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Книги автора Julie Whelan

Без серии
любовные романы, научная фантастика, космическая фантастика, любовно-фантастические романы
Incontinence is a very common and often devastating problem, but one that goes largely unacknowledged. In order to elucidate the underlying …
Incontinence is a very common and often devastating problem, but one that goes largely unacknowledged. In order to elucidate the underlying …
This international symposium focuses on the contributions that biomedical research is making to the provision of proper health care for the …
управление персоналом
Modern technology has made possible epidemiological studies that relate aspects of neonatal health to disease in adult life. This symposium …
Modern technology has made possible epidemiological studies that relate aspects of neonatal health to disease in adult life. This symposium …
Calcium and the Cell
книги по экономике
This collection of presentations from the Ciba Foundation Symposium of 1985 deals with the central role of calcium in intracellular processe…
This collection of presentations from the Ciba Foundation Symposium of 1985 deals with the central role of calcium in intracellular processe…
Presents state-of-the-art applications in hyaluronan research, from hyaluronan's physicochemical properties to its clinical role as a connec…
книги по экономике
An international group of leading investigators discuss recent progress of sensory structures in lower and higher vertebrates. Experts in tw…
An international group of leading investigators discuss recent progress of sensory structures in lower and higher vertebrates. Experts in tw…
учебная и научная литература, монографии, знания и навыки
Prominent contributors address issues regarding the toxicity of aluminum which causes an encephalopathy in renal dialysis patients and is al…
Prominent contributors address issues regarding the toxicity of aluminum which causes an encephalopathy in renal dialysis patients and is al…
Secondary Metabolites
учебники и пособия для вузов
A comprehensive review of current thinking on the biosynthesis, function and evolution of secondary metabolites in animals, plants and micro…
A comprehensive review of current thinking on the biosynthesis, function and evolution of secondary metabolites in animals, plants and micro…
An international group of researchers addresses basic mechanism involved in the metastatic spread of tumors and considers new methods of pre…
An international group of researchers addresses basic mechanism involved in the metastatic spread of tumors and considers new methods of pre…
This work focuses on the autoimmune processes that have now been proven to underlie a number of serious diseases, including diabetes mellitu…
практическая эзотерика, эзотерика / оккультизм, практические рекомендации, руководство, карты Таро, предсказание судьбы, тарология, гадание на картах
Cocaine poses interesting problems for neurophysiologists and neuropharmacologists and there is important new data on the effects of cocaine…
Cocaine poses interesting problems for neurophysiologists and neuropharmacologists and there is important new data on the effects of cocaine…
Presents a comprehensive review of current proteoglycan research, which is providing fresh insights into many major chronic diseases. The pr…
Presents a comprehensive review of current proteoglycan research, which is providing fresh insights into many major chronic diseases. The pr…
Details the application of positron emission tomography (PET) to the mapping of human cerebral cortical function. Coverage includes all aspe…
Details the application of positron emission tomography (PET) to the mapping of human cerebral cortical function. Coverage includes all aspe…
As part of a continuing effort to tackle issues of major social concern, this 280th conference of internationally recognized experts from th…
Presents new information on the mutual interaction of skeletal muscle fibers and motoneurons at all levels, from the physiological to the mo…
Presents new information on the mutual interaction of skeletal muscle fibers and motoneurons at all levels, from the physiological to the mo…
Documents the latest results and opinions on the causes and possible cures for this disorder. Coverage includes retroviral involvement, immu…