Lindsey a few weeks ago to keep her from leaving the Evening Star. Lindsey had been in love with Dan for years—but Dan had been a bit slower to acknowledge his feelings. He’d made up for that by losing no time marrying her. Dan wasn’t one to put his emotions on display, but Riley had noticed a new glow of contentment in his friend’s eyes since the wedding.

Teresa returned to set Riley’s breakfast in front of him. She glanced at Dan, who was studying her curiously. “Good morning. Would you like a menu?”

“No, that’s not necessary. I’ll have scrambled eggs, ham and grits.”

“Toast or biscuits?”


Riley looked from one to the other. “Have you two been introduced? No? Teresa Scott, this is Dan Meadows.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Scott.”

“You, too, Mr. Meadows.”

“Chief Meadows,” Riley corrected her. “Dan’s chief of police here in Edstown.”

Teresa looked momentarily surprised, but she recovered quickly. “Is that right?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Dan drawled. “You be sure and let me know if there’s anything I can do for you, you hear?”

While Riley grinned at his friend’s old-west-lawman imitation, Teresa nodded. “Well, actually, I have encountered one suspicious character since I moved here.”

“Who’s that, ma’am? Someone I should keep an eye on?”

“Looks like you already are,” she replied, glancing pointedly toward Riley. “I’ll be right back with your coffee, Chief.”