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The Rancher's Return
The Rancher's Return
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The Rancher's Return

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He laughed, the rich sound rolling over her like a velvet blanket. “Take it easy. I promise not to give you a mullet or a burr.”

As he walked up behind her, she stiffened. “Have you ever cut hair before?”

“A long time ago. Tim and I used to trim each other’s hair when we were kids.” When he lifted her heavy hair up from her back, a wisp of air hit the back of her neck, making her shiver again.

He went still. “Are you all right?”

“Yes,” she lied. “I’m fine. Just do it before I lose my nerve.”

Without saying anything else, he cut. And cut. The long, silken strands dropped to the kitchen floor. After the first stunned look, she closed her eyes, refusing to watch, shocked at the depth of her vanity. Even though she’d always considered her hair her best feature, vanity had no place in her life now.

The light touch of his hands on her scalp, the steady snip-snip of the scissors...if she tried hard enough, she could almost pretend she was in a pricey beauty salon. But then his muscular arm brushed her shoulder, and she caught a whiff of his masculine scent, and her attempt to disassociate herself from him failed.

“Okay,” he finally said. “You can look.”

Though she really didn’t want to see, she opened her eyes, accepting the hand mirror he gave her. “Bangs?” she squeaked. “You gave me bangs?” Not just any bangs, but a thick fringe cut straight across halfway up her forehead. As for the rest—she looked like he’d put a bowl over her head and started cutting.

Of course, the more she thought about it, the cut was perfect. No one would ever suspect she was the same woman they’d shown on the television.

“Thank you,” she said quietly. “It’s exactly right. I can’t wait to see what it looks like once it’s brown.”

He grinned, softening the hard ridges of his face. “Not just brown. The most boring, dullest brown I could find.”

She made a face. “I guess I should be glad you didn’t go with gray.”

“I almost did. But then I worried it would look too good on you.”

Though she squinted at him, trying to determine if he’d made a joke—he sounded serious. She worked up a smile and met his gaze. “Well. Anyway, thank you.”

The amused expression vanished and he gave her a hard look. “We need to get one thing straight. I’m going to avenge my brother’s death and make sure Alex Ramirez is punished. Understood?”

“Understood,” she said, matching her brusque tone to his. “We both want the same thing.”


* * *

Shortly after sunset, Reed’s cell phone rang. Caller ID showed Anniversary Sheriff’s Department. Of course. Since he wasn’t home, George had decided to try and reach him by cell.

“What now?” he asked, trying to sound bored and irritated all at once.

“I’m at your front door,” George told him. “I need you to come home so we can talk.”

“Sorry, I’m out of town. Any talking we do will have to be on the phone.”

Silence for a moment while the deputy considered Reed’s words. “How long are you going to be gone?”

Though Reed wanted to tell him it was none of his business, he held his tongue. “I’m not sure. Why? What’s up?”

“I’m looking for Kaitlyn Nuhn.” George finally drawled. “No doubt you’ve seen on the news that she’s been abducted. Since she used to live here in town, we’re going door to door to check and see if anyone has spotted her.”

“Kaitlyn Nuhn?” Reed didn’t have to feign his shock. “Tim’s old girlfriend? Why in the hell would you think I’d have anything to do with her?”

At the bitterness in Reed’s tone, George’s chuckled, a smug sound. Hearing that, Reed clenched his hand into a fist. He wanted to punch something. Someone.

The flash of violence startled him. Though George had managed to get under his skin over time, Reed had never wanted to actually hit the guy. Now... The knowledge that not only was the deputy on Alex Ramirez’s payroll but had known all along who’d killed Tim, made Reed want to smash his fist in the other man’s face.

There was nothing Reed hated more than a liar. Nothing.

Blood boiling, Reed swallowed back his rage. “I haven’t seen her,” he said. “Now, if you don’t need anything else—”

“Not so fast.” Making every syllable count, as if he thought Reed might not be able to follow, George gave an overly forced chuckle. “Since you’re not here, I’m going to have to break into your house. I’d like to take a look inside, if you don’t mind.”

“No. That’s taking this harassment to a whole new level, isn’t it, George?”

“The only reason I can come up with why you’d object would be that you have something to hide.” The taunt fell flat.

“Really?” Sarcasm dripped from Reed’s voice. “What about invasion of privacy? As well as the harassment I mentioned earlier. This is getting really old, George. You’re going to have to get a search warrant.”

