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Книги автора Dan Wells

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The only hope for humanity isn’t human. But she’s fighting to stop a war that could destroy them all…Books 1-3 in the Partials series.PARTIA…
мистика, современные детективы, смертельная опасность, мистические детективы, расследование убийств, сверхспособности
The only hope for humanity isn’t human. But she’s fighting to stop a war that could destroy them all…Kira is fighting to prevent a final war…
The only hope for humanity isn’t human. But she’s fighting to stop a war that could destroy them all…Kira is fighting to prevent a final war…
попаданцы, любовное фэнтези, спасение мира, параллельные миры, темный властелин, жизнь после смерти, становление героя, сверхспособности
The only hope for humanity isn’t human.In a world where people have been all but wiped out by a virus created by part-human cyborgs called ‘…
The only hope for humanity isn’t human.In a world where people have been all but wiped out by a virus created by part-human cyborgs called ‘…
Fighting to stop a war that could destroy everyone alive…Kira Walker nearly died searching for the RM cure, but the battle for survival is o…
коучинг, развитие психики, социальная философия
Fighting to stop a war that could destroy everyone alive…Kira Walker nearly died searching for the RM cure, but the battle for survival is o…
Fighting to stop a war that could destroy everyone alive…Kira Walker nearly died searching for the RM cure, but the battle for survival is o…
Partials series 1-3
The only hope for humanity isn’t human. But she’s fighting to stop a war that could destroy them all…Books 1-3 in the Partials series.PARTIA…
The only hope for humanity isn’t human. But she’s fighting to stop a war that could destroy them all…Books 1-3 in the Partials series.PARTIA…
The only hope for humanity isn’t human. But she’s fighting to stop a war that could destroy them all…Books 1-3 in the Partials series.PARTIA…
The only hope for humanity isn’t human. But she’s fighting to stop a war that could destroy them all…Books 1-3 in the Partials series.PARTIA…
The only hope for humanity isn’t human.In a world where people have been all but wiped out by a virus created by part-human cyborgs called ‘…
The only hope for humanity isn’t human.In a world where people have been all but wiped out by a virus created by part-human cyborgs called ‘…