At those words, the deputy sheriff dropped all pretense of pleasantry. “You know, since you’re out of town, you have no way of knowing what I do.” With that, George ended the call.

As Reed stood there, heart pounding from an excess of adrenaline, he wondered exactly how stupid the other man might be. He knew if George did break into his house, he’d make sure and destroy as much as possible. After all, what could Reed do? Call the police?

Furious, he paced from the living room to the kitchen, trying to get himself under control.

“So it begins.” Kaitlyn’s voice washed over him like a soothing salve over a festering wound. “Though I hate it, I’m glad you got me this disguise.”

“Yeah.” Looking at her, with her ridiculously awful hairdo and frumpy, oversize clothes, he felt some of the tightness leave him. “Though George has been hassling me ever since I got out. I imagine he’s thrilled to have a new reason.”

She nodded, her expression serious. “What else did he say?”

“They’re looking for you. You were right about Anniversary being the first place Alex would look.” Clenching his jaw, he glanced away. “George is a bumbling idiot and he doesn’t really suspect anything. Even if he did, no one in town knows about this place, so we ought to be safe for now.”

“Then maybe this disguise isn’t really necessary.”

She sounded so hopeful he almost smiled. “Better safe than sorry. And I’ll tell you honestly, from that news story he’s put out about you being abducted, the FBI is probably already working the case.”

Her eyes went wide. “Crap.”

This time, he nearly laughed out loud. “It’s okay. That’s why you look nothing like yourself.” He’d never tell her, but he’d been stunned to realize that, despite everything he’d done to make her appear ordinary, he still found her shockingly beautiful. “Except of course, you still have those blue eyes.”

“We need to get those colored contacts,” she said. “I don’t want to take a chance on them recognizing me.”

“I agree.” Even with the awful haircut and the dull hair color, her amazing cornflower-blue eyes still blazed from her heart-shaped face. That and her creamy skin, high cheekbones and a mouth made for kissing.

No. Time to cut those thoughts off immediately. Apparently, he couldn’t keep from finding her attractive, but he did have enough willpower to keep from acting on it.

Or so he hoped.

His cell phone rang again. Brock McCauley, his old high school buddy and one of the few people who’d not only visited him in prison, but had stood by him ever since he’d been out.

“Did you see the news?” Brock asked. “Tim’s old girlfriend has been abducted. I didn’t even know she’d taken up with Alex Ramirez, of all people.”

Before he could help himself, Reed snorted. “I saw that. I’m not surprised. Kaitlyn Nuhn was nothing but trouble.”

Next to him, Kaitlyn made a soft sound of protest, which Reed ignored.

“Maybe,” Brock conceded. “But she always was pleasant to me. Zoe liked her, too.

“And she never cheated on Tim,” Brock continued. “Even though he was always fooling around behind her back and bragging about it.”

Reed refused to acknowledge the slow flush of guilt. He’d had three long years to regret what he and Kaitlyn had done. Somehow he’d managed to forget the way Tim always managed to have a girlfriend on the side.

“Do you think she knew?” Eyeing the subject of their discussion, Reed was suddenly glad she couldn’t hear both sides of the conversation.

“About Tim? I doubt it.” Brock sounded contemplative.

“Hey, I really called to see if you wanted to come to dinner tomorrow night. Zoe’s making lasagna, and she knows how much you like it.”

“Like it? That’s the understatement of the year.” Grimacing, Reed declined. “But I can’t. I’m not in town. I’m out at the ranch right now.”

“Even better,” Brock laughed. “You know I’ve been wanting to show Zoe that place. How about we drive up there tomorrow after I close the feed store? We can bring the lasagna, too. We could spend the night.”

Reed winced. Not only was Brock one of the only people who knew about the ranch, they were good enough friends that he didn’t think twice about inviting himself over.

“Not right now,” Reed said. “I have company.”

“Company?” Brock’s voice sounded surprised, and Reed couldn’t blame him. Brock knew Reed didn’t socialize much. Brock also knew that Reed didn’t lie.

“Yeah.” Taking a deep breath, Reed braced himself for his friend’s reaction. “I have, er...a lady friend with me.”

“That’s great!” Brock plowed on. “We’d love to meet her. Unless it’s a first date?”

The question sort of hung there, waiting to be answered. Reed inwardly cursed as he sorted through a possible response that wouldn’t be an outright lie. “It’s too early for anyone to be meeting her. It’s not a date at all, actually. We’re just...hanging out.”

“Well, then, what’s the problem?” One thing about Brock, he’d never been good at taking a hint.

Crap. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why not?” Brock actually sounded puzzled. “Are you ashamed of her or something?”

“Hell, no.” Reed didn’t even have to think. “It’s not that. It’s...”

“So you’re ashamed of us, then?” From the slight lilt in his voice, Reed realized Brock just might be enjoying this.

“You know better. It’s just too early. Next time, maybe.”

“Okay.” Brock laughed. “It’s incredibly promising that you know there will be a next time. I can’t wait to meet her.” Brock ended the call before Reed could respond.

Slowly, Reed replaced the receiver, startled to realize his palms were sweating. Eyeing Kaitlyn, he shook his head. “That was Brock McCauley,” he said.

Her smile lit up her entire face. Trying to ignore the way that smile affected him, he scratched his head. “He just invited us to dinner tomorrow night. And when I told him I was at the ranch, he wanted to drive on out.”

Her grimace told him what she thought of that. “That’s what you meant when you said you didn’t think that was a good idea.”


She froze. “Are they coming here? Because even with this disguise, one or both of them is bound to recognize me. I’ve known them for years.”

“I agree. But no worries. I told him now wasn’t a good time. I think he’ll respect that.”

“You think?” Eyes huge, she appeared visibly shaken. “Just in case, maybe you should call him back and tell him you’re sick, or I’m sick. Both of us, with something contagious, like the flu.”

Slowly, he shook his head. “I don’t lie.”

Her eyes widened even more. “Ever?”

“Ever. Not if I can help it.”

He wondered if she knew how kissable she looked like that, with her face tilted up and her mouth pursed in mutiny. As his body reacted, he turned away. “Get some rest. I’ll talk to you in the morning.”

Reed didn’t think he’d sleep much, but the instant his head hit the pillow, he was out. Sunlight streaming through his window woke him. Stretching, he wondered why he felt uneasy, especially since he didn’t recall any of his dreams. And then he remembered.

Kaitlyn. Alex Ramirez, Tim’s death, and the way the past had managed to catch up with him. Ignoring his arousal, he pushed back the sheet, got to his feet and padded into his bathroom. From past experience he knew a shower, fresh clothes and a cup of steaming hot coffee would do wonders to help him think.

Chapter 4 (#ulink_ca884689-ae8e-5256-b6c1-90f531572411)

For a man used to living alone, it was a shock to get out of the shower and step into your kitchen to find one of the most beautiful women in the world sitting at your table, reading a book and drinking coffee. The baggy T-shirt hinted at the luxuriant curves underneath and the short, shaggy hairdo only enhanced her perfect features and lush lips. It didn’t help that Reed was still half-asleep despite the hot shower, or that he’d woken aroused. Desire slammed into him like a sucker punch to the gut.

He stopped, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, and wished there was a way to grab his cup of coffee without having to speak.

He made it halfway to the coffeemaker when she looked up from her book and smiled. That smile stopped him dead in his tracks.

“Good morning,” she said. “I hope you don’t mind, but I made coffee.”

Mouth dry, he struggled to speak. “Thanks. I thought you’d be sleeping in.”

“Nope. I never do. I’m a morning person,” she said. “In case you can’t tell.”

Clearing his throat, he settled on a brusque nod and went past her. Hopefully, the awkwardness would fade with time. With time? How long did he expect her to stay with him anyway?

“What’s on the agenda for today?” she asked, her voice far too cheerful for so early in the day. He had to wonder if her relentless happiness was a coping mechanism of sorts. After all, she’d just escaped her own prison. Maybe she was afraid if she let go and thought about it, she’d lose control and reveal exactly how much trauma she was dealing with.

Or perhaps he just overanalyzed everything.

He shrugged and took a long drink of his coffee, hoping the caffeine would send a jolt and help with his brain fog. “I’ve got to talk to my foreman and get an update. I also want to take a quick drive around the surrounding area and see if anything looks out of the ordinary. After I get back, I thought I might take a ride around the ranch.”

She nodded. “A ride as in horses? Or in your truck?